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Got there at last

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After a three and a half year wait and a reduction of £40,000 in the asking price I`ve finally sold my UK house and moved out last week.

The survey on on my prospective French home near to La Souterraine was done on Monday and despite a couple of things that I missed on my previous 3 visits,( The surveyor had a longer ladder and didnt mind getting covered in years of dust and the like)  I`m going ahead with it`s purchase. Some of the searches have been carried out and if all goes well I should be in by mid May/June.

As an early retierie with a government pension and no intention of working in France I will of course have to obtain full health cover, (I retiered 3 years ago so no E/S form cover) as far as I can tell from my daily visits to the forum I will be amongst the first to have to do this if not the first. Any help on the matter will be greatly apreciated and likewise I will keep you all up to date with how I get on in as yet uncharted territory.

Plenty of other challenges,(not problems) spring to mind so please expect the usual questions in the near future if I struggle to find the answers after searching the forum topics for them. 


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Hi Dexter, sorry I can't help on the health care issue but just wanted to say congratulations! It must have been a stressful time trying to sell your house for so long. You must be very happy, well done. [:D]

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Good luck, Dexter, with your move.  I see that no one has replied about your specific request about health cover.

There is a wealth of information on this Forum if you do a search in the Health section.  http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/326/ShowForum.aspx

Just a suggestion - you might get more feedback if your post was headed with the subject you need help on.  On the other hand, it might just be that everyone is watching the wall-to-wall rugby today. 

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