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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Best wishes to all you dieters for a good year with success in all your

endeavours! So sorry to hear about your collar bone Gay. You seem to

have kept going well. For the last few years I've hovered around one

stone overweight and not bothered much about it as husband likes chubby

women and I felt well.  But here are two hints for losing weight

and keeping it off : go on holiday to India ( I lost over half a stone

) and start wearing a dental plate. Unfortunately I had to have a

tooth/root out and the plate is a big deterrent to eating and makes you

eat more slowly. Perhaps a bit extreme, just an idea. Pat.

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Hi all

I'd like to join in too! Ate and drank much too much at Christmas.  Still have chocys left, should I pig them all today[:D] or give/throw them away or hide them [8-)]

Everyone I have met has put on weight since moving to France. I have only been here 6 months and want to put a stop on any more gains before it gets out of hand [<:o)]


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About 15 years ago I joined WeightWatchers and succeeded in losing about 30% and achieved their version of my ideal  weight (sadly several chunks have returned but not all) in 7 months.

There is no easy way to shed those extra tons - you have to WANT to do it, really, really want. More than you want chocolates, biscuits, alcohol and the other inessentials with which we stuff ourselves particularly towards the end of the year.

Determination is ALL that is needed but that has to come from within and thus cannot be bought. It's a shame I know but that's life.



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ohmigod [:$] got on the scales this morning - boy have I got a way to go, about 25 pounds.  Going to do it in small goals so it doesn't seem so daunting.

OH asked me today what I wanted for my birthday (it's not til June, but it's the big 50).  Hopefully I've persuaded him to get me a multi-gym and I'd like it long before my birthday so I'm slim and toned for the big day [:D].

Discussed tactics with a friend last night and we're going to get the bikes out, and do more walking.

Good luck everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR

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I'm not thinking about scales yet, but have spent a couple of hours 'editing'  my wardrobe (would you believe there were 6 sizes in there ! - I'm a real hoarder) I have put all the bigger things that I would ever consider wearing again IF I got bigger in a box and am giving the stuff in the box (from last year) to a charity shop. Some smaller stuff I have kept as a  reminder, other stuff (including a pair of rather nice cream trousers I have worn once [:'(] but are in what I consider a size too small, even in my dreams) is in the charity shop bag too...............

When in doubt - throw it out !!!

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I'm happy with the 1 kg down by Friday and 4 kgs down by Valentine's day plan.  Feeling very positive this morning - let's hope the feeling lasts!

Weighed in at 13 st 4lb (catching up with the other half !!!) that's a little over 83kgs AND I DO NOT plan to stay this weight. 

Going to do my measurements today and get a full length photo taken to stick to the fridge door.

Good luck to everyone else. 

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Yes good luck everyone.  Haven't got on the scales as chickened out! but have found a diet plan in an old magazine to follow.  Choice of different breakfasts, lunches and dinners to pick and today is going to be:

Breakfast: poached egg on toast and juice

Lunch: tuna salad

Dinner: roast chicken, potatoes and veg

quite normal food which is easier for me as I refuse to cook different than for the rest of the family.  No alcohol though!!!  Tricky that one [:'(]



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I am back on Induction so no wine, no bread...etc.

Got on the scales this AM and about fell over from the shock! [:'(]

Still, I knew that it would be an increase and I also know I have the ability to change. So... here goes! See you all on Friday. [8-)]

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OK - this morning 11st 11lbs [:'(].  165 pounds.  75kg.  Maybe I'll work in kg as it looks less on paper [^o)].

I'm not going to tell you my measurements as I'm too ashamed [:$] (I blame the menopause).

I signed up for the online BBC Big Challenge Health Club and hopefully they will be sending me my "plan of action" for the next six weeks.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/bigchallenge/healthclub.shtml  The things you do when you're desperate.

Off to Limoges tomorrow to check out the multi-gyms.


PS - does anyone know how to contact the administrators - I'm getting two e-mail notifications of responses on this thread.

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WOW! With all these positive vibes and good intentions, you should be able to make some headway. Can I join in? I need a bit of moral support. Even after quite a sensible Christmas-New Year, the scales on Saturday morning told me I'd put on three pounds in the previous fortnight. Not a happy bunny.

My previous weigh-in was a cause for celebration - I'd lost exactly 20 kilos since changing my eating habits last May. So I need to get my act together. I aim to lose a further 10 kilos be fore I'll allow myself to go shopping for new clothes.

I'm happy to post my weight on a Saturday morning and if others want to join in, a la weightwatchers, but with no fines, I for one would find it helpful. And if anyone spots me within 50m of the Tivoli Boulangerie..............SHOOT ME!!!!!

Good luck,



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[quote user="viva"] I am hoping to get my hands on some Quinoa which is supposed to be a really good grain for health, especially kidneys, but I think I will have to get it via the internet.[/quote]

Viva, I have bought quinoa from Leclerc (in 46). It's in their "Bio" range and there's quite a selection of other "good-for-you" foods... It's also available in most health food shops.

