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Back to the plateau again, no loss this week.

Have been writing everything down and dont eat more than 1000 calories per day. At a bit of a loss, not weight wise unfortunately [:'(]

Noticed in my Quelle catalogue some slimming tablets called Omegaslim based on Omega3 has anyone come across them or anything similar. I dont usually even take an aspirin but Im getting desperate.

Must keep slimming and smiling [:D]

The Other Jan

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Well, there must be something wrong somewhere.  Have you told your doctor?  If he starts to look sceptical, just show him your book with your daily calories in.  It may be a medical problem.

I started off great then I went to Belgium to collect the family and had two days sinning.  It has been a bit of a struggle since they arrived too.

I'm cooking potatoes, Yorkshire puds....temptation where ever I glance. 

I am pleased though.  Although it is 'only' water, my great big ham hock ankles have gone back to normal and I have lost 3.3kg.  Which just goes to show I have camel tendencies.

Don't get down hearted.  This week was special so the weight loss next week will be a lot less.

Unless I put some on of course.  That will make a change....[;-)]

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Well, I had a week that started off 'not good' but then I went off stuffing my face when the temperature rose.

Down 1.5 kg so not far off half way to my target of ten kilos by September!  Already!

Miracles can happen[;-)]

I am fired up with enthusiasm now . . .

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Well done Alexis. Can you send some miracle powder this way [kiss]

Up 1 kilo despite taking advantage of the heat to eat only melon.

Doc says Im not fat (dont know why none of my clothes wont fit then [8-)]  Showed Doc how much I eat got the shrug and told to go back when Im down to eating a sunflower seed per day.

Will keep slimming and smiling and praying for a miracle [:D]

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Hasn't it been suggested - and I'm no diet expert... though I should be [Www] - that if you really do eat a very reduced diet in both quantity and variety, your body goes into starvation mode for a time and you don't lose any more weight? Of course you do eventually, but it's not a long-term healthy thing to do. Anyway, I have dieted in the past and got stuck at a weight for weeks (plateau?) at which point I've reversed what I've been doing. If I've been OD-ing on vegetables, chicken and fish, no fat or carbs, then I've switched to pasta, rice and vegetables for a few weeks with very little protein. The change in diet content has seemed to be the trigger that shifts a few more pounds.

I've found that for me, the most successful diets have been the veg + protein diets + exercise. Though I admit, any diet would probably be successful... if I could find a recipe for a willpower smoothie. [:P]

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I have read about the starvation mode too and I wondered if Jan was eating enough once upon a time but just think of the concentration victims or POW.  They certainly disprove this theory.

I have no idea what it can be.  Could you be 'allergic' to something you eat often?  Or coffee/tea for example?  One cup of tea and no weight loss that day. Gluten?  Eggs?  Chocolate (mmmm!), Wine?[;-)]

If I get stuck, I eat more.  It is called lulling my body into a false sense of security.  Then, when it is lulled, I diet again.  I can often lose a few grams like that[:D]

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[quote user="Alexis"]

I have read about the starvation mode too and I wondered if Jan was eating enough once upon a time but just think of the concentration victims or POW.  They certainly disprove this theory.[/quote]


And anorexia does too, of course. But I think anorexia and starvation is the result of a sustained deprivation of nutrition and particularly fluid intake - and not a few weeks or even a month or two of reduced food intake. I think in concentration camps the level of dysentry and other illnesses which came from such close living in appallingly unhygenic circumstances also contributed to the dreadful state of the survivors.

I think you've made the point in your last comment. I've dieted for a couple of weeks, lost mostly water and some weight, tailed off, gone to the dinner I've been dieting in preparation for (or in preparation of the chosen dress, anyway[:D]) eaten normally... and dropped several kilos overnight. Of course, three hours of giving it some on the dance floor probably also contributed.[:P]

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I agree with catalpa.  It wasn't just lack of food, but illnesses that were contracted by the POWs and lack of nutrients that made them so unbearably thin.  With anorexia and bulimia it's the same thing, your body is deprived of the nutrients to maintain a healthy metabolism.

Eating a good breakfast is supposed to be the way to a good healthy diet as it "kick starts" the metabolism.  Unfortunately I'm one of those people who can't face eating first thing in the morning and very rarely have breakfast.  When I do though, I'm ravenous by mid-morning and this is because my body has gone into starvation mode and it just wants more.

Now - it's hot and the BBQs are out.  It was my 50th birthday last Friday and was taken out for a brilliant meal.  On Saturday I had a BBQ for 38 people and most people brought a dish of something.  My mum has been over and insisted on buying either lunch or dinner for the whole week.  Friday night was quiz night and we had beef and ale pie (yummy), last night was a quiz held by our French neighbours who nominated me team captain (bit of a drawback as my French is still non existent) and they had a superb buffet which went on til gone midnight. 

So I just daren't get on the scales.

Going to make a vegetable crumble tonight (Weight Watchers recipe) and try and get back on the straight and narrow.

Congrats to all those who have lost weight though - well done.


