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Baked beans, piece of cake


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[quote]If you want UK style baked beans buy the cheapest French tin of haricot beans ( not in tom sauce), add ketchup and not too much dark treacle to taste and they wont be far off H.P[/quote]

Baked beans!

I thought I had been the only one to fool english people by following this recipe!!

Some 30years ago at this particular restaurant where I worked in Deux-Sèvres, this family of Brits arrived for lunch. Mum, Dad and 3 of the most obnoxious kids I'd ever met...but in fairness they had travelled from Cherbourg that morning so....

They ordered their meal of steak and chips! but one of the kid wanted baked beans on toast!...

30years ago, the chef on hearing that order would fly pass a pan (if not a knife) at you! So quick thinking was the order of the moment...

As I had already lived in UK for some 2 years I knew ALL  about baked beans, I asked the chef to give me a small portion of cassoulet less the meat, some tomato concentré and some sugar. I whisked the lot in a pan, toasted a whopper slice of french rustic bread, put it all on a plate and served it with my most smile.

Not a bean nor a crumb or traces of red 'tomato sauce' was left on the plate....

Some satisfied customer....

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In our veggie days I once made baked beans from scratch - only once as it took too long. Very tasty though. Soak the haricots overnight and next day simmer for an hour or two. Meanwhile make a tomato sauce with either fresh or tinned tomatoes onions and seasonings, and treacle if you have any, then strain it and the beans. Combine in a casserole, cover and bake for a couple of hours in a low oven. You may need to add a little water. I buy treacle from our local market. Pat.
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Patf, what do the locals use melasse for, I have never had or seen a french recipe using it.

Where I am from in England we call golden syrup, treacle and I suppose that other places must as I have only ever had treacle pudding that was made with golden syrup rather than treacle. Made a lovely one last night.

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Golden syrup is , well golden. Treacle is black.  Must admit that I have noticed tate and lyles(sp) golden syrup in the english section,but that is dear enough in the UK so heaven knows what the imported price is.

I`ll stick to my Asda smart price that Mr O bought by the tray on his last visit(they will last a good 12 months as they are only eaten on a craving) then will probably give the Aldi ones a go, they do look good in the jar and no rubbish added either.

Mrs O

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So what do you put in your treacle pudding then.

Really, where I from you would always say treacle for golden syrup, whatever was stated on the tin was ignored completely. I didn't realise that others may even call it other than treacle until I was grown up.

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When I mentioned treacle I meant black treacle. Yes, I've heard the word used in things like treacle pudding when it means golden syrup. I buy black treacle from a british stall in the market. Molasses is a less refined version. Perhaps the french use it as an animal food .There are different grades. My Mum used to eat it off a spoon as a tonic saying it was full of iron and minerals but I found it very bitter-tasting. Pat.
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I use black treacle, but never in a treacle sponge. I just can't help wondering why it is sold on french markets, must be in some recipe or other. A friend brought melasse back from Canada and then couldn't work out how to use it.

Opas, sticky puddings are a fairly recent invention. Treacle sponge is a traditional recipe along with spotted dick and jam roly poly, all of which, are puds I am very proud to make.

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TU, someone must have knicked my mums recipe book then `cos I am going back over 30 years...we called a sponge upside down pud with golden syrup on it sticky pud, I suppose nowadays the `sticky `would be the toffee /caramel type substance that can be found in the deserts in thefreezer dept.

And the poster that said their mum used to eat treacle off the spoon, I can remember fighting to lick the spoon, but as I said , I do not know what mum ever made with it.

Mrs o

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