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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Week 3, well only 19 days in fact, and I've now lost a total of 5 lb, three in the first and one at last Sunday's weigh in and another one today!

Weight now stands at 84.6k / 13st 4.5 lb / 186.5 lb

I broke my tee-totality last night with a couple of glasses of bubbly, first alcohol since New Year (OH smashed the toilet cistern and was fed up so opened a bottle of bubbly [*-)][:D]) - funny but I'm not missing it and it really was the primary cause of my weight gain so hopefully if I only have the rare glass or two my weight should continue to drop.

I must do more excercise this week - I only did one 45 minute dog walk and one walk to school with the dog, 30 minutes (poor dog!)

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I used to be pretty keen about BMI, then a paper published some pics of celebs with their BMI and I wasn't quite so sure, some of them pretty scrawny.........

Ladies, do not ever have this op if you want to retain your modesty - I'm allowed a shallow bath, so in I hopped, but I couldn't get out ! There is nothing guarenteed to make you feel quite so much like a beached whale as being stuck in the bath [:$]

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Gay, I hope you've managed to dry out and recovered your modesty.

My last BMI was 33 (ouch!).

I went to the site to calculate it (now 27, not bad) only to find that I am 4cm shorter than my passport recorded height 30 years ago. Am I shrinking? I do hope not otherwise the battle of the bulge is lost - my BMI will increase even if I don't put on any weight.

Gay, what were your concerns about BMI?

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Yes, I am dry now, thanks[:)] !

I pretty much took BMI as the 'aim' but after reading this I looked mine up - its 28 (a couple of years ago it was 33 [:(] )

Then I put in the weight I am aiming for long term, a weight I used to be in my late 20s early 30s, I was still a little way short, just a couple of decimal points. However people are already saying 'be careful not to lose too much' esp at my age,  50+ and I am still 20lbs away.................I might be/look awfully 'saggy' and wrinkly............

I wonder if there is an adjustment for age allowed anywhere ?


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

However people are already saying 'be careful not to lose too much' esp at my age,  50+ and I am still 20lbs away.................I might be/look awfully 'saggy' and wrinkly............

I wonder if there is an adjustment for age allowed anywhere ?



I always think that older people look so much healthier with a bit of flesh on them. Skinny people also seem to look older than their years.

Muscle tone is important too.  My 87 year old FIL who lives with us is almost 100% sedentary (he's very poorly), he has lost so much muscle tone and now he is almost just skin and bones - keep those muscles moving.

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It's catch up time, after a disappointing weigh-in last week, it looks like I'm seeing the affect of my efforts this week...down 4.6lbs

(Start 13st 3.4, 1st week 13st 0.4, 2nd week 12 st 10.4, 3rd week 12st 9.2. current 12st 4.6) 

That 11st something is now looking achievable - shame I'm on holiday next week, probably undoing all of the good work.[:#]

Gay - how's the shoulder? 

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Well done Naps.  Isn't it thrilling?

I lost 900g so that makes it 6.6kg.  Very pleased.

This cold weather isn't helping me though!  I was looking for stuff to eat last Tuesday[:)]  Fell in with some dried apricots.....

Are you still doing induction?  I am, with additions.  Basic induction then rather than up the count each day, I have, for instance, a croissant twice a week.  I found that if I started 'allowing' more carbs, it got out of control VERY quickly.

Should be just one more week of tooing and froing then back to cooking.  Mmm.  Salmon[:)]

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Hi All

Well done all of you.

According to the scales this week, I haven't lost anything, not gain anything though which is good.

However, according to the tape measure, I've lost two inches of my waist.

I'll keep plugging away at the new regime - but today is Friday and it's a friends birthday, so we're going out for a girlie lunch with friends and then tonight is English quiz night at the local auberge which includes a meal and wine.  Still got the rest of the week to get back on track.

Gay - how are you?  How's the arm?


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Hi Gay et al,

I misremembered. Apologies. The charts in my formulary relate to coronary heart disease risks based on blood pressure and cholesterol and whether or not one is diabetic or a smoker and a man or woman.

As far as BMI goes, no breaks there, girls. You all seem to be doing fine anyway.

I do wonder about the usefulness of some of these charts. As a vague guide they're handy. To take them too seriously can only cause anxiety, raise the blood pressure and increase coronary risk. The most significant factor in predicting poor prospects is SMOKING. I'm glad I'm an "ex-smoker" though not sure the phrase is accurate. At times I still crave a cig. Fairer to say that I'm still a smoker but just haven't done so for 3 1/2 years.

I'm weighing-in tomorrow and having had a cold this week and having lost my appetite for a couple of days, I have high hopes.

Fingers crossed.

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Yep Alexis, I'm still on the induction - I too let it get way out of control if I try introducing carb's, although I promised myself that once I'd lost the first stone I would allow myself to change diets - a bit of an incentive for sticking to Atkins, so I could get off it sooner.  Now I've the dilemma of either continuing because I know it works, or changing to something to relieve the boredom of eating meat, meat and more meat.

