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New BBC programme


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I've just thoroughly enjoyed the Oz Clarke and James May BBC2 programme about travelling through France with James basically learning about wine from Oz. OK, it was a bit predictable and some of it obviously staged for the cameras, but I really found it was good TV - and gave an amusing but affectionate and true-to-life version of what the rural French are like.
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Yes Have to agree it was quite amusing. I can't help thinking that James May has gained some of his personaility traits from Jeremy Clarkson. I don't know how Oz has restrained himself from throttling him ! Should get interesting!

Actually in August  this year we were following the two of them in their Jag down a beautifull coast road near Port Vendres on the way to the Spanish border (partially shown last night), and it suddenly stopped and tried to do do a U turn whilst blocking the traffic in both directions, and causing us to break sharply. We gave them a glare and then recognised James but we puzzled as to who the Bald Paul Daniels' father lookalike was. It was obvious they were lost and looked like they were arguing!

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There was a bit of friction and disagreement between the two characters, Oz being the serious wine buff and James just wanting to get on with drinking. A lot of this was obviously an act, but at one stage Oz really was genuinely irritated by James' attitude towards his love of the culture that goes with an appreciation of wine. It worked both ways because James found Oz's pontificating equally annoying when he just wanted facts about wine and the chance to taste it. But there were signs that they would grow closer as the trip progresses and my guess is that they will end up appreciating each others' viewpoint, even if not undergoing life-changing experiences, rather than each storming off in a rage. Certainly when they went from the premier cru chateaux of Bordeaux to the rather more down-to-earth producers in the Languedoc the two presenters found rather more common ground.

I am sure the PC lobby will have something to say about a programme involving drinking loads of wine and travelling about in a V12 Jaguar, though there was no evidence that anything went on that was in breach of France's driving alcohol limits.

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[quote user="David J"]............ might miss one or two. How many are there to be shown? Do you know........ [/quote]


It looks like there are at least 3 if not 4 in the serie. They are bound to be repeated one day....

I thought it was quite hilarious at times. I empathise with James though. Oz being carried away with his subject and forgetting that his pupil wants to simply know GOOD AFFORDABLE wine and enjoy it,  reminded me of the 'oenologie' teacher I had when I was at the Ecole Hôtelière in Clermont-Ferrand in the 70's .....

Surely the BBC budget could have stretch to get them each a tent ...... or not enough room in the Jag for that AND the wine making equipment! 

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The Telegraph TV critic points out that after ostensibly staying in a tent all night, James May produces some suger that he had “nicked from the hotel”.

In the same vein, when Griff Rees Jones and co did their “Three men in a boat” programme the absence of bitching about blisters and sore bums and backs certainly meant that they did not row (other than on camera).

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Oh well, 'One man's meat .....'.

We thought it was a big disappointment: James May was an embarrassing bore (but I accept that that was the role he was commissioned to 'play').

To me, it just underlined what a good production Rick Stein's Midi Canal series was.    

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I, too, was disappointed with this programme. It was horribly stage-managed and the humour was very contrived. I could not see the point of visiting a top Bordeaux chateau and then leaving the "amateur", who was there to learn about wine, drinking water, while the professional quaffed fine claret with Madame.
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[quote user="Renaud"]

The Telegraph TV critic points out that after ostensibly staying in a tent all night, James May produces some suger that he had “nicked from the hotel”.


I watched it last night and enjoyed it - and the Telegraph critic is wrong - James May actually said he nicked the sugar from a roadside café. I think they must have taken their own wine glasses with them though - I have never seen wine served in glasses that big in a café/tabac!

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The first time I have seen this thread and disappointed that I have missed the program. I have never heard of it or the two presenters. However, it does sound similar to a program with Keith  Floyd and a curly haired chap [:)] that presented a series about ten years ago on the wine regions in France. I have watched the repeats a few times and have always enjoyed it. The Floyd character always just wanted to get on with the tasting while the other fellow carried on with his descriptions and somewhat anorak behaviour.

I will have to watch for this program and hope for repeats.

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Oz Clarke is a reasonably well-known British wine critic, definitely from the old school of wine writers with his flowery descriptions of bouquets and aftertastes. James May is one of the presenters of the Top Gear programme (he's the hairy one), along with the better-known Jeremy Clarkson and the (now) infinitely more famous Richard Hammond. James apparently likes his beer and knows little about wine. One memorable moment was Oz making James get down on his hands and knees and sniff a cow pat, so he would recognise the smell of cheap crappy wine.
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