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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Alexis didn't realise you had lost so much this year that's excellent.You must be really pleased with progress [:D]

I'm exactly the same weight as this time last year and the previous year and the one before and I've been dieting all that time [:'(] I am completely baffled [;-)] If I eat normally I usually put on 3 kilos I can lose that but once I get to the plateau that's the finish. For example I got back from hols three weeks ago had put on 3 kilos lost it in the first week but since then have put on 1 kilo. It is beyond me how I can eat so little and not be loser.

Not sure either what is going on with the deep fat fryer. Husband doesn't like chips, but he is a neatness freak.

The Other Jan

Still slimming but smile is drooping ho ho bit like everything else.

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This summer I filled in for a singer who had a vocal chord operation.  It was for a cover band who do the village fetes.  You arrive at 3.30pm set up and the comité des fetes provide you with a meal - 95% of the time it is the same meal as the villagers and normally it is either paella or cassoulet.  Out of the 26 concerts I did with this band we had 18 cassoulets!  The starter is nearly always charcuterie or salade de gesiers and there is usually cheese to follow  and a croustade a la pomme or something just as filling. 

I normally lose a few pounds during the summer - this year I GAINED 4 kilos[:-))]

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My smile would be drooping too, Jan.  I knew about this year but I hadn't realised it had been going on for so long.

Still no help from the doctor?  Could you have a food allergy or something which makes you not lose weight?  It must be something.

You are perhaps allergic to lettuce and other 'diet' foods and you should be eating dumplings, swigged down with gin...[:D][:D][:D]

Be brave.  We will all arrive at our targets one day.

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[quote user="Poppy"]

I'm exactly the same weight as this time last year and the previous year and the one before and I've been dieting all that time [:'(] I am completely baffled


Jan, if you've been dieting for that long, your body probably has just gotten used to a lower amount of calories.  Unfortunately, lifetime dieting eventually comes back to bite us big time.  Our metabolisms get totally out of whack, every time we lose weight, we lose muscle mass but then when we gain back, we gain back fat.  We keep burning fewer and fewer calories to maintain the same amount of weight.

If it's any consolation, most of us will survive very well during a famine...


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I've been dieting for 40 years so my metabolism could be totally out of whack. [blink] Up to menopause at 52 I was very slim over the next couple of years weight crept on and four years ago I reached the plateau. No matter what I try can't get below that again. I reckon most days I don't eat and drink more than 900 calories.

Doctor isn't interested I don't think he believes how little I eat [8-)] Thyroid was tested a couple of years ago and doc said come back when you are only eating a few sunflower seeds per day. Earlier this year he said come back when we can roll you. He is a bit dismissive of most things so perhaps time to look for a new doctor.

At the rate I'm going could survive for years on 100 calories per day. Won't give up there must be an answer, although must admit when i was slim and heard overweight ladies saying they hardly ate anything I didn't believe them.

Will keep slimming and smiling [:D]

The Other Jan


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[quote user="Poppy"]

I've been dieting for 40 years so my metabolism could be totally out of whack. [blink] Up to menopause at 52 I was very slim over the next couple of years weight crept on and four years ago I reached the plateau. No matter what I try can't get below that again. I reckon most days I don't eat and drink more than 900 calories.


Jan ( I typed "Jam" but thought that was counterproductive to the discussion!!![:D]), first, I think you DO need a new doctor who is a bit more interested in your weight issue and more helpful too.

Second, if you're only eating 900 calories a day, you definitely have a metabolism that is not functioning properly.  Your body really cannot survive on that number of calories in a really healthy way.  Your immune system needs more than that to keep you from catching every illness that comes down the pike.  Women should not be eating less than 1500 calories a day in most cases.

I would be concerned about malnutrition issues if you are eating that way.  Have you looked into Weight Watchers?  You need to eat better first and worry about weight loss later.


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PG many thanks for the info. Have done some internet research on wrecked metabolism and it's quite frightening. Looking at some diets giving planned meals I would be eating a lot more than now so will give one of those a try.

The Other Jan

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I had my diebetic appointment last year, and as part of the discussion we came round (as always) to me losing weight. My doc is quite outraged that in the UK there are millions each year put into anti-smoking measures but almost nothing into weight loss, so that people end up 'self medicating' with often self-defeating diets, or even worse pills bought on the internet. But, of course, it is so easy to blame overweight people for being lazy and lacking willpower, isn't it? I was told to go along to a 'clinic' run by a nurse who is bigger than me by a nurse who, I believe, was anorexic...

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Dick there seems to have been a lot of tv coverage this week given over to obesity in the UK . Latest theory this morning that lack of sleep causes children to be overweight, the solution start the school day later [I] Nothing about bedtime being earlier [blink]  being serious this might mean that more resources will be employed to help people lose weight.

Im afraid I live in France and obviously non interested doctor is French. I won't get on my pet subject but have been unlucky with french health service. Seriously thinking about change of doc but will have to do lots of research, in the meantime self medication.