Here are some recipes...


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Thanks Clair,

 I shall go and have a mooch for this and nuts and stuff today. I am going for healthy eating rather than diet, because that word seems to trigger in me a need for chips and chocolate!

Haven't owned scales for many years ( just too depressing) but will report in when as and when my clothes start feeling looser!

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Can I join too please?   I was 13 st 1 on the scales this morning.   I am booked in for a knee replacement on 7th Feb so I need to lose fast!   Mind you, when I had the other one done 2 years ago I lost 5lbs in hospital (despite the excellent food in hospital - Berkshire Independent Gay!) and took quite a long time to get it back.
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OK, here goes, I'm declaring my starting weight:

86.8 kilos or 191.5 lb and for the first time in about 5 years I set the scales to stones and pounds and to my absolute horror it equates to 13st 9.5 lb !!  [:$] [:(] [:'(] No wonder I have two herniated discs and am being treated for high blood pressure.  I have never been particularly slim but in my early twenties (20 yrs ago - I had my 40th on New Year's Day) I was about 10.5 - 11 stone (I'm 5'7" tall) and would love to get back to that, so I have a long way to go.

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Rob & La vieille welcome to the "sensible eating club".  Anyone can join and we're all doing different weight reduction regimes.  (Trying to avoid the four letter word here [:)]).

I have no problem posting my weight a la weightwatchers, it will give me more of an incentive and it's good to see how everyone else is doing, but I'm definately not posting my measurements [:$].  Just imagine a 5ft 4in barrel and you're there.

Friend came over this morning and told us he'd started yesterday and there are at least another 6 of us here in the Pompadour area all raring to go.

Good luck everyone.


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There are lots of us aren't there !!!

Suze you seem about the same build as me, but I'm thrilled to be just over 13stone (I suspect - I'm not weighing yet!) as a couple of years ago I was 17st 4lbs !!! I used South Beach http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/forum/ and La vieille I lost around 10lbs in the first 2 weeks - it doesn't happen for everyone but it worked for me. Also it really did change my eating habits, my biggest 'weight' problem is that I enjoy a drink (wine usually, now I drink red [D] rather than white) but we had cream cakes  [^] as a 'treat' at the weekend - yuk ! (and I used to love them too !!!)

I have a couple of events to look forward to in October so I would like to lose some more weight, but this broken shoulder is very depressing so it may be slow at first..................

I'm being virtuous today though - home made 'good' soup for lunch [:)]

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Well done, Suze!

Last Saturday morning I was 88.00 (having been 86.2 on 17th Dec - too much [^][B][D][pi][sn][D]).

No, I avoid **** letter words too. I'm not ****ing, I'm eating sensibly, making a lifestyle change, etc. But definately not ****ing!

Now that all the Christmas and New Year goodies have been consumed and the larder is bare, I might stand some chance.

Good luck to the rest of you.


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I'd like to join too - I'm too weak willed to keep to a diet on my own.   Following the Festive season, I was horrified to see the scales reach 11 stone.  I would like to lose a stone - at least for starters.  My main problem is giving up my medicinal red wine in the evenings - well 3 glasses is medicinal isn't it?  I also have no will power when it comes to nuts and seeds.  For the last few days, I have been eating up the Festive left overs - so now have no excuse!!!!

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Suze & Gay - me too!  I'm 5' 7" and weighed in over 13 stone - what shocks me most is that in June 2003 I dieted down to 10st 13lb and really thought I'd never go back up in weight.  However, on a more postivie note, the 'eating plan' is going well.  (On the downside, the exercise is poor, and the lowered intake of wine went straight out the window!)  Not sure if anyone's seen the Boots Change One Thing campagin which has been advertised recently.  It basically says that we fail in our resolutions because we try to change too much in one go, I think they've got a point.  So for now I'm concentrating on the food side, over the next month I'll slowly try to incease excercise and lower alcohol.

For anyone who's interested - the site is http://www.bootschangeonething.com/


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Hi Naps,

Thanks for the Boots link. Its an interesting site. I remember being told that small changes are more likely to last and be incorporated into permanent new lifestyle  than changes demanded by an "all or nothing" approach. Its easy to forget this. With regard to excercise, I found that a fifteen minute brisk walk after dinner was a useful and easy way to start which could be built upon, five minutes at a time, when you're ready.

Meanwhile, enjoy a drop or two.  Cheers[D]


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I need to post this to keep me going...

I'm doing well so far.  I've walked my daughter to school (uphill all the way back - about half an hour). I've not drunk any alcohol since NYD except for one TEASPOON of Cointreau! I did 15 minutes on my Cross-Trainer last night, and I can feel it this morning [Y] .

I've been having one bowl of cereals for breakfasts instead of three pieces of toast liberally spread with butter, very little bread, plenty of fruit and veg and I've drunk loads of water.... If I haven't lost any weight when I get on the scales on Saturday then I'll be amazed and very disappointed.

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