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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Same here no change [:'(] Have got the food under control but agree with Jan keep reaching for the bottle when something happens or probably in my case doesnt.. Definitely got the beached whale feeling, have to keep thinking of bikinis.

Do envy you your 9;9 loss Alexis it is fantastic.

Has anyone heard of insulin resistance where everything you eat is stored as fat (sounds horrible) or is it just my wine non resitance;[8-)]

The Other Jan

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Don't get disheartened Girls.  We will all get there in the end.

I had put on loads of weight..stopped smoking, stopped work, no doggy to take for walks now...so I was the heaviest I had been since pregnant.

Some of you weigh less than what I consider a reasonable weight for me!

Chin up!  Chuck out all those baddies and don't allow them in the house - no matter how hard the OH pleads.  My OH went shopping with me the Week of The Chocolate and bought some Bounty's.  I told him he had to hide them or eat them all in one go but did he heck.  I had six!  Could have been eight!

Shall we have the week-end off at Easter?  Something to look forward to.

Just to say Suze, if I eat carbs (bread - I love bread) now, I feel terrible.  Bloated like a frog.  I wonder why some people react like that?

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Where are you all when I want to brag????

What a week!  I have been on the old calorie counting.  Basically Atkins without the mayo...that is the only difference apart from eating lots of fruit...and I have lost...wait for it...

2.6 kilos!

The best result since I started this d***.

I am overjoyed.  Surprised certainly!  I still can't believe things are going so well.  Someone, somewhere must have decided that after having had thirty five years of laughing at my feeble attempts to diet, they would give me a chance...then laught at how quickly I put it all back on again.

Not on their Nellie.  This time it is staying off.

Hope that you have all lost weight too.  You are all certainly looking thinner....[;-)]

I'm off to have a slice of toast to celebrate.

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Absolutely brilliant Alexis, you must feel fantastic and full of enthusiasm.

No change again here. Getting desperate cant eat any less.Got to lose now and take the weight off my legs as I've been diagnosed with arthritic knees, so much for the new stepper.

Alexis what do you eat for breakfast?

The Other Jan

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Two boiled eggs for breakfast.

Lunch, when I was visiting the hospital was a container of lettuce, five tomato appero cut in half and sometimes half a shallot with 30g of this low calorie dressing.  With it I would have either boiled ham or cold roast chicken.  An orange.

On a night, I would have a cup of coffee when I got in and I often didn't fancy anything afterwards but this week I had cold chicken one night, onion soup (homemade) two nights, piece of salmon another...  With an orange.  I am having a real craze on oranges at the moment.

After drinking coffee in a morning with cream in it, I found it very hard to go back to milk or even low-fat cream so I am back on the calorie laden stuff.  I eat a Ricola sweetie when I fancy one.  I eat anything I fancy actually but for some reason, I haven't been tempted.

All of the above is what I had on Atkins without the mayo and reducing the créme fraîche if I do salmon like that.  I bought a pack of little 12.5g butters on Monday and I had half of one yesterday on some haricot and the other half this morning on my slice of toast.

Anyway, I have had OH in hospital for eight of these weeks so that helps.  Then he doesn't fancy anything at the moment so I'm not tempted.  Must take care not to hoover up what he goes 'bleugh' to though[:)]  If I had to cook roast potatoes or Yorkshire pudding, I wouldn't be able to resist.  Good job he is French and not used to such food of the Gods!

I was cross I hadn't gone onto calorie counting before now but I think I needed the time on Atkins to get me used to eating differently.  IF I go on a diet again ha ha ha, I will certainly start off with Atkins.  Won't be so lavish with the mayo though!

Don't forget that when he had our pre-Christmas sad attempt at dieting, I lost nothing and put weight on.  Things are just going my way at last!  Touch wood it continues[:)]

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Humph!  With reference to above...up 200g.

Serves me right.  There are still a lot left so it is either the bin or my tum which will be bigger this time next week.[:D]

I shouldn't have made them knowing OH was off chocolate.

I won't eat the little egg I bought.  I will save it for a rainy day.

I am strong.  My body is a temple.[;-)]

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Hello, I'm back after a weeks absence (we had parents + sister and her family over).

I was a little anxious to get on the scales this week having had a week of late nights boozing and playing cards and eating more than usual [:$]

But - I was very surprised to find that I had lost the half pound (200g) that I had gained the last time I weighed-in. I must have sent it in Alexis' direction!! I shall try and avoid the Easter Bunny's gifts, I'm not a chocoholic but I do like a little from time to time.

Joyeuses Paques a tous! (add accents where appropriate)




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Starting to feel a bit sad [:(]  No change again and I couldnt have been 'gooder' no alcohol all week and couldnt eat any less.

