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Four Letter Word - DIET


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I have digital scales and take the first reading only.

Received my first set of challenges from the BBC Big Challenge today.  1) check fat content on foods I buy, 2) do 2 10 minute walks 5 days a week, 3) keep a food diary.  Apparently I should lose weight on 1,300 calories a day (normal intake for women is 1,900 and 2,500 for men), so if you check your food and try to "shave off" 600 calories (men & women) that should work.

Off to the fridge now to check the fat content of the mayonnaise I just had with my lunch [8-|]. 


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Walk slowly Jan or do a few turns around the kitchen table and that will be your first 10 minute walk.

You are just SO keen!

These new scales are digital and I take the first reading too.  . .because when I got weighed the other day, they were a bit different.  100 or 200g each time.

Leaning against the bath and with my heels on the floor.  As you do[:)]

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I had actually intended to do more than 10 mins.  10 mins is nothing really.  I got myself a pedometer in England last year to see how many steps I walked during the day.  Took it out of the box, put the battery in, checked it worked, and put it away.  When I went to use it, took it out of the drawer, kitten ran up the back of my leg, dropped the pedometer, stepped back in pain and to detach kitten from leg and trod on pedometer, shattering the display and casing.  Ce la vie!!! 


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Weighed today and am shocked that I have managed to put on 11lb since moving to France 6 months ago!!

Have started counting points (weightwatchers) today and start a step

class on Thursday.  Hopefully I will be happier after getting on

the scales next week!

Have decided to weigh Saturday morning to avoid the 'pig out just cos

it's Friday!' but still gives me the week after Saturday night![:)]

Had wine tonight- had allowed for 3 small glasses but hubby drank most of it so only got 2!!

Well done to all that have lost weight already and good luck for next week


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Only one pound down at first weigh-in - but it's a start!  I am looking forward to making some more progress next week.  Luckily I am very fond of home-made no-point soup and can happily eat it for lunch every day with some fruit for afters. 


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I only declared my first weigh-in weight on Tuesday but I've just re-weighed for the first time:

[:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D]

I've lost 3 lb.  THREE [Y]  in less than a week. I'm now a svelt 85.4 kilos / 13st 6.5 lb / 188.5 lb - only another  2 and a half stone to go.

No alcohol, very little if any bread/cakes biscuits etc. no potatoes or pasta.  Lots of water.  On Friday we went out to lunch (had a salad, no bread, fizzy water) and I wore a pair of trousers that just before Christmas I could not do up (2" at least between the zips).  I'm a lot less bloated now and do feel less fat. I'm happy with that [*]

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I'm off to the barn in a moment to try and find my WeightWatchers manual.  I've got the cookbooks out and this afternoon I'm going to make the roasted vegetable soup (without the white wine as in recipe) at quarter of a point can't be bad.  Need to check in the manual how many points I can have a day.

I got a snack attack last night so I had some carrot sticks [A] and no wine [A][A]. 

If anyone has any low cal, low carb, low fat recipes they want to share, do you reckon we could persuade the administrators to add a link to the "Food and Wine" section on "healthy eating in France".  I see there is already a section for recipes, but would be nice to have some lower cal, carb & fat ones to look through.

OH in the barn at the moment putting the multi-gym together.  Hopefully I'll be able to start using it this week if all the parts are there!!


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I adapted this soup from Jane Clarke the nutritionist on 'This Morning'

In a little olive oil soften a small onion, clove (or two) of garlic and a leek (if you have it, if not I increase the onion) You can always soften these veg in the microwave if you want to exclude the fat all together

Add a tin of chopped tomatoes, 4oz of red lentils and about a pint of stock, simmer until the red lentils are cooked, either zap with a 'wand' liquidizer or leave according to taste.

In practice I get all the ingredients hot and put them in the slow cooker for the morning, I sometimes add curry powder too, very warming on cool days ! Apparently this recipe is very good for the 'gut' and works rather like pro-biotic drinks

There was a good soup recipe in the Mail yesterday too - I'll look it out.............

Well done to all the loosers [Y]

PS. I had a dreadful diet day yesterday so will be trying to make good the 'damage'

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Well, I am VERY happy as I got weighed this morning and I had lost another kilo.

Seeing that I started last Sunday I thought I would 'just check'[:)]

I shall do the same in a week - as well as Friday - then I will know what a fortnight on induction can produce....if you are sin free.

Where is that halo?

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[quote user="Alexis"]

Well, I am VERY happy as I got weighed this morning and I had lost another kilo.

Seeing that I started last Sunday I thought I would 'just check'[:)]

I shall do the same in a week - as well as Friday - then I will know what a fortnight on induction can produce....if you are sin free.

Where is that halo?


Well done, it's a great feeling having lost some weight.

I wonder what all our collective weight loss is so far? How many packets of, say - butter it equates to [:O]

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We went to the local Arab veg market this am, a tray of cabbage, same of Brocolli a tonne of peppers and 4 killos of fresh fruit should see us through to about wednesday!  I want to lose my love handles and him indoors has a bag in belly to dispense with befor a medical in April.

