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Four Letter Word - DIET


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I'll weigh in tomorrow morning.  Forgot to do it today. 

No alcohol last night and even though it's Darts Night tonight, going to try and stay on perrier.  I want to cut out alcohol (except for special occasions) and not have my usual 2 or 3 glasses a night.  Dreadful. [;-)]

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Well done Jan. Im afraid I gave up the wine and went on the spirits [6]

Well done Twinkle Im going to have a look at the Idiots site. I really really really want to lose weight. I'm virtually starving myself at the minute and losing nothing. It was so easy to lose weight before the menopause but no matter what I do can't get below the plateau of the last few years.

The Other Jan

Still  slimming and smiling [:D] forever I think

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Quite true.

You need a glass in your hand to balance.  A fag in your mouth so you have to squint through the smoke to see the board also helps[:D]

There!  My secret, winning technique revealed!

I always thought a balanced diet was a bag of chips in one hand and a lager in the other.  They must be around the same weight?

Ooh!  Chips!  Can't remember the last time I ate chips......or had a lager!

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[quote user="Alexis"]

Ooh!  Chips!  Can't remember the last time I ate chips......or had a lager!


I had chips on Friday and a lager last night. 

 It's allowed with the diet I'm doing - you lot really want to check it out.  You have a 3 day break to eat and drink what you like and then you do it again for 11 days if you want to.  Otherwise, there's a guide that comes with it (online) to help you re-introduce the stuff you gave up during the diet back into your everyday eating habits without putting the weight back on.

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Don't worry, if I wanted chips I would have them.  I just can't be doing with oil everywhere.  I threw my chip pan out as no matter how many times I scrubbed it, it was a serious health hazard.

I would rather drink wine or gin than lager. . .

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Tell me about it. How can one litre of oil turn into five litres of splashes and drips?

If the diet suits you, keep at it.  The only way to lose weight is to stop eating so much and shift about.  It is finding the method to suit you and everyone, of course, is different.  The less pain involved, the longer you can keep it up.

Gay swears by South Beach, I like Atkins but I'm going through an orange fetish so I am counting calories, one Jan was on salmon and melon for a time I think...

We have tried and failed on them all over the years but I am doing alright this time.  Up until now...[blink]  I'm fancying egg and chips and I don't know who to blame......!

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As it happens, I didn't drink water all night.  I just had two glasses of the red stuff.  Glass in one hand, fag in the other and me and OH got knocked out in the first round.  Trouble with me is, I'm so short, I can't get the darts to the top of the board.

I haven't had a chip pan for years, although OH was talking about buying a deep fat fryer the other day.  Seeing as it's me who does all the cooking, washing up, etc, I passed on that one.  Hopefully I've convinced him not to get one.

Twink - does your diet do a free trial or a free assessment.  Need to think about it before I spend any more money as all my Family History subscriptions are up for renewal next month.


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I've never heard of the South beach diet - what is it?

I play 1/2 hours of badminton on Monday, I have a personal coach for an 1/2 of cardio training on Tuesday and I swim for an hour on Friday.  My 'job' is also quite physical too so I'd say I'm definately shifting around[;-)] 

I've done this for years and if I hadn't I would probably be a blob of blubber.  I love eating and drinking all the right things and all the wrong things.  The last time I was on this thread I think was about 6 months ago and this is what I do twice a year - a crash diet - and then I'm okay for another 6 months.  I did atkins and it worked the first time and then the next time I didn't do it properly and so....This always happens which is why I change the diet every time - but this one is agreeing with me.

Good luck girls!

Suninfrance I will send you a pm.

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Must admit I'm very tempted to become an idiot. Have tried everything else including starving. Only thing that worked was the melon and salmon and melons aren't too good now. Next stage with that diet is to buy the book so I'm toying with  the idea of which to buy the Perricone Promise or the Idiots diet. Won't get any support with the book, Twinks is there online support with your diet?

OH bought me deep fat fryer about 6 weeks ago and its never been used. First present I've had in years [blink]

The Other Jan

Still trying to keep slimming and smiling [:D]

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I can't help you with the South Beach as I haven't read the book.  Gay knows all about it.  Swears by it as she lost loads of weight on it.  I am sure it will come up if you google it.  It is all about GI foods I think.  I found it a bit complicated.  I am eating oats for my breakfast now though which is a Good Sign.  Shame I like them sweet.

What's all this nonsence about deep fat fryers???  Both your husbands must be in league!  Are your husbands being deprived? ha ha ha!  Gilles would eat chips every day if I cooked them.

I have lost nearly three stone this year with a lot of falling off the wagon so I am really pleased.  I can cope with a very slow weight loss as long as it doesn't go up when I'm being bad.  Let's face it, I'm not 'suffering'.

Do you remember people warning us at the beginning not to lose weight too fast?  It still makes me smile!  Fat chance!![:D]

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South Beach Diet is about good carbs and bad carbs.  Reading the book, the whole thing makes a lot of sense so I brought the book, tried it, lost 2lb, put it back on again, gave up.  I didn't enjoy it, but then it's a matter of personal taste.  In fact the book is up for grabs if anyone wants it (no charge).  It's just cluttering up my limited space now as I will not look at it again.


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