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One month....Gay? Anyone?


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Are you up for one month?  Just until end of August.

Then again when I get back, stuffed with fish and chips, Chinese take-aways and haggis, I'm going to give it a go until Christmas.  We did well last autumn.

We don't seem to be doing too well now though...I have decided that if I was 7'8" I would be at my ideal weight

Right, I will be back, week on Tuesday, skinny.

Be there or be square.

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This sounds very tempting, but, after much consideration, I've decided not to accept your generous invitation to be gay for a month.

Frankly, it's not getting stuffed with a haggis that worries me....

'Fraid I'll just have to stay straight and miss all the fun.

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Good Girl.

We may not lose much but we hopefully won't put any more back on....

Happy Birthday to your son.  Where do the years go!  My youngest daughter is expecting her baby any time now so it could be born on your son's birthday.....oooh!


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Let's go for it Girls!  Two day on and I'm just soooo skinny!

I'll be with you until the end of August and I intend to lose two inches  from my waist and hips.

Then, when I come back after hopefully using a bit of self-control on my hols, I'll be back on it until Christmas (alright, October!)

I need people who are suffering like me!  It does me good to hear how successfull someone has been that week.  More the merrier.

I'm on Atkins because it works for me but I shall have a good browse when I hit the UK to see if I can find something to suit.  I might even make up my own as I know my weaknesses.....


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Well, I'm in that beautific state you get on Atkins when you are being good.  Think it is called lightheadedness!

One inch gone in the first week or so and another to get rid of before the hols.  I won't be thin then but it will get me into my holiday togs....I hope

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Well done Janey. How on earth have you lost that much weight since Sunday?

I"m very envious.

Have been trying a detox diet for 3 days and feel awful. Perhaps Atkins is best.

Did try the green tea yesterday with a little sugar. Not bad with the sweetener.

SaligoBay - I know the beached whale feeling, but there must be a way to get into a bikini again. We all need some support!!!!


Lost in the Lot

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Saligobay is no beached whale..that I know for sure..I,ve seen her, she,s tall and slim

Jan...just by being good!! This morning I had fried egg, bacon and tomatoes for breakfast and it was lovely mmmm. It,s not easy and I,ve cheated tonight by having an icecream. But it,s true, already I can see a differance.....one roll lesss on the belly

I,ll let you know of further progress!


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Yippee  have lost weight for thr first time in 3 years.

Spotted a Detox Diet in an English mag. Consists mainly of melon salmon and blueberries but I had to get strawberries here. It lasts for 3 days and this is the third. Felt really awful yesterday, guess that was the detox, but have unbelievable amount of energy today. Just got weighed and have lost 1 kilo and 1 inch from waist. Cant believe it.

Like Janey said it has taught me to be good, and given the incentive to be good for next few days and then do diet again next weekend.

So happy but wont celebrate with a glass of wine. Strictly limited to weekends now.


Lost in the Lot

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Well done Jan, why don,t you do what I,ve done and get out some ..small..stuff and hang it in front of your wardrobe. What I couldn,t get into last week, well now I can, still a bit tight but hopefully next week that won,t be the case. Keep being good!

PS..on Atkins, I,ve had wine


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We're off to Spain in Sept. I don't want to be prey to a Japanese whaling fleet while snoozing on the beach. Neither do I want children pouring buckets of water on me, petting me and trying to push me back in the sea!

I'm not a diet fan. I tried Atkins last year and lost 2 kilos in week one then not a gram for the remaining four months (good cholesterol report, though).

I've lost 14 kilos since mid-May. Porridge for breakfast (with dried fruit in), porridge for lunch, then a good three-course dinner with wine. Cut out bread apart from a small loaf of pain integral as a weekend treat, occasional chocs, crisps, pasta. Occasional potatoes as part of a salad. Aim for 3 litres of water a day. Basic rule is "I can have whatever I like, in moderation".

I've got the energy levels of a sixteen year old and am enjoying food more that I have for years. This isn't a diet but what feels like a new approach for life. We'll see - still early days.

Good luck to the rest of you!

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Thanks Janey for the tip about small.thing on the wardrobe door, brilliant idea. Im sure ypu will get into yours next week. Thanks also for info that Atkins allows wine, can you have coffee?

Well done Polycarpe 14 kilos is a huge weight loss since May. Very interested in the fact you have porridge. I have just done a 3 day detox diet and that included oatmeal for breakfast. It states it must not be instant.,what kind of porridge do you use?

I said diet but there was so much to eat daily I probably only ate half the amount. It did give me unbelievable energy and a kick start to what you describe as a new way of life. Like Janey said we just need to be good, with ocassional treats.


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Hi Jan,

We use the larger grained (not milled too much) organic oats. These have loads of texture and a sweet-savoury nutty flavour. Though not instant, it only takes 5-10 mins to make.

Since we've been eating porridge, we find we don't have hunger pangs mid AM and PM but have got good appetites when we get to dinner.


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Thanks Polycarpe for the info on the porridge. The Detox Diet said that instant oatmeal rapidly raises blood sugar, but old fashioned oatmeal is slowly absorbed by the body. Guess that's why you don't have mid meal hunger pangs.

Good luck everyone with tomorrows weigh in.


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