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Insurance company refusing to pay......

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Our house insurer, Allianz, is trying to get out of paying a claim (what a surprise).  In brief, part of our garden is in an occasional flood zone, including the main entrance and gateway.  Last week the river 300 yds away burst its banks and water entered the garden, covering the mechanism of the electric gate, which now needs totally replacing.  Insurer refuses to pay.    [+o(]

Looking at our contract, Garanties include "Dégâts des Eaux" which is defined in general terms and conditions as including:"Les dommages d'eau provoqués par inondations (débordements de cours d'eau ou d'étendues d'eau) non considerée comme catastrophes naturelles."  Also in general terms and definitions, the "Biens Assurés" include "les clôtures y compris les portes et portails."

As far as I can make out he says a) the gate isn't actually part of the house, b) it's not a catastophe naturelle, c) it's electrical damage which doesn't count and d) no one in their right minds would insure for damage like that so he cannot be expected to pay.

In the past, I have to admit they have been pretty good, so am I not understanding the facts, or is he just being difficult?   [:@]

Chrissie (81)

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a) the gate isn't actually part of the house,

Neither are your fences, but both are 'Biens Assurés' covered under 'les clôtures y compris les portes et portails'

b) it's not a catastophe naturelle,

So it's covered under  "Dégâts des Eaux....non considerée comme catastrophes naturelles." 

c) it's electrical damage which doesn't count and

Likely to be damage to the mechanism caused by the flooding rather than the simple failure of an electrical component.

d) no one in their right minds would insure for damage like that so he cannot be expected to pay.

His company seem happy to include all of the above risks in the insurance contract....[;-)]

If the response was from your local agent, then I'd be inclined to bypass him and contact the company's claims department directly.


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