Good luck to those still waiting to weigh-in.

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NOT good news this week, I have put it all back on!   In one week!   Now I would have expected to have put on a little this week - I have the knee replacement booked for 7th February and I can't drive for 6 weeks afterwards, so have arranged to meet up with all my friends over the last week and wined and dined.   And very pleasant it has been too!   It's a bit like "the prisoner ate a hearty breakfast" I think.

I have continued with the static bike, 5 miles a day 5 days a week, so can only imagine what the damage might have been without it!

Have one more lunch booked for this week, but will endeavour to be good although I have to admit that the chocolate is calling...

Well done all you others who are still reporting in, keep it up.   You begin to feel so much better once you lose half a stone!   If only I could!

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La Vieille,

I'm sure its just a blip. Anything, dietwise, that isn't consistent is a blip. My Ma always says that its the general trend over a whole month which tells the truth, not one week's weigh-in, whether good or bad. Hope you get a more encouraging result next week. With all that bike-riding, how could you not?

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After a brisk walk through town in the snow (ahh, lovely) I came home to weigh-in and ...Noooooooo!

Despite my cold, loss of appetite, regular walking, sensible eating, I've put on 100g. 86.3 (86.2 last wk).

Three blips in a row starts to look like a trend.

Better luck to the rest of you.

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[quote] I've put on 100g [/quote]

1. I bet your scales are not that accurate.

2. 100g = 1 small glass of water (or other liquid - 1 litre = 1kg).

3. If really desperate make sure you weigh yourself after going to the toilet (think about it) and before eating or drinking.

4. If all else fails, bear in mind that you are carrying around some

2kg of dead skin - since that will all flake off you could, arguably,

discount it - kind of makes up for all the dusting that is required to

get rid of the guff as it drops off (not sure of the rate but that's

what dusting is all about).

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I've tried to convince myself of some pretty implausible stuff over the years but never anything as outlandish as the dead skin thing. Outrageous! It did make me laugh and cheered me up no end. Thank you.

Thanks also to La Vieille for the more reasoned words of comfort. What's a 100g between friends?

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Weighed in this morning.  It's getting a bit predictable: another 1 lb lost (6 lb in total or 2.7 kilos in new money - nearly 11 packets of butter!!). 

At least it's in the right direction but it's slow - I'd rather be losing two pounds a week otherwise my target seems a long way off.

Just checked my BMI - argh still 'obese' by 0.3 points  [:'(] Next week then to get to 'overweight'.

Weight now 84.1k / 185.5 lb / 13st 3 lb 5 oz 

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Dreadful diet week, not in the right frame of mind,    I'm not even thinking about weighing myself. Didn't eat too much but too many carbs which make me feel sluggish now.

The shopping is an issue, I like fresh food and although we stock up at the weekend by midweek I would like to shop again but the OH is not so keen, I should walk [:|] Damm shoulder !

Well done to all of you steady losers, it all counts ![Y]

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Weighed yesterday and stayed the same!!  Can't say I was 100% good everyday but still thought I would be going down.  Wanted to loose 2lb but would have been happy with 1.  Was more annoyed because I had a sneaky weigh in the day before and had lost a 1lb.  Managed to put it on in 24hrs!!

Had friends round for dinner last night so a little over the plan but hoping to get back on track again from today.  My sisters are visiting in 3 weeks so that's my incentive to loose as much as I can before then.  Need to stop drinking wine in the evenings.......any helpful ideas that don't involve willpower???



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Oh Alexis, that is soooo disappointing for you - have you been making a real effort? If so double bugger!!  The only reason I feel I have lost the weight is because I have virtually cut out all alcohol (total of 3 or 4 glasses since New Year!)  and also my bread, pasta, potatoes intake has been reduced RIGHT down plus no biscuits, cakes etc., if I hadn't done that then I'm sure I would be still where I started.  Bon chance for the coming week - stay focussed, you CAN do it! [{]

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Yep, that was the noise of me falling off the diet wagon!  Ouch it hurt.  In my defence we had visitors over for a meal, I cooked, Atkins friendly starter, Atkins friendly dinner (if I'd not been lulled into eating a roast potato), then already on the downward spiral, it would have been pointless to ignore the a crumble.  (and the slice of bread just jumped onto my plate when I was eating the cheese).

Did I wake up the next morning thinking, 'Never mind, it's only one meal?-' of course not!  We had to give our visitors a hearty breakfast before they returned, so a couple of croissants later and a few slices of fresh bread and the diet was well and truly broken. 

That's when I should have stopped, but I figured 'what the h***' I've blown it for this day, so continued to eat what I fancied. 

Back on track this morning, but can't face going back to Atkins so following the Kellogs 'drop a jean size challenge', two meals replaced with a bowl of cereal and a sensible healthy meal for the 3rd meal.  I'm going away this week, so it'll be two weeks before the next weigh-in, enough time to see how this style of eating suits me.


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