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Clever Girl.  This time next week you will be in that next stone 'range'.  I always seem to get stuck going from one stone to another.  Perhaps it is the needle on the scales?  Always wants to be climbing.....

So.  I have lost 100g.  WOW!

Next target is Easter.  Seven weeks.  Five kilos....

That will be TWO as in TWO stone.

Longer days, shorter skirts, hotter weather, cooler body.[;)][;)][^]

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Well another week down, and I've been good.  Weighed in yesterday morning at 12 st 1lb which was about one and a half pounds down on last week, however I thought nah, knuckle down and you can get into that 11 stone lots weight for tomorrow, so leave it.

And what happens?

Aaaargh, now 12 st 3lb!!!!!

Like the next target Alexis, we're off to the UK the weekend before Easter, so I've six weeks to get in shape.  My aim is a BIG one, hoping to hit 11 stone for the day we leave, that's 17lbs, errrmmm maybe a little too optimistic.

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I finally worked out (with Christine's help) how to paste a link on!!

This morning I was feeling a little dispondant having weighed and only lost one little pound. 4 kilos in two months doesn't seem very much UNTIL...

I decided to visualise the lost weight, hmm, 4 kilos that's 2 x 1.5ltr bottles of water and a litre of milk (very handy that 1k = 1ltr)! Put it all in a carrier bag and my God!! That's heavy - I would NOT like to be carrying that around with me all day!!

You try it, I was amazed and I'm sure you will be too.

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5kg in 7 weeks sounds like heaven. Better than fish and chips or chinese.

Plateau turned into a hill this week up 2 kilos, perhaps I need some new scales!!!!

Pigging out this weekend then lettuce and tuna next week and definitely no alcohol. Drastic measures are necessary. Friends sent us a photo of me taken a couple of weeks ago and I really really need to lose 2 stone. Have put FAT picture on fridge.

A big well done to all who have lost weight


Lost in the Lot


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Well, I was up at five so I jumped on the scales and I had lost 800g.  Ace.

After a bucket of coffee, I got weighed again at 8.45 and I had lost ANOTHER 500g!  I'm not counting it though.  Storing it up for next week....blooming scales[:$]

That is 8 kilos lost exactly.  On my fish weight conversion chart - don't laugh - I make that 17lbs 10oz.  It is a funny game this conversion business.  Soon be one and a half stones though.[:D]

Hope everyone loses a bit....

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Hi All

Well, I'm back from my "carb-fest" in England, jumped on the scales yesterday expecting the worst and I weighed exactly the same as when I left.  Got on the scales this morning and I'd put on a pound - is there no justice in this life [*-)].

Out to dinner at friends tonight, then again tomorrow night.  As of Sunday I am seriously going to get tough with myself and that includes NO alcohol.

Well done everyone else.

Suze - I like the link you've pasted.  I tried to do it myself, but it didn't work.  Can you give me any clues as to how I can get my own "ticker" onto the site?


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8kgs is absolutely fabulous Alexis, can you give us any helpful hints.

Know how you feel Jan. I ate anything and everything in sight December and January and didnt change weight. Since beginning of Feb have tried ever so hard to be good and have put on a couple of kilos.. Even gave up alcohol last week and boo hoo have still not lost a gram. Cant work it out at all, driven to the drink tonight.

Will do some research on internet armed with a brandy.

The Other Jan

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Well, after last week's higher weight on the Saturday, I decided to stick with the weight I recorded this morning (not taking any chances) and I'm checking it at 12 st 1lb - I was hoping to be in the 11 somethings, but looks like I'll have to save that one for next week.

Total weight loss now at 16lb 4 oz, so pretty happy.  Thanks for the tip Suze, I put a few bottles of cola (diet of course) into a bag, along with a litre of water and 7.7 kgs is sooooo heavy,  It also showed me just how much excess weight I'm still carrying - yuk!

Good luck to the rest of you.

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I baked today.  I have been looking forward to it all week.  I ate three.

Give you a clue.  Mule.  Cranberry and chocolate drop.

Of course, no dinner tonight....

How I wish I could say that I REALLY enjoyed them.  Typical.  Pelican face.

My diet is all down to Dr Atkins.  Same as naps.  Wonderfull, dead man.[*-)]

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[quote user="Suninfrance"]Suze - I like the link you've pasted.  I tried to do it myself, but it didn't work.  Can you give me any clues as to how I can get my own "ticker" onto the site?[/quote]

It took a bit of working out myself!  When you have finished making your ticker it gives you 4 web addresses options for it.  One of them works - I think it was the one 'BB code' - highlight the full address then do control 'c' then on your post here do control 'v' and it will come up when you preview your post.

