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Complete France Forum

Self-sufficiency, Curing bacon and hams


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I am a new member to this forum and thought I would introduce myself. I

moved to department 58 with my mother and husband,18 months ago with a

dream to be totally self-sufficient. Up untill now the road has had

both positive and negative aspects, but we wouldn't change the relaxed

way of life we have found here in france.

Although we love the French food we still have yearnings for typical

English food and this year I cured all my own bacon and hams, from our

totally free range pigs but have hit on a problem which I hope someone

out there can help me with: Where can you purchase SALT PETRE in

France? This apparently helps the pork to retain a nice pink colour

during the curing process but alas all my searches have been in vain.

We also had great fun making our own English black puddings and

cumberland sausages, so we now have the best of both worlds living in

France with all the perks that that entails and the good old english

breakfast!! wow ecstasy.

We would like to meet other like minded folk living in France with a view to swoping recipes and animal tips etc.

We have our own website if anyone fancies having a look at our farm the address is: http://www.self-sufficiency4u.org

All the best to all the members for 2006


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Hi Fiona

We kill and cure our own bacon and ham and I make sausages too.  I also smoke it which tastes amazing.

I got my salt petre from the pharmacy and I think it is called sel petre funnily enough [:)]  It took me a while to get them to understand what I wanted but after a lot of laughing and stuff I finally managed it.  It never occurred to me to frenchify the word... duh!

The last lot I did was with a cure that I got sent over from Ascotts in the Uk and it was a sweetcure mix and I have to say it was the best bacon I have tasted or made.  If you are interested in Ascotts cures then when you look at the site dont take any notice of the price of postage because it ends up being just a fraction of what they quote on their order form.  They are really helpful too if you ring them up.

What sort of cures do you do?  Are they wet or dry cure?  Do you smoke yours?



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None of our local pharmacies stocked saltpetre (though one thought it could be ordered), but it's available from:


P&P for a 50g pack is £1; he also sells on ebay, where I think his prices are a bit cheaper. Here's the item number I got:


If the link doesn't work, his seller ID is "sausage-maker"

Hope that helps

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Thanks ever so much for your information I have been put off by Ascotts

postage prices, but i will give them a go now! Have you tried their

sausage mixes too? We generally only do dry cure, although we have

tried wet curing I prefer the firmness of the dry cure.

I would love to smoke my bacon, but unfortunately I haven't got a

smoker! I was a little retiscent about doing a Hugh F Wittingstall and

shoving it down my chimney!! I am looking at ideas of building my own

smoker if you have suggestions on that?

Thanks again for the info


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