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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Hi "Lost in the Lot" Jan

It''s "Lost the Plot" Jan here.

I gather you are suffering "internet withdrawal" - I totally understand that.  In France, the internet is my communication with family and friends back home.   Not that I miss England one bit, but I do miss family, friends and retail therapy.  I'm off back to England in a couple of weeks to catch up with everyone and visit my old home town shopping centre in Milton Keynes.

I was really good this week which started off with a 6km walk with friends around Segur-le-Chateau (not in the least flat ground) and was feeling really good, then would you know it, I get a stinking cold (proving exercise is bad for you). 

I went shopping today and got myself a 6-pack of Mars bars.  Mind you I haven't opened them, Yet!!!

Living on 3 biscuits and an apple a day is really not good for you.  Your body will go into starvation mode which means that you may well have a good "binge" at some time, which again is not good.

If you like vegetables, here's a really quick to cook weight watchers recipe.


1 large carrot sliced, 1 onion sliced, half a medium courgette sliced, couple of large mushrooms sliced, small tin kidney beans drained and washed, 7 fluid oz vegetable stock, 2 tablespoons tomato puree. 

Topping - 1oz wholemeal (or wholegrain) flour, 1oz medium oats, 4 teaspoons butter, 1oz grated cheese.

Throw all the veg into a saucepan and pour over the stock and stir in the puree.  Bring to boil, cover and simmer for about 15 mins.

Make the topping while all this is bubbling away.

Put the veg mix into a casserole dish, slap on the topping and bake in the oven on 180C or on my calor gas cooker that's about 2 and a half, for approx 20-25 mins.

It's quite delicious and makes you feel "good".


I have also tested the Ricard and water (many times), but red wine is cheaper.


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Lost 500g.  Going the right way then!

I am going to be super strong as I am off to the UK after the next weigh in and I know my limitations.

Perhaps I could wear a peg on my nose when passing the chippie?  Will definately have one golden deep fried haddock though.


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Well done Alexis.

I stayed the same this week, but pleased it didn't go up.  Still not touched the Mars Bars.

I'm off to England on the 21st and I'm going to have to be strong too.  My friends seem to lay on a "carb fest" when I'm over, so I'll have to be ultra careful.

I expect when I visit my mum it'll be a pub lunch and then my brother it will be the chippie.

Must try and lose a couple of pounds by next weigh in.


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Hi, I was wondering if I could join your diet chats.  I have been on a "diet" since December now and find all your posts really interesting.  Living in the heart of rural Auvergne - Cantal, I don't have too many people to compare notes with, not sure if the village women are all too keen on weight watching, or fashion/makeup/etc for that matter.  I do the BBC Big Challenge online, it's quite interesting as they give lots of advice on eating and exercise, plus they ask you to weigh in every friday and enter your new weight and waist size.  My exercise regime is a 30-40 min walk every morning over my drive way and round (over some steep hills etc) depending on how many "optional extras" I do.  I also have a rebounder which is good fun (need a good bra though) and I try to bounce 10 mins every night.  With all this exercise I have only lost 2.5kg since December - but it is a loss so I am happy.  This week I have lost 600g.  I am off to UK to visit family on the 21st and it always seems to be a different nationality restaurant each week - will definitely have to have some self control.


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Hi Daisy,

We need all the mutual support we can get. You're very welcome. 2.5k in a month is not to be sniffed at.

I get nervous when people use the D word. I prefer to think in terms of lifestyle change.

Ricard as a low carb option? I used to love the stuff and its other mediterranean variations. I used to drink loads of ouzo after a day on the beach in Greece. Just a word of caution (...sorry!), our landlord in Greece who was having blood-pressure problems was warned off his ouzo ration by his doctor as it was thought to be a significant factor with his hyper-tension. Since then I've been off it. There may be a big difference in the active ingredients of ouzo and pastis; if so, please let me know so that I can jump off the wagon. Likewise, if there is no link between pastis-ouzo and hyper-tension, I'd love to hear that too.

Any thoughts, Alexis?

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Well, on the Sainted Atkins, all the "big" alcohol is allowed.  I should say no-carbs.  It is the mixers that are the problem.  Water is good though so any spirits with water should be allowed...in moderation, of course.  Trouble is, I couldn't fancy gin and water...[:)]

I don't drink at all at the moment.  Just chance!!  If I do fancy something, I know the Ricard is there but as I am not THAT keen on it, I don't bother.

I haven't bought any Muscadet since I drunk a whole bottle the other week.  Red I'm not keen on...shock horror!  Unless it is Australian.

Anyway, if I fancy a drink I have one.  Can't be worrying about my body exploding and think about dieting at the same time[:)]

How are the Mars bars Jan?  I can hear them shouting "Eat me!"  "Eat me!"  I would put them in the freezer.  That will shut them up.