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To be perfectly honest, one of the things that would help me would be more low-fat, low (or no)-sugar options, such as Muller Light yogurts used to be before they whacked loads of sugar into them - the equivalent of about 5 sugar cubes per. I shop at Sainsburys and they haven't got the picture yet - good on low fat, useless on low sugar.

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Poppy, just been reading the last few posts on this thread and wondered how much activity you do.  As Pads (i think it was ) said, that amount of calories isn't enough to live on.  Perhaps if you upped your calories and were more active you may find this helps.

During school holidays I always gain weight, just by virtue of going to bed later and not having to run the winkies to school, I'm not very active and this helps to add on the pounds.

Once my little darlings are back to their studdies I'm much more active and the weight drops off again. 

I rarely change how I eat, just what I am doing seems to make the difference.

Good luck


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Thanks for the info Dotty. I am quite active we are STILL renovating so lots of cement mixing,moving wheelbarrows,cutting grass etc etc etc. Was thinking about going for a brisk walk each day but it hasn't stopped raining since I had that thought [blink]

The Other Jan

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One of the most interesting pieces of dietary advice I've read recently has to do with protein intake.  Increased protein intake definitely seems to affect appetite control.  As much as most of us don't want to hear it, or believe it, moderation is probably the best approach as far as not dong anything crazy like all brown rice for a week, etc., etc.

Still, if we were ABLE to do "moderation" many of us would probably not have a weight issue to begin with!

If  you're looking for an online program, this one at WebMD was recently given a very good rating.  There is also FitDay, which is a FREE onlilne diet journal where you can add in your daily intake of food, exercise, etc.  The only problem I can see is that they may be too "U.S.-centric" in the foods they list.  But you can take a look at them to see if they meet your needs.

I think that everyone has to find the approach that works for them and stick with it.  Clearly, if someone needs to lose 10 or 20 pounds their approach has got to be different than for someone who needs to lose 50 pounds or more.

It is unfortunate that obesity and morbid obesity are seen as defects of character rather than illnesses.  Most of my overweight friends don't seem to eat that much more than those of my friends who are normal weight.  I suppose that no one knows what anyone eats behind closed doors, but it is certainly not a lack of "moral fiber" that creates obesity.  It is, sadly, far more complicated than that.


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Hi all. I have been following this thread with interest all year! I have also been trying to loose a bit of weight ( about a stone). I seem to have been loosing and regaining the same 4 or 5 lbs all year[:(] I just wondered how Twinkle is doing on her new diet? I have looked at the website but haven't taken the plunge yet! Does this really work? My metabolism is very slow so it sounds interesting! How easy is the programme to follow? Are the foods normal or difficult to prepare? I also have a family to cook for so I need somrthing fairly easy to follow! I am off to the Uk tomorrow for 5 days so am aiming to start trying again( actually i haven't stopped!!!!) after then.


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Hi Joy!

You do it for 11 days then have 3 off to eat what you like - then you can either start again if you have more to lose or consult their guidebook to make sure it doesn't come back on ( easier said than done).

I am now doing it for the second time and will finish tomorrow night.  I've lost 5 kilos and it is easy to follow,  you choose the foods you like from a list of 50 and you get a 'made to measure' diet!  I'm a bit bored now but I can say that not eating bread, pasta and all the other 'devils food' has made a huge difference.  Apart from the weight loss, my skin is much clearer and my OH reckons I look younger???  I get a bit tired if I'm doing sport but I do feel much more energetic otherwise.  The carbs are definately MY worse enemy!!!

Check out the web-site - it worked for me and I hate diets!



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Hi Twinkle. Glad the diet is working for you! I think I will try it once I return from visit to my parents in UK! (Next Wednesday) Too many temptations when visiting!!! I really want to shed at least 4 kilos before Christmas! I will let you know how I get on. Once again, thanks for the info.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh dear - we seem to have slipped to the 2nd page - obviously not a lot of activity going on with this thread [;-)].

Hello Jan was just thinking the same thing myself.

I am winning at last but it is sooooooooo hard[:'(] Haven't had any alcohol, coffee or tea for 2 weeks and along with a detox diet have lost sometimes 2 kilos other times 3 kilos if you know what I mean [8-)]  Read somewhere that alcohol can cause insulin resistance which results in the jelly belly.Don't know how long I can keep it up but do have a goal, a family reunion next weekend where lots of people will remember me thin. Trouble is going to the UK next week, fish and chips etc etc etc.

I wonder if Alexis is in the UK she was talking about going to Scotland and then touring Italy.

The Other Jan

Still slimming and just smiling [:)] 

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Congrats, Jan! That's wonderful success.  Don't think about failure, just concentrate on how well you've done so far.

I don't think most people really notice as much about our weight as we notice ourselves.  When I first lost weight (130 pounds!!!), most people just looked at me for a few seconds, then asked if I'd changed my hair!


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