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Oh nooooo!! the first time since the New Year that I have put weight ON! I've gained the pound that I lost last week [:'(]

During the week I have felt really cold and had a bit of a cold - I've binged out on some biscuits, buttered toast and Marmite, I've had three croissants, though no alcohol [A] and I suppose I can blame half of the pound on being PM [6] !




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Well as the aim is for a beach holiday end July, thought the pointer would have to represent the new me!

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Just testing to see if I could get this to work.  Yep - great fun.  Like the "beach babe" one, but thought the snail was more appropriate for me [:D]

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I like the charts.  I would need two screens though....[:$]

Bad, bad week.  Gimme chocolate.  NOW!

I have been for a healthy, invigorating walk every afternoon so far to be followed by eating chocolate as soon as I got in the door.

Nutella.  Easter egg (it was looking 'off'[:)]).  Half box of After Eights...

Just a blip but I know better to say no to my body clammering for bad foods!  If I say no, eat that lettuce, things get drastic!!  Actually, my meals are spot on.  It is between them that the trouble starts.

I'm going to start getting weighed on a Saturday.  I find my ''go on live a little it is Friday' has been extended to include Saturday and Sunday.  Not good.

Ah well.  I will keep at it.

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I'm expecting a spectacular weigh in on Saturday after a good weekend and a disappointing weigh-in on Monday morning my OH convinced me to drop alcohol for the week [:^)]  So far, so good.  Oh and we switched the scales to kgs, so I'm not tempted to weigh in before Saturday, I've a terrible habit of jumping on daily. [N]

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I'll have an after eight.

I am feeling really fed up at the moment.  It's been raining for what seems like months now , but in fact it's been 4 days.  The ground outside is like a mudbath.  Inside is dust and tools and half finished jobs.  I'm just about to grab my 3rd pastis & water and I can hear the mars bars calling.

One day (don't know when), but one day this b****y house will be finished and I will be able to walk around in "normal" clothes without getting covered in dust [:@] [:'(]

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Here.  You deserve two.

The house will get finished.....then what will you do all day???

We are selling our Château Despair as it will never get done with OH being ill now.  We are in town at my house and it is surprising what needs doing[;)]

My usual going out clothes are the ones with the least holes and paint splashes.

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Looks as though we are all in the same boat or should I say house. 8 years down the line and Im still wearing  the work clothes I was going to throw out next month. Perhaps there is a clue in this as to why we cant lose weight.


Lost in the Lot

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Glad that you all are hagning in there. I'm on the verge of taking some time out till the warmer weather comes. Lost 700g over about three weeks then put on 600g last week.

I like the charts too but am not sure doing one would be enough to rekindle my enthusiasm.

We'll see. Best wishes to you all, losers and otherwise.

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Know the feeling Polycarpe lost a tiny bit since beginning of feb put it all back on last week. Don't give up weather forecast is better for next week. Feel as though we haven't seen the sun for months.

I'm going to pig out this weekend and start again on monday.

Keep smiling and slimming everyone.[:)]


Lost in the Lot

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Dreading getting on the scales tomorrow.  Was really good this evening and had my Weightwatchers Vegetarian Crumble [A] ......... followed by a Mars Bar [6].  No alcohol though.

I really wish the weather would perk up though - not very conducive to anything but comfort eating.  Was out cutting logs today and just walking the wheelbarrow back and forth bringing the logs into the "hovel" I got absolutely covered in mud.  The cats are bored and won't stay out for long. so they are finding things to do in the house, like walking over the worktops chucking things on the floor on the way - as if I don't have enough to do clearing up.   The wild cat who is "my new best friend" keeps head butting me everytime I go back and forth and covers me in mud and water.  She is brave enough now to wander into the house if the door is open so muddy footprints all over the place. 

Rant over - bring on summer.


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Love the Plat..oh!!  very good.

Still hanging on in without alcohol, although the OH brought a bottle of champagne back as a gift for 'International Woman's Day' - what a swine.  Saving it until tomorrow night if, and only IF I get into the 11 somethings tomorrow monring.  It's been a damn hard week, and I agree that the weather has not helped at all, roll on spring and BBQ's - lots more meat (and I won't have to do the cooking).

How about instead of getting dispondant with our plateua's or faiilures since the New Year, we all make a fresh start tomorrow and make that our new starting weight - whatever it may be? 

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