Mrs O    (not Sharon Osborne.....being sick makes me cry![:'(]     )

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This is from the Mail who are featuring Audrey Eytons F2 diet - looks pretty healthy !

Large onion, 2 celery sticks,1 large red pepper, 2garlic cloves, 1tbls olive oil, Itsp ground cumin, 1tsp oregano, 1/2 tsp chilli powder, 1.5 ltr hot veg stock, 4tbsp tomato puree, 400g can chopped tomatoes,400g can red kidney beans, 340g can sweetcorn niblets.

Peel and chop onion and celery, dice the red pepper, crush the garlic. Gently fry the onion for about 5 mins then add the other prepared ingredients, continue cooking for another 5 mins. Stir in the herbs and spices, pour in the stock, tomato puree and canned tomatoes, bring to the boil and cover, simmer for 15minutes, in the meantime drain and rinse the kidney beans and sweetcorn, then return to the heat for a few minutes.

If you want to thicken just use an eletric hand blender for a few seconds so that most of the ingredients remain whole.

I think this F2 diet is about to be published





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Well done to all you 'loosers' - hopefully I will be joining you at my first weigh in on Sat.

Having 'no-point' soup for lunch most days then if I fancy something

else as well I can.  Kids also like it so have to make a big batch

every day now for when they come home for lunch.

I just sweat onions, veg (any type, been squash and carrots today!) for

5 mins in a little water, salt, pepper & any herbs & garlic

then stock cube and water simmer for 20 mins then liquidise.

I even had roast yesterday and pudding!! so can't be a bad diet though

cutting alcohol to only a couple of nights a week.  It would be

unrealistic for me to cut it out completely.[:)]

Good luck everyone


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Yes, congratulations seem to be in order to us all. Lets hope this week is as good. Having lost some much last week, I don't expect I'll be told much good news  next time . My scales are capricious anyway and they lie like a cheap rug!!!!

I'm weighing on Fri morning next rather than Sat as we are staying the weekend with very foodie friends in The Lot. No idea what to expect from the scales the weekend after.


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What a saint! I refused to have a portion of Proffiteroles last night......told the family to share the desert out if they wanted it.  Must have made them all guilty  `cos they sat down with a plain Yogurt instead!   So It is still sat in the fridge, see if I can ignore it till weekend...then eat the lot!!!

Mrs O   aiming to lose about 6 kilos by endof feb.

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We will all get there.....ooh!  Haven't I said that before?  Several times?[:)]

I am still in halo mode and not feeling at all hungry.  It won't last!

Another pack of butter gone this morning....200g.

La la la la lalalala  lahhh

I have decided I like scales after all.  Especially when they go down!

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Alexis, I've finally joined you in the not hungry mode - I think we started Atkins on the same day?  It's reached the point where I actually feel nauseus at the thought of ANOTHER cooked breakfast.  I expect my wings and halo to be couriered to me at some point today as we entertained last night, and I avoided the crispy roast potatoes and deep banoffee pie, and ate only atkins friendly food.  Although I know I shouldn't be drinking during the two week induction, that was just too much to take on.  Still, it's all going well, so no complaints.
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Naps and Alexis floating on a cloud of mutual appreciation!

Hope Atkins works for you both. Its the only diet I ever tried. I lost 2.5 kilos the first week and not a gramme after that. I followed it to the letter for four months and the only pounds I lost were at the checkout in Sainsburys. Our food bill nearly tripled with all the high protein. I didn't lose weight but my overall cholesterol dropped by a third. Strange regime!

Good luck with it.

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Yes I agree, I also tried Atkins and loved it for the first couple of

weeks (all that bacon, steak with roquerfort sauce, butter and

cheese!!!  mmmmm) but only lost about 2lb in total!!

Same as any other diet though you soon miss the things you can't have and a sandwich or baked potato start to haunt you [:$]

That's why I have decided on the WW route as you can have anything but

it's all about portion control........ which is my main downfall.

I am on day 4 today and feeling fine so far but definately thinking

about food more often than usual, (if that's possible).  But then

in order to succeed you have to plan!

Keep up the good work everyone.


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Atkins is the only diet that I am not hungry on.

Believe me, I have tried them all over the years!

Several times[:)]

Oh.  The weight just falls off too the first fortnight which gives you the boost you need to continue.  On another diet if need be.

Naps, my fellow angel, I don't have eggs for breakfast - or only occasionally - I have bacon and mushrooms.  Not real bacon but either Super U or, my favourite, Netto or Carrefour.

I sometimes have a boiled egg and maybe eggs and bacon or scrambled eggs and mushrooms....

My body is a temple...watch out for falling masonry.

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That's it, I think I'll just drop the eggs (not literally) - I enjoy the bacon most, so a big plate of bacon and a couple of mushrooms it is - yummy.

To those who have tried Atkins and failed, I can endorse it, I lost just over 18 kgs last time I did it, the problem was stopping and then thinking I had a licence to eat everythng (to excess) .  I'm hoping that this time I can maintaim on a 80:20 ratio WHEN (note, not if) I reach my target weight.

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