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One month....Gay? Anyone?


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Thanks for the push Janey. YES DEFINITELY MONDAY. Got to do something situation is getting very silly. As soon as I read your email and conditioned myself for Monday I rushed to the Auberge for lunch. Feel like a squirrel stocking up for Winter, cheeks both ends are starting to look like I'm ready for hibernation. 

Sort of good to know we all feel the same. Hope its just post holiday depression.

Like Naps said its a vicious circle but we will have to focus on how good it feels when we do lose weight. I know the low carb diets are drastic but its the only diet I have been able to lose weight on. Time to get research hat on.


Lost in the Lot

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Good morning all you budding dieters!!

I hope you are all being  good!!

I have just weighed myself and am now down to 67.9, i was 74. so am very pleased with myself. Husband is in UK and he's a veggie so with him not being here am eating lots, of meat and fish and not drinking.

I have been doing it for a month now and have to say I feel very good. Thanks Dr Atkins!!!, so glad I won the books etc on Ebay! A good boost with progress charts too.

At this rate we will all be skinny by Xmas!!!

Bonne Chance


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Well done Vicky and Aileen

Monday it is then. Will spend the weekend reading Atklins just to get back in the mood. It does work as we all know

Will make the most of it by having spaghetti bolognaise tonight and curry and rice tomorrow,roast chicken and roasties on Sunday.

Monday morning..weigh in day for all !!!!

Think of something glamourous and slinky to wear for Christmas day


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Oh dear it is always easier when husbands aren't around. Mine is 5ft 10 and weighs 58 kilos and couldnt put weight on if he tried. It's so unfair and obviously he does not understand - keeps saying just eat proper meals.

Will eat 'properly' tonight roast chicken etc, steak and chips tomorrow, roast pork on sunday. Trouble is have to keep cooking like this for hubby. Apart from divorce has anybody got any suggestions. Dont think he would agree to do the cooking. I can't drive so he does the driving.


Lost in the Lot

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Oh dear it is always easier when husbands aren't around. Mine is 5ft 10 and weighs 58 kilos and couldnt put weight on if he tried. It's so unfair and obviously he does not understand - keeps saying just eat proper meals.

Will eat 'properly' tonight roast chicken etc, steak and chips tomorrow, roast pork on sunday. Trouble is have to keep cooking like this for hubby. Apart from divorce has anybody got any suggestions. Dont think he would agree to do the cooking. I can't drive so he does the driving.


Lost in the Lot

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Will he eat more courses than you Jan?

We manage like that.  He will have a starter, main course - no carbs though -cheese and then a dessert.

Child of unmarried parents....

We will have say prawns to begin then meat and veg and he continues with a ton of cheese and maybe four yogurts.  Don't forget that he is French though so doesn't know the delights of Yorkshire puddings, dumplings, big pile of mash or gravy.  I couldn't cope with cooking them for him and not being able to eat them myself.  I work out what I am going to eat for the week and then add on for him or, like next week when he is on lates, cook something completely different for him.

Courage mon brave!

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Aileen how did you guess what Ive been wearing for the last few years. Good job I am lost in the Lot

Thanks for the input Alexis afraid hubbys meals consist of one huge course of meat and two veg. The two veg being mash and roast pots. On the positive side he doesnt bother with dessert so no excuse to buy them. Last month when I lost kilos for the first time in years I substituted pots for lettuce. Definitely up for it on Monday will buy lots of lettuce this weekend and ignore comments about my nose twitching.

Just got to keep thinking of that little black number we will all be wearing on Christmas Day. Dare I suggest we all agree to post pictures.


Lost in the Lot

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Where can I buy black thermals ?

Do you all live in a warmer part of France than us ? Last Christmas after dinner we went visiting in fur boots and parkas. This year none of the family are coming over, so we will have a special dinner for 2 and hibernate with some bottles of something or other and the choccy`s.


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[quote]Oh dear it is always easier when husbands aren't around. Mine is 5ft 10 and weighs 58 kilos and couldnt put weight on if he tried. It's so unfair and obviously he does not understand - keeps saying ju...[/quote]

"Oh dear it is always easier when husbands aren't around. Mine is 5ft 10 and weighs 58 kilos and couldnt put weight on if he tried. It's so unfair and obviously he does not understand - keeps saying just eat proper meals"


My husband is the same eats and drinks what he likes, then just tells me to eat less or not at all!!! He's a vegertarien and never puts weight on, NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!


Have a good weekend dieting, ready for the Monday morn weigh in.



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Oh Jan!  I am so sorry but I had to laugh!  Poor you!  There is definately something wrong somewhere when you don't eat and put on weight.

I have just had my last mashed potato before the torture begins.  I had better remember to get the salmon de-frosting for tomorrow.

It is all a front.  I know I will feel better once I'm back with Dr Atkins.  Come Wednesday, it will be as if I hadn't jumped headfirst of the bandwagon into a bowl of calories.

Better lose something this time though!

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Can really sympathise Jan. Thought I had something like an ovarian cyst until I went onto the salmon and lettuce.

Just had steak and chips followed by a slice of very creamy gateaux. Thanks for the reminder Alexis to defrost salmon for tomorrow.

Seriously though Jan what treatment are you getting for the cysts.

The Other Jan

Lost in the Lot

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I've started too.  Bacon and mushrooms for breakfast.  Salmon for lunch - I might have a courgette too - chicken salad for dinner.

Well.  That is what is planned!

I got measured.  Want to lose five centimetres by Christmas.

I seem to have heard that before somewhere....


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Hi "the other Jan"

Don't know what treatment I'll be getting until I see the gynea bloke on Tuesday week.  At the moment I'm on paracetamol and anti-spasmodics.  Nice people at the hospital offered for me to stay in until I saw the gynae but declined the offer at 120 odd Euros a day and no mutuelle insurance at the moment.  So I'm at home "resting".  Not allowed to help hubby on the roof in case I twist the cyst.

Until I get myself sorted out - good luck with the regimes all of you. 


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Thanks for the positive vibes Jan and good luck with the gyno next Tuesday.Good to hear 'things' are getting sorted, keep us updated with your progress.

Ive been good today tuna , boiled egg and lettuce for lunch but unfortunately have had an aperitif. Definitely just pork salad for dinner and NO WINE.

The Other Jan

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Jan your right tuna, egg and lettuce is nice, dressing on lettuce unfortunately just olive oil and lemon.

Diet is a variation on a 3 day face lift diet by Dr Nicholas Perricone. I tried it a couple of months ago and lost weight for the first time in five years. I continued for more than three days but this time intend to get his book which gives a 28 day diet. You can view the 3 day diet at www.nvperriconemd.co.uk

Added bonus is a glow to the skin.

The Other Jan

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