I also LUURRVVVVVE frozen Mars bars.

Of course, you have to take your time eating a frozen one.  Can't double it up and stuff it right in.

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"Anyway, if I fancy a drink I have one.  Can't be worrying about my body exploding and think about dieting at the same time"

Well said, Alexis. I'm just looking for permission to adopt the same stance.

Weigh-in this morning. Ma nature is try to tell me something. I've plateaud over the last month and this week have only lost 100g again. Is this my body's optimal weight?

Now where did I put that bloody Ouzo?[:'(]

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Hi Daisy - welcome to the weekly weigh in and chat.  Nice to have newbies on board.

Well I totally failed on the eating front last night.  Had friends over (in fact two of them ended up staying the night).  I can't believe how much whisky he got through last night.  He doesn't drink it neat, only in tea and coffee!!!  Good job I don't drink the stuff as there's none left.  In fact, most of my wine has disappeared along with a bottle of Remy Martin.  Despite only having wine last night, I'm surprised I don't have a stonking great hangover.  Didn't get to bed until 4am this morning.

Still, sun is shining today here in Correze, so I think I'll go for a walk - if I don't I'll just fall asleep.

Alexis - Mars Bar count - 1 down, 5 to go and yes, I love Mars Bar ice cream as well.  I buy them because it's about the only chocolate OH doesn't like (too sweet) so there's no danger of him nicking my supply.


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You young 'uns.

Not Mars bar ice cream.  Frozen Mars bars.

You can take them from the freezer and chop them into neat slices and savour every tiny bite.  Actually, someone once recommended freezing chocolate in chunks and then taking one piece out and letting it melt in your mouth......Sigh.  Sigh.

I find that drinking lots of wine shocks your body into losing weight.  That, fish and chips and a run in at the disco!

Goodness, if only I could eat as much now as I did when I was foot loose and fancy free.

Life is sooo unfair[:(]

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Had a big blip this week having found a supermarket that sells proper West Country Chedder, by gosh it was good.

But I found  a nice recipe for rataouille, which I am eating with everyhing hot or cold because I was getting a bit fed up with eating every type of pulse known to man.

More than anything else, I am really looking forward to not having triangular shaped legs!

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Thanks for the veggie recipe Jan, will definitely give it a try. Also caught cold this week so made some veg soup, it was delicious but red wine is winning in the make you feel better stakes.

Fat picture on fridge is working in respect of being good but nobody told the scales. Think I have also reached a plateau but its a wee bit high.

Have fun in England, you as well Alexis. Remember on trips to UK you have to make obligatory visits to pub, chip shops and chinese, its the rule.


Lost in the Lot

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OK, got on the scales this morning, fearing the worst I have to say. I've been reasonably good this week, except the one glass of red with my cote de boeuf last night (no frites). I have had some baguette during the week and some slices of complet toasted with baked beans, it seems that I just can't eat any bread at all, which is a shame because I just love the stuff.

This week's weight loss... a big fat ZERO.  I weigh exactly the same as I did last week. I suppose I should be grateful that I've not put on any of the weight that I've lost but it is disappointing.

Looking at the other posts, we all seem to have reached a plateau this week - did anyone actually lose any?  Is it a six-week 'wall' like running a Marathon (not that I have)? Is my body adjusting to the reduced calorie/fat intake? Will I have to eat even less to make any more progress? Why is there no loss, not even half a pound?

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Hi all - back again after one week's holiday and one week of of virtually no effort - the shame!

Some interesting postings about reaching a plateau, I think like everything, we've only got some much willpower and 6 weeks is probably our limit.  I've been on a 2 week blip!  But I pulled it back this week. 

After losing 'almost' one stone (but not quite) I kidded myself that I could change from Atkins to the Kelloggs challenge - replacing two meals with a bowl of cereal and eating a normal third meal - I didn't have the willpower, and took the third meal a lilttle toooooo far!  Consequently I gained 4lbs - oops!

Got back onto Atkins in the last week and managed to get rid of the extra weight + a couple more pounds (easy come, easy go) - have now (finally) lost my FIRST STONE (plus and extra pound)  - Yipeeee [<:o)]

Current weight 12, 2.6  - want to get to 11 stone before our trip to the UK in April - going to have to work very, very hard, but I find it helps to have a goal.  It also helps that my OH is dieting too. But the main incentive is chatting to you guys and knowing that we're all battling together. Hope you're all losers this week.


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Well done Naps.

Once again, no weight loss this week [:(].  I very much doubt there will be next week either as I am going back to England on Tuesday.  That also means I won't be weighing in next Friday.  As soon as I am back though, I'll be back onto it straight away.

