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baked beans /tea bags


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Guess what we had for a snack today???

Beans on toast - you're quite right about ALDI beans. Thanks for letting us know.

As for the toast - we've discovered Intermarche's toast bread. Doesn't look very exciting in the pack but it toasts really well and ISN'T sweet.

So - we're sorted! Next time we pass ALDI we'll be topping up.

Thanks again

Janet and David
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The supermarket in our one horse town has been selling Heinz baked beans for over a year at 1.21 per tin and the nearest large Carrefour does them for 1.32. Carrefour also does a loaf called Pain Anglais, which is the nearest to sliced white that I have found. I am still looking for the equivilent to Hovis granary though.
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[quote]The supermarket in our one horse town has been selling Heinz baked beans for over a year at 1.21 per tin and the nearest large Carrefour does them for 1.32. Carrefour also does a loaf called Pain Angl...[/quote]



  yes the local marche here have " english " sections but you can buy 3 jars in aldi for the price you are paying.

posted this for info only


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[quote]The supermarket in our one horse town has been selling Heinz baked beans for over a year at 1.21 per tin and the nearest large Carrefour does them for 1.32. Carrefour also does a loaf called Pain Angl...[/quote]

Have you tried Carrefour's 'J'aime' range sliced bread? It's packaged in orange and green - part of a health food range but kept with the other sliced. Comes in complet and cereals. Without doubt the best brown sliced I've found in France - not at all cakey. They have it at Carrefour Laval - I assume from your name you're in 53?

Also, Intermarche baguette aux cereals is quite granaryish.


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I have tried Carrefour Pain Cereal - which is gorgeous, but loaf is quite small and just doesn't quite hit the spot when toasted and spread with 'Laughing Cow' cheese spread and Marmite. The toast has to be COLD to appreciate this delicacy fully!!!

(We are in the northern top left corner of 53 and shop in Fougere).
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If you are desperate for egg and bacon why not do as we do and buy good quality lardons,fry until nearly done and then break your eggs over the top. In a good non-stick pan,this will come out in one piece and cooks a lot faster and cleaner than rashers with the fat to do so. Havn't touched english bacon for years as it is just water.
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Talking of Baked Beans.

There was a program on BBC about French people living and working in UK.

One of the French members of a French company based in England stated that due to the short lunch breaks he had taken to eating beans on toast. He said that the last thing he ever thought he would get to like was English Baked beans on toast.

I had to laugh. But I agree.

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Intermarche seem to be the leaders in a little UK foods section, we travel out of our way on occasion to gather as much hellmanns as a person can carry.  They are the most miniscule pots though, just about enough for a few butties and super expensive, 3 euros plus for a thimble size jar.  They do stock odd things, as has been said, cheesecake mix, shortbread, piccalili, beans and bovril,  strange combinations.  Somewehere must sell enormous family size jars of Hellmanns, tis the only food fix we pine for, if anyone knows of such a place..........
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        I know I am going to get slatted for this ,     but    ..  Was in hyper-u  yesterday and they had large jars of hellmans there,  rember saying to Olive " what plonker would pay that price for mayonaise when, mayonaise. is mayonaise. is mayonaise. " ooops  sorry


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LOL, no offence taken and this "plonker" [:^)] would have bought all stock, there is mayo that tastes like mustard and there is mayo that tastes  like vinegar and white goo and then there is Hellmanns, which is just divine....... you can see what a sad addiction it is already.  Hyper-u, dont think we have them in our neck of the woods, please send large supplies [G]
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