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Four Letter Word - DIET


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I agree.  Start over.  Back to Induction[8o|] 

I did get on the scales this morning and it was terrible.  Still, I knew it would be and I did cover myself by saying that I would use tomorrow's weight....I'm not daft!  Just need an arm or a leg to drop off sometime today.

So.  See you all tomorrow. 

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Aaaaagh scales. You are all very brave going near them. Not going to touch them this weekend.

Have been looking at fat photos today it certainly is a motivator. Monday is another week and  forecast is for sun on Tuesday hooray.[:D]

I always thought the headache with chocolate was caused by the obligatory brandy. Not sure which to give up[*-)]

Keep smiling and slimming everyone.


Lost in the Lot

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Agh!  Up one kilo.

All chocolate.

I'm bloated like one of those frogs who puff their cheeks out.

Actually, with all the healthy and invigorating walks, it COULD be muscle.  We all know muscle is heavier than fat....

Yep.  One kilo of muscle this week Girls.  Eat your heart out.


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Phew [:|]

I really thought I may have put on weight again this week.  But no, I am exactly the same as I was last week.  Still, very disappointing that I haven't broken that stone-barrier but hey, what did I expect when I've been eating chocolate (no headaches[;)]) and biscuits all week!





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Spring is round the corner, shortly followed by summer - and this year I don't want to be mistaken for a beached whale. 

As of today I'm starting a diet - my starting weight (got on the scales after getting out of bed} 11 st 13..5lbs.

At the beginning of the year I had hoped to be 11st for our trip to the UK in 4 weeks time, however I know it's now an unrealistic goal and I'll only end up quitting with such pressure, so with 4 weeks and an average of 2lbs a week, I'm going to push for an 8lb weight loss, with a target weight of 11st 5.5lb (only 6lb heavier than my best weight in the past 3 years - can't believe it's within reach!).

Come on everyone let's get this beaten.  Look forward to seeing how we've all done after our 'first' week.

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I shall be trying to get back on track, but last night at our local, the English owners had Cadbury's Creme Eggs on the bar - well I just had to.  I've not eaten them yet, they have been put away for "special occasions".

The weather is due to improve next week, so "the girls" are going to go for long walks again.  Maybe the ground will dry out enough for me to get to the end of the barn to use the gym as well.

Dinner at the Auberge tonight with friends and then back on track next week.


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 I need to get back on track - my enforced period of being confined to barracks is nearly over, I am sling less at last, so hope I should be able to get back to driving, regular shopping and fairly normal exercises soon.

As I have a birthday next week I'm going to join NEXT Saturday. I have put on about 5lbs,(over 3months, but thats the trouble, going UP a little each week, mounts up) mainly because I have been out of routine. I know that I feel better when I cut down on carbs (not manically, just not too many) so I am going back to South Beach and the treadmill (not been allowed on it).......

As a carrot, I am going to New York in October and my sister is getting married around that time too, so I need to buy some new clothes......

See you next week

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A bit of sunshine this afternoon feel lots better.[:D]

New regime tomorrow, giving up both the chocolate and brandy. Have got the treadmill up and running and intend writing down everything I eat to see where the problem lies.[*-)]

Just had a look at fat photos [:'(] definitely  a reason for the final brandy.

Cheers, keep smiling & slimming everyone.

Happy Birthday Gay


Lost in the Lot

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A bit of sunshine this afternoon feel lots better.[:D]

New regime tomorrow, giving up both the chocolate and brandy. Have got the treadmill up and running and intend writing down everything I eat to see where the problem lies.[*-)]

Just had a look at fat photos [:'(] definitely  a reason for the final brandy.

Cheers, keep smiling & slimming everyone.

Happy Birthday Gay


Lost in the Lot

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Well at least I lost the pound I put on last week. 

The weather in Correze has been brilliant for the last 4-5 days, so went for a 7k (and a bit) walk on Wednesday with friends, followed by weeding and digging over the veg plot.  Thursday was spent cutting trees and clearing brambles and ivy around the veg plot.  Got my seeds in and generally had a bit of a spring clean around the house getting loads of washing out on the line.

