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Four Letter Word - DIET


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[quote user="Alexis"]

Thank you.  He seems to be doing very well.

A hula hoop sounds just the thing.  I had one too.  Bit of washing line and my "gym" will be complete!

Don't think I am being good about the booze.  Just not on it at the moment.  It isn't a deadly sin on Atkins so I could have a drink if I fancied.


Hi Alexis

I started Atkins last Sunday and because of my work and friends visiting I've had lots of wine plus quite a bit of vodka this week but after weighing this morning, I've still managed to drop 2 kilos!  I'm getting bored of the meat and cheese though and am craving chocolate so bad![:P]

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Argh!  Don't mention chocolate...you will start us all off again!

You will have to make up a menu for the week so you don't eat meat too many times.  I eat quite a lot of fish.  Salmon in créme fraîche is a real favourite and I'm having it for lunch today.

Cheese I don't eat...bleaugh.

When I am visiting the CHU, I take a salad with me.  Been chicken for the past couple of days but ham, tuna, prawns go down well.  I cook something when I get in...if I can be bothered.  I have been eating up those individual portions from the freezer I couldn't bring myself to throw away.

Still not opened a bottle of anything but white wine is one point which is nothing[B]  Except, of course, booze is banned for the first two weeks so go straight to the Naughty Corner.

Oh!  It is looking a bit full over there...[:D]

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I gave in last night because "somebody" upset me, and I ate 2 tubes of my daughters smarties that I bought for her birthday party! But I'm just back from my hour & a quarter of circuit training so hopefully ...

Thanks Alexis for the Salmon recette, I do tend to eat rather a lot of meat on this diet, does it make you irritable?  As for the cheating with the alcohol, well it's still working for me but i'm definitely keeping off it 'til Saurday.  Ok, I'm going back to the naughty corner now - AGAIN[B][pi]

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I like meat.  Maybe it is because you are on a d*** that you are cross!

Sometimes I have meat twice a day.  Sometimes three or four times a week.  Whatever, I plan the week.  I like to know what I'm having so it is in the fridge ... ready.  Then temptation is kept at bay.

How did you do your salmon?  I sweat off a shallot, add diced salmon - quite big chunks - and once it is nearly cooked, salt, pepper and créme fraîche.  It takes five minutes.

"Other" people in the house can have it with pasta without moaning too much[;)]  I always say I will have it with a vegetable but I nearly always don't.

I like smarties but I like chocolate buttons much, much more.

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 I hardly ever eat meat, its usually Chicken or fish, often a simple grill in the George Foreman - quick & tasty!

Ok - I'm back - haven't worked out how to do my ticker yet but I want to lose 20lbs - my sister has booked her wedding for 24th Sept at Raymond Blancs Le Manoir - I can hardly look a frump there now can I ?

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Same again this week.

But it's Friday and night out tonight with friends.  Have booked a table at a nice place in St Yrieuix.  English owners and they are doing (by request of friends - not me you understand - I just go with the flow) - steak & kidney pudding and apple crumble with homemade custard.

Got myself a pedometer from Go Sport a couple of weeks ago - only 10 Euros.  Now that I've worked out my step length it was good to go for a nice walk around the lake at Rouffiac.  It was 7.67km, took 10,820 steps and I burnt off 420 calories (according to the pedo).  Did I ache the next day!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.


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I would have done a lot better if I hadn't had a bread making day yesterday.  Honestly, I only ate two little bits to compare different recipes.....

Can I use yesterday's weight?  No?  Oh, all right then....

So. Minus 400g.  I'm sulking.

I'm off to the hospital now but I will check out all the outstanding weight losses tonight.  Will be the first thing I do...after I've fed the cat, of course.[:)]

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So much for wanting to lose 2lb this week - I've put ON a pound.  My diet over the past few weeks has not been going well: +1lb / - half lb / 0 / +1lb.  I need to re-focus - at one point I was 9lb down overall but that has now slipped to 7 and a half pounds, and I was so close (1/2 lb) to breaking that stone barrier too.




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Completely focused and have been so good, also no alcohol but no change. Not giving up though and even sticking to diet over weekend,perhaps half a stone will drop off in one go. Hope its not a leg I bought a stepper and knees are killing me.

Strange thing is I dont miss the alcohol so will take advantage of that.

Hope all going well at the hospital Alexis and well done 400g is still good.

Heard my first cuckoo this morning, got to think of summer and bikini. [:$]

Keep smiling and slimming everyone [:D]

The Other Jan

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Well done Gay, I 'only' managed 3 in the 1st week.

To do a ticker go to tickerfactory.com and follow the instructions. When you have finished making it you get a choice of different web addresses for it - use the one called BB Code, highlight it all and press Control and 'c' then on your post here do Control 'V' - it should appear when you preview the message.

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I'm feeling very pleased with myself! 7 lbs lost over 16 days, this includes drinking too much wine & vodka on Atkins in the first week.  However i've taken a break from Atkins and the alcohol and am eating small quantities frequently and drinking at least 3 huge mugs of green tea every day. I've given myself a goal of another 7 lbs over the next 2 weeks.

  I'd like to do a ticker too, anyone like to help me and Russethouse make one?

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[quote user="Suze"]Well done Gay, I 'only' managed 3 in the 1st week.

To do a ticker go to tickerfactory.com and follow the instructions. When you have finished making it you get a choice of different web addresses for it - use the one called BB Code, highlight it all and press Control and 'c' then on your post here do Control 'V' - it should appear when you preview the message.


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Very disappointing - nothing happened yet again, although earlier in the week the scales did drop another pound, but it's gone back on again.  Must have been the Mars Bar I had in a moment of stress.  Oh .... and the wine.  I really do have to stop making excuses and caving in everytime something happens.

Hope every one else has better luck this week.


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I don't know where the time goes.

So.  Lost a kilo this week so my total for the three months is 9.9kg.  13cm off my waist.  12cm off my hips.

I was laid in bed the other night, thinking, as you do...and I thought that if I had eaten so little twenty years ago, I would weigh about six stone.  If you counted up the calories I was under 1000....except for MAYONNAISE all that has stopped now and I have bought a light dressing.  Got to hide the taste of the lettuce somehow and my normal vinaigrette is high in calories too.

So, I am on a Atkins influenced calorie diet now.  Well, Atkins without the mayo, really.  We will see how it goes.  Oh.  Eating more fruit.

One thing though, I am determined to continue which must be a record.  Just seems so long!  Still, it took thirty odd years to get this fat but with luck, six months to lose it, so I suppose it isn't that bad.

Chunter chunter chunter

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[quote user="Alexis"]

So.  Lost a kilo this week so my total for the three months is 9.9kg.  13cm off my waist.  12cm off my hips.


Alexis - you are amazing.  9.9kg weight-loss is very impressive.  I fear I have put on again this week - I will weigh-in and update this post soon.  My problem is lack of w-p, feeling a bit low and a few health problems - this last month I've been on some medication that is highly likely going to make you gain a kilo or so (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). The last few weeks have been a disaster diet -wise : I've been having a few glasses of wine and too many carbs.  My tummy is really flabby again - I was in my pool yesterday afternoon, chilling & floating about on my li-lo and thought jeez, I look like a beached whale! Today, I am going back on the wagon, after all I managed it for 6 weeks at the beginning of the year, and I must resist those carbs.  If I can do those two small things and can get back on track again then the pounds will start to fall off as they did before.

Sorry to waffle but I needed to write it down - you know how it works.


Yep - as thought (though not as bad as) I've put on half a pound [:(]




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