Getting a nice little gym set up in my barn at the moment.  We have a multi-gym, treadmill, abs curler, my friend has brought over her "cross-trainer" and another one is bringing over her exercise bike next week.  We've decided it's the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays and walking Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (or if it's chucking it down with rain, back into the gym.  I just hope we can all keep it up and fitter than a butchers dog by the time the summer comes [:D].


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I haven't been following this thread at all, but I'll leap in anyway (as usual!).

The best thing I ever did in the way of "dieting" was Ramadan.  One short month, easy target.  I don't mean absolutely seriously, but......... have breakfast, then drink as much as you want all day, then eat your evening meal.  And no alcohol.

It worked for me because

1. it's true that it's easy to confuse hunger and thirst.  Sometimes you think you need to snack, but you don't, a drink fills up the space just as well.

2. strangely, I didn't miss the alcohol at all, from which I concluded that I don't really need it!

3. equally strangely, I didn't overeat at the evening meal.  Made sure it had everything it should have (protein, carbohydrate, fruit, veg, taste, etc etc), but quantities were normal.

4.  if there's a God, one of his kindest gifts to humankind was carbs.  Life is too short to NOT eat pizza, pasta, bread, couscous, rice, and especially TARTIFLETTE! 

It was difficult reverting back to "normal" life.  Eating at midday out of habit and all that, felt yuck!  I'd lost weight and felt much fitter (even with the odd tartiflette!).

So there you go. 

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Hi all, just done my weekly weigh in.  Before breakfast first thing this morning I had lost 200g but by the time I had been for my morning walk (in the snow this morning so did work extra hard), had my shower I had lost another 400g. Some might say it was water loss from sweating but I believe I had put that water back in with my shower. I know it's not accurate but it certainly gives you a confidence boost.  Any loss is a loss none the less.  Did that make sense?

I am trying to eat dinner at lunch time and then something like a salad or a stir fry for tea.  I am finding this is helping and I'm not so starving at tea time.  Plus trying to eat as much fish and seafood as possible.  I have also replaced products for low fat versions i.e 15% fat creme fraiche and low fat spread.  Something I never really believed in, but every little counts.  I also use sweetner which tastes horrible in tea but in desserts etc you can't tell the difference.  This and the increased exercise I am doing has led me to a weight loss for the first time in over a year.  So can't be too bad.

Keep up the good work and as long as you have not put on - its ok.  I am really envious of you gym Jan, sounds wonderful and having your friends join in too.  I keep trying to get my other half to come on a walk with me, sometimes he does but then he'll get home have thick butter on his bread and eat nutella straight from the jar.  Men!

Good luck for next week. Daisy

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Well, my earlier post is somewhere....but where?

Not a very good week at all.  300g down but quite frankly, rubbish for the past three weeks.  Better off than on I suppose.

After my holiday, I am going back on Induction but as I haven't been off it...just bits and pieces added, I haven't much hope of a crashing loss.

Back next Saturday when we can all have a laugh after my weigh in.

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No change AGAIN.

If I eat no change.

If I diet no change

Read this week that alcohol slows down metabolism. Wish weather would improve so more tempted to have blackcurrant than that other red stuff..

Do envy you your gym Jan, sounds fun and encouraging.

The Other Jan

Lost in the Lot

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Hi Y'all

Well done to all the losers - seems like very hard work at this time of the year. Sorry to see you still on your plateau Jan.

I weighed-in this morning and the scales showed 85.4, so 300g down. No big deal in itself but my biggest loss for over a month. Its a wonder after last weekend (my birthday). Lots of treats but managed to get in two beautful walks this week.

I'm pinning my hopes on the warmer weather. We're eating healthily, in the main, but all the beans a chickpeas in the stews are not calorie-free. BRING ON THE SALADS!

Have a good week.

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I'm back on track after last week's blip - 1.5 lb down this week giving a total of 8 lb.  I'm now 13st 1.5 lb / 83.2k. By next week I definately want to get to 12st something, that will be psycologically a big kick. 

I got MOH to check my height as I haven't checked it for yonks and found that I'm 1.5cm taller than I thought which is GREAT because it obviously affects my BMI.  The good news is with my weight loss and height gain [*-)] I am no longer obese [<:o)] I am now merely overweight [:D] at 29.3 BMI.

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Where are you all then?

I will get weighed in the morning.....

I was taken hostage by a gang of crazed Hot Cross Buns.  Their fearsome leader was a toasted teacake!  I had a very narrow escape!!

Didn't have the fish from the chippie.  Had the Chinese and wish I hadn't bothered. 

Ate a box of fondant fancies on the drive back......all alone.

In the snow.....

Might have been snow bound.....


Actually though, ate hardly anything.  Dad likes to be in bed by 7.00pm.  We stopped up late to watch the curling though.  Ooh.  It was thrilling.

Well.  Tomorrow morning then.


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