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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Many thanks for all the support. Trouble is I used to be very slim so even a few kilos never mind the ? I have put on makes me look fat. I do admire ladies who are curvy and look great. I just look frumpy [:(]

I like the new picture Jan, don't know how long I am going to last without alcohol [6] 

The Other Jan

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[quote user="Suninfrance"]

Is there any hope that one day I will be slim and sylph like (Computer says No).  Out with friends for dinner tonight, Thai night tomorrow.  I do have some Sesame Ryvita left, so I shall be having those with Marmite the rest of the week I think.

Trouble is, I just like FOOD [6]


I think the problem is that diet food generally tastes foul.  No wonder we can't stick to them, we feel like we're in some kind of food prison and all we can think about is what we're going to eat when we get out.

I had a doctor several years back who had a theory that you could only lose weight eating the foods you had come to love as a child.  He said small portions of those foods would be satisfying and you then wouldn't want to cheat because you would be happy. 

I don't really agree with him, because although I do have nostalgia for what I liked as a kid, my tastes were seriously unsophisticated.  I couldn't eat if there was anything green even on my plate!  I wouldn't eat pizza until I was around 20 and too embarrassed to go out with my friends and not eat it.


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[quote user="JayJay"]I've lost a bit of weight recently & my niece came over to visit. She nagged something chronic while she was here, went back & asked my sister if I was seriously ill & not saying. As apparently, I look awful.[blink] You really can't win![:(][/quote]

Ain't that the truth?  When people think we look "too thin," I wonder if there's not a little jealousy going on there?  Kind of like those people who do everything in their power to sabotage you when you're dieting.   You know the ones, "Here, have a piece of this triple layer fudge cake.  It won't hurt your diet!"


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[quote user="JayJay"]

I know what you mean PossumGirl. It's odd though, as I'm not a stick, never have been & never will be. I would hate to think it was jealousy. 

Now........ about this triple layer fudge cake?[:D]


I'm no stick either, although Mr. Possum is always saying I'm skeletal!  I think he needs glasses, but it's nicer than him saying I look like a pudge!  Still, as an American, I ALWAYS feel gigantic next to French women!  I think I"m the tallest woman in my village.  Maybe I should change my name to "GodzillaGirl...."

As to that cake, how's this?

PG (or GG)

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Thankyou PG, yum & wow! I've just put on a stone reading the recipe!

Mr possum sounds like a good sort & I'm sure GG wouldn't be a good name for you, how about AmazonianGirl?[:)] French women are petite, Breton women are too,(they don't like being called French) height wise. I've noticed they're getting wider though![;-)]

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[quote user="JayJay"]

Thankyou PG, yum & wow! I've just put on a stone reading the recipe!

Mr possum sounds like a good sort & I'm sure GG wouldn't be a good name for you, how about AmazonianGirl?[:)] French women are petite, Breton women are too,(they don't like being called French) height wise. I've noticed they're getting wider though![;-)]


You're right about them getting wider, JayJay.  When we were first married and would come to France almost 30 years ago, I never saw any fat French people, except for the occasional older person.  Certainly never saw a fat, young woman or a fat child.  Of course, there were no McDonalds in France at that time either.  It was horrible for me, because I often felt like a bit of a freak.  I hated riding on the bus if I had to share a seat with anyone, because they would give you that "death stare" that clearly said, "Get your butt off of MY half of the seat!"  And, let's not even think about sitting on people's family heirloom furniture.  My nightmare was sitting down and smashing a Louis XV  chair with my bulk!

Now, I do notice a lot more young people with a weight problem.  Another American export of which we can be proud (not!).


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It's sad how uncomfortable we can be made to feel. I wonder whether things have changed now, as they are on the up? Can McDo's really be to blame? Maybe that got the ball rolling. The shops now sell more ready meals & ready prepped stuff, maybe people over here are just getting lazier. [8-)]
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JayJay, I don't think it's laziness as much as people feeling themselves pulled in too many direcetion at once; the same as everywhere else.

When I was a kid, my life wasn't full of "activities" the way I think kids' lives are today.  My mother didn't work outside of the house, so she had time to cook.  I think that women just don't have the time to do as much as they once had.  Also, the kids watch television SEE all the ads for McDo's, pizza and other fast food and start nagging.  Their parents give in because it's sometimes easier, and the cycle begins...


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Lots more goodies( biscuits and sweets) in the supermarkets now than a few years ago. Think it happened when Nestle took everybody over. Isn't chocolate cheap here saw a huge pack of Twix this week for about 2 Euros. Not that I bought them of course [:D]

Actually over the last couple of years have lost my taste for sweet things.  Funny when I was slim I used to live on chocolate, perhaps that's where I am going wrong now [8-)]

Have noticed young French women don't eat  they only smoke.

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Yes PG, there is that.

Although, my mum worked when I was a kid, she then came home & cooked proper meals. There wasn't much in the way of convenience foods anyway, unless you counted fishfingers & Vesta curries.[+o(]

In the UK, they're going to ban the fast food ads during childrens programmes & entertainment shows that under 16's might watch. I wonder if that will help & whether it will be taken up across Europe.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Sad to say it probably does. I put on a huge amount of weight when I stopped smoking.


Oh, I can relate to that, I went from thirty fags a day to 30 snacks ands then we moved down to the Dordogne, and anyone living or knowing that dept, will know about the heavy food and wine....................I'm going jogging tomorrow, fancy joining me in a 5 km jog Dick [:)]

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Sorry, Miki, I've got a bone in my leg.

To keep this on topic, I heard on R4 yesterday a clear explanation of how exercise on its own does not combat obesity (this was in the context of obese children in the UK) although it may have other benefits, such as cardiovascular health. Losing weight requires less calories in as well as more calories out, and diet control (ie sensible eating, not fads) is the only answer. In my case a lot of stair climbing has meant that I am a fat man with very strong legs...

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[quote user="JayJay"]

Yes PG, there is that.

Although, my mum worked when I was a kid, she then came home & cooked proper meals. There wasn't much in the way of convenience foods anyway, unless you counted fishfingers & Vesta curries.[+o(]

In the UK, they're going to ban the fast food ads during childrens programmes & entertainment shows that under 16's might watch. I wonder if that will help & whether it will be taken up across Europe.


I think it's too late to curb the effect of advertising now,  JayJay.  So much of that stuff is simply part of the culture; it will take years of new habits for it to change.

Did anyone see the episode of the Money programme on the BBC about two months back that talked about the ready meal problem in the UK?  Apparently, the UK market accounts for 50% of the ready meals sold throughout Europe.  They showed one family that no longer had a dining room table and ONLY served ready meals in front of the TV to the whole family.


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