My back hurts, my shoulders and arms hurt and my legs are so stiff.  But I'm told it's doing me good.  [:)]

How's everyone else this week?


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I didn't actually get back on to the wagon until Wednesday.

(must not use the "D" word!)

By then I had gone up another 200g.  So far, in two days - yer, right - I have nearly lost it all.

Tra la la la la.

I will get weighed tomorrow.  Intend to stop on induction just until the Saturday after next.

Ooh.  Aren't you all looking thin[:)]

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Well, my lovely scales shot down again.  According to them, I have lost the chocolate kilos and another 500g.  8.5kg lost.

I must have got to the choccie blubber before it had "set"[:)]

So.  Let's hope they don't shoot up next week.

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Well done Jan & Alexis!

Have just weighed myself too - very surprised to see that I've lost half a pound.  I've not been very 'good' on the food and wine front this week but I have been doing a lot of gardening with some serious digging to balance it out!  I have opened up the pool this week and so in about a week or so when the water gets up to a comfortable temperature I shall we doing a bit more excercise with a daily 30 lengths or so.





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So much for starting afresh - I've eaten everything I shouldn't have, plus a little more - up 2.01lb, yuk!

OK, going to get serious now - those 2lbs came on easy, so they should go easy IF I act now - this week I'm aiming for minimum 3lbs weight loss, and if that doesn't work I just might have to resort to starting excercise, god forbid!


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Lost 1 kilo this week which is the kilo I put on a couple of weeks ago. Now down off the high plateau. Lost the weight at the beginning of the week, no alcohol Monday or Tuesday but hurt the old back on Wednesday so had to have some medicine. Getting too old to be a concrete mixer.[*-)]

 Looks as though the problem could be the booze[:'(] so definitely no alcohol next Monday to Friday drastic measures necessary including exercise if back holds up.

Alexis 8.5 kilos is fantastic are you still having alcohol.

Off to have a look at fat photos, a good motivator.

Keep smiling and slimming everyone

The Other Jan

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Mr SB is off to Chinaland for 3 weeks, so my alcohol intake will drop to almost zero.

But this childminding that I'm doing, oh boy, it's horrible, it leaves me so stressed, and I have no time to even pretend that I'm going to do any exercise (sincere intention to do exercise uses up quite a few calories, did you know that?).




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 (sincere intention to do exercise uses up quite a few calories, did you know that?)

 Didn't know, but I will drink to that. Only on Saturday and Sundays though. Perhaps I need to send MOH off to China hmm [:O]

The Other Jan



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Now is an ideal time for me to be good as OH is himself away.

Last - touch wood - round of his treatment.

No, no booze.  Aren't I good[A].  Mind, I drank a whole bottle of muscadet the night he came home after the last hospital stay.

I saw folks jigging about on the telly last night.  Is it called steps? It is the Fair of Fitness or something.

I could do the same on the kerb edge.  Gosh!  I'm so old.  Who did that?  Elastic skipping too ....ha ha ha!  Mind you, last time I went for healthy walks, I ate chocolate when I got in so maybe not.

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Thank You Alexis certain now everything is down or up to the booze.

YOU are however allowed a whole bottle and more of muscadet in those circs, all the best for last round .Admire your strength. I shouldnt joke about sending OH away. Thoughts are with you and hope its Champagne on his return.

We have not got a kerb edge now but I remember when we had. Also remember hula hoops not the ones you eat.

Know what you mean about 'healthy walks' last one resulted in a coffee/brandy and chocs.

The Other Jan

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Thank you.  He seems to be doing very well.

A hula hoop sounds just the thing.  I had one too.  Bit of washing line and my "gym" will be complete!

Don't think I am being good about the booze.  Just not on it at the moment.  It isn't a deadly sin on Atkins so I could have a drink if I fancied.

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Hi Ladies,

Don't know how the weather has been in your areas but down here in Aude its beeen hot hot HOT! So, I did three walks last week totalling 26km, up hill and down dale, rarely on the flat.....

...........and put ON half a kilo. What is going on? I haven't hit the chocs and the brandy yet, but I'm not far off. Especially as the weather has now turned.

Glad that somebody in this country is loosing. Well done to you all.[:'(]

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