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Procedure for dealing with a unhonoured cheque


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This is one area in which I have not had first-hand experience up to now.

My bank has just telephoned to inform me  that a cheque I was given for nearly 4000 euros has not been honoured. This has left me with an unauthorised overdraft of 3000 euros, as various bills that should have been covered by this payment have been paid. (The cheque was deposited last Tuesday and shown as a credit until today)

Apart from all the difficulties  this will cause me ( and the possibility that I may risk serious problems with the bank) what I want to know is:

Is there a standard procedure to go through?

Do I 'porte plainte' to the Police?

Go to a 'juge de proximité'?

Go straight to a Huissier?

I am off to the bank in the morning, but I would like to have my plan sorted.

Any experiences and solutions welcomed.

Offers of €5000 not refused [:D]

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Thanks to all who have offered advice and sympathy.

I will try to put a bit back by keeping this updated so that if anybody else has the same problem there is a knowledge base.

So far Sunday Driver's link is proving reliable.

The bank called me yesterday and immediately returned the cheque with an 'Attestation de rejet' by the issuer's bank.

It is a business and has 30 days to put enough funds into the account for the cheque to be honoured.

When the funds are there I can re-present the cheque..

If that fails the bank will give me a 'certificat de non-paiement' and the offending accountholder is deprived of the right to write cheques.

I can use that certificat to go to 'Huissier' and ask him to serve a 'commandement de payer'

He will then try to recover the money

I am not there yet, and the chap  for the moment assured me that it is a temporary problem (a different way of saying "the cheque is in the post"?) [:)]

Obviously that doesn't help my cash flow problem but I have had very heart-warming and practical help (to the tune of two loans of a 1000 euros to tide me over!) from two people who know the problem ...

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