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Storing veggies


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Not vegitarians! Vegitables. We are looking for a way to store veggies through the hot summer. Our house does not have a 'cool' room or cellar. The storage is only from the time of buying to the eating, at the moment it all goes limp ('erd something like that before, senior moment I suppose?). What we are trying to do is buy or make something that will keep the veggies at a cool temp, not as cold as the fridge. Something along the lines of the wine caves that are advertised. Nice kit, but what a price!

Any ideas would be greatfully accepted, so ta in advance.

John (the hopeful one!)

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I use "Stayfresh" bags from Lakeland Plastics. Fruit and vegetables stored in them don't last forever, of course, but I've found that they make a significant difference to the useable life of my vegetables.


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how about a big cool box (the type people take on picnics) you could keep an ice block wrapped  up in side (dont let it touch veggies) this will keep it cool ish plus they are air tight which will help them to stay fresh
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I take it that you do not have a garage either.

We do store our veg in the fridge, but can I say here that one of ours is the cheapest of cheap in budget fridges and does not make the fool realy cold, just keeps them cool. Our salad and veg go in there during the warmer months along with yogurts and butter.

perhaps to buy another fridge to use at the lowest temperature..........you could always put an extra bottle or two  of white wine in , just in case of course!

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Thanks for the replys folks, Another fridge in the garage, it's an integral garage, would have to stand next to the one we keep the booze in! I kid you knot. It's a shoulder high one we bought over from the U.K. with us and our house here has a built in fridge (that's a whole different story!!!) so it was downgraded to my beer and 'er wine fridge (downgraded, what am I saying. It's a promotion!![Www]...). That only just holds the beer and wine, well there are priorities?

What we are really after is a cold cupboard, insulated and possibily cooled. I could build it into one of our existing, huge, cupboards in the garage if I had an idea of how to go about it. We even have the insulation, but no matter how well it's insulated unless it's cooled as well it will tend to follow the ambient temprature, i.e. warm up in the summer. Using cool blocks is OK when we were away camping and when we go out for the day, but to do it all through the summer would not work for us. It would get forgotten and would be a real chore eventually.

So once again thank you, but we need a permanent cool cupboard. Any ideas??? Pretty please.....


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In the very old days before my mother had a fridge, and we lived in singapore, she use to have a box type cupboard with thin wire mesh on the front to keep  flys out but to let air circulate, this was make from some type of stone which stayed cold (maybe marble or the likes)she use to keep her meat in this cupboard and this use to work for her. maybe if you have a local gravestone maker(who uses marble) you could ask him to knock you one up. But i hope your french is good(i would like to lisen to that conversation) Or is that a daft idea, still it worked for my old mum!
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It's called a meat safe, in the 50's everyone had them. Usually they were made of wood, which would minimise condensation, and a perforated zinc front, and sometimes sides, which allow for the circulation of air but not insects.

In those days they were kept in larders which were rooms on the north side of the house for maximum coolness, and with tiles on the floors on which water could be sprinkled to cool the room by condensation.

I've seen them in depôts-ventes, but not in very palatable condition. Easy to make, I would think, if you can find the perforated zinc sheet.

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