Do feel thinner so perhaps I will change the scales, don't want to give up.

The Other Jan

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Well, just when I should be thinking about salads, I'm making the most of being able to use the oven again, after being too terrified to all winter because of the Tempo electric system.

Lasagne, quiches, roast beef, roast potatoes, home-made bread (okay, cheating a bit, it's packets of bread flour all ready to go, but still, they're tasty, and they've been there since last Autumn).

I got some Cow Eggs for Easter, just munching my way through them right now.

None of it matters.  I think you're all lovely just as you are.

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This is very true...we would just like a little bit less of us to love[:D] 

 I am back on the right track.  I expect to be either the same weight as last week or a bit above.  I really hope to be less!  This does not tell the true story, as usual, as I went up like a rocket over the chocathon called Easter.

I did actually chuck the truffles I made out.  I know.  I know.  I ate the little egg though.  I work on the once it's gone it's gone and can't be shouting "eat me!" all day.

Where is our little angel icon? 

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300g lost this week.  I am actually starting to feel thinner.  The elasticated waists aren't so tight[;-)]  I think my clothes were stretched to the limit though!

It is a glorious day here so my shorts are coming out....Quick!  Quick!  Want to lose another stone by 10.00am[:)]

Hope you have all done well.

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Well done Alexis. Its great to hear somone is winning the battle, it is giving me hope to carry on because I so want to be thinner BUT I haven't lost anything again.

Have reached a plateau AGAIN but at least its a kilo under the last one.

Got to stop thinking if I stuff myself I only put on a small amount but I'm nearly on starvation rations and can't even lose a small amount. Perhaps it will all come off in one lump [8-)]

The Other Jan


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Aren't we STARS!

I do feel sorry for you Jan.  I can't imagine why you are not losing weight.  Courage!  It will all drop off one day even if I have to come down and saw a leg off you....[:D]

I've got the shorts on.  They fit better than last year....[:D][:D]

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Alexis please keep telling us how good it feels to be thinner. Took off the outer layer today and everything seemed to be flopping around. Darent put the shorts on the neighbours will probably put the house on the market if I do.

Managed to lose the kilo a few weeks ago but was really on starvation rations. Havent lost anything for 4 weeks now. Alcohol has somehow crept back in, not a lot [6] are you still off the alcohol ?

The Other Jan

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Alexis, if you are going to come down and saw my leg off, make it the right one - my knee keeps giving way - I'm sure it's to do with my weight (or just plain old age [:)]).

I just read the leaflet I got with some tablets the gynea bloke gave me, the usual side effect including weight gain, but I am determined not to let that worry me.  Looked them up on the internet and apparently they are steroid progestogen, hence the weight gain.  [:(]. 

Still if I just keep plodding away at the diet, maybe, one day, I will lose something.


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Know the feeling Jan. Have been diagnosed with arthritis in the knees and Im sure its the extra weight.

Also got some fibroid problems which must be affecting hormones etc. Unfortunately I havent found a French doctor as good as UK doctors.

I never used to believe people who said they ate nothing and couldnt lose weight but I believe it now.We musnt give up though one day we WILL lose weight. I feel so miserable being fat it seems to dominate everything I do and because of that I will persevere wont let it beat me.

Keep smiling aqnd slimming [:D]

The Other Jan

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Up down, up down, shake it all around...

BAH!  Up a kilo.

I have always made my bread by hand.  This week I bought a MAP and have been trying it out...there has been lots of crust eaten and pancakes last night!

What will power!  I think I will eat fruit all weekend.  Lots of lovely things on the market so I will stock up later this morning.  Got to get rid of the kilo before it sets hard[:D]

Hope that you have done better than me....

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I didn't weigh in last week and was a little concerned getting on the scales as I've been drinking far too much - even had some Champers last night [:D], and as for eating, well just don't go there!  Anyway, I was very pleasantly surprised to find that I am  one and a half pounds down [:-))].  Even so, my belt I wear with my jeans is on the fattest hole [:$] and I certainly don't feel at my thinnest.  It's the alcohol, it really bloats me out.  I am now back on track equal to my max weight loss to date to hope to continue in the same vein.  I've decided May is going to be an alcohol free month, I did it in January and February, so I know I can.




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Good to hear everyone is still positive [8-|]

Afraid Im still the same AGAIN, can't remember how many weeks that is now  [8-)]

Not giving up because I feel so awful being FAT [:(]

Yesterday I had an apple and a small muesli bar, similar eating pattern all week. The weight must come off soon [:D]

Keep slimming and smiling everyone [:D]

The Other Jan

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