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I wouldnt worry about dieting Jan sounds as though you are having a great time, enjoy it; [8-|]

I havent got a clue what is going on with my weight [8-)] I have been on the same plateau for about two years now [:'(] During that time everytime we have gone on holiday I have stuffed myself and only put on 3 or 4 kilos which I have managed to lose in a short time but then Im stuck again [geek]

Did manage last summer to get a couple of kilos under the plateau on the Nicholas Perrin 3 day diet [:D] This consisted mainly of salmon and melons and like Jan said a good breakfast of porridge and eggs. Oooh just had a thought [I] salmon is a rich source of omega 3 which is main ingredient of some diet pills I was looking at last week. Oh dear this all getting too technical for a sunday afternoon. Now melons are back in season think I will try and find the 3 day diet and give it another go.

Well done all you losers. Keep smiling and slimming [:D]

The Other Jan

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Ah!  Dancing!

Those were the days.  A night in the pub.  Fish and chips.  A quick dash to the disco and slim as a ... well.  Slim-ish!

Life is so unfair these days!

My breakfast is usually the biggest meal.  Saying that, it isn't a lot!  I have two cups of coffee, a bowl of cereal with chocolate in and an orange or two.  Some days I might have a slice of toast instead of the cereal.  Around 350 calories.

Main meal is lunchtime, fish or meat with vegetables and I often don't fancy a thing at night.  I sometimes have fruit just to eat something.  I have been having my main meal at lunchtime for a couple of years now and it makes a real difference to me.  I can't be eating late now.

I had a fried egg sandwich last night though.  Gorgeous!

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Same here Alexis a big HOPELESS [:(] 

Got some new scales and have already fallen out with them [:P]

Did two Auberge meals this week  didnt pig out and eaten very little else but up two kilos on new scales. Old ones show no change totally confused [8-)][8-)][8-)] But wont give up will keep slimming and smiling [:D]

I'm sure based on your past success you will soon lose. Have you had a problem with fluid before?

The Other Jan

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The past couple of times I have gone back to the UK my feet have swollen.  I blamed the journey as I am sat driving for hours and hours.

This time they just swelled up.  I think I need some "water tablets".


Goodness, I must be old.....[:(]

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Well done Jan, a turning point [:D]

I'm looking forward to wearing strappy tops and dresses NEXT summer. I'm still stuck at a higher plateau so no chance of bare flesh this year.

Not going to give up will keep slimming and smiling [:D]

The Other Jan

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How is everyone else losing. Plucked up the courage to get weighed and up 1 kilo [:(]

Feel thinner so decided to get out the tape measure, two inch loss on waist from a few months ago [:D]

Weight is up however. How is this possible [8-)]

The Other Jan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Other Jan, Jan here.

That sometimes happens.  Are you exercising at all?  Sometimes you can lose inches but not pounds, not sure why, but I'd be happy.  I'd also be extremely happy if I coul find my waist to measure it [;-)].

I'm still weighing in at 11st 6lbs which is better than before but still too much.  I've been eating vegetables.  Not a lot of choice really.  Just how many things can you do with courgettes !!!!!

Here's one you might want to try.  Recipe for 2.

8oz courgettes, sliced

1 onion, chopped

2 large tomatoes sliced.


1 egg, beaten,

2oz cheese.

Fry the courgettes and onion in a little oil until just turning brown,  Place mixture in a shallow oven proof dish.  Place sliced tomatoes over mixture and sprinkle with oregano.  Mix together egg and cheese and spread over tomatoes.

Bake in the oven for half and hour at 180C


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I'm back on track too.  Several weeks of chaos with FIL dying and family here.  I just got weighed once a week to see how much I had put on[:$]

Well, SIL and daughter and I all started back on diets last Tuesday.  SIL is on Atkins.  I'm on calories...still this passion for oranges...and daughter has been on calories too but feels so bad, she is going over to Atkins.

Weigh day in the morning then a full week until next Saturday.  Shall we make a date?  I expect to be my lowest weight before I jumped off the wagon a couple of weeks ago.  Months?[:D]  (Just looked - it was 1st July so four weeks - where does the time go?)

I'm still aiming for 10 kilos for my birthday.  Got a holiday coming up too.....argh! 

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Many thanks Jan for the courgette recipe, I do love tasty veggie dishes. Thanks also Alexis for the info on the other thread re roast chicken OH is a very fussy eater but likes chicken. Should be able to combine the two. [blink]

Have lost my waist again dont know what happened but have just bloated out again. [8-)] Scales show up one and a half kilos feels like one and a half stone. Did treat myself to a supermarket bought fruit cake, not used to much processed food now so guess it must be that.[I]

I'm all for losing 10 kilos by September, beach holiday booked for 23rd be great not to look like a beached whale. [8-|] Will dig out the salmon and melon diet it worked last summer see if it does this year [:D]

Sorry to hear about your FIL Alexis, you have had a rough year.

 Must keep smiling and slimming [:D][:D]

The Other Jan

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You would have laughed the other morning.  I was having a thin day so I thought I would get weighed....

"Ooh," I thought, "lost over a kilo."

I picked up the scales to snog them - as you do - and noticed a little rubber 'thing' on the floor.  It was a cover for one of the feet.  I put it back on, got weighed again, and had put back on my kilo....

I'm just off to remove the little rubber pads protecting the feet on the scales......[:D]

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Hi all,

Glad to see you're all still doing well albeit with the odd blip.  I haven't posted for ages, I'm back to square one minus half a pound.  I blame it almost entirely on drinking alcohol and eating too much (what else could it have been!!).  As it happens my resident FIL also died recently after a 6 month struggle against cancer (condolences to you and your family Alexis) and with BIL, SIL and nephews over who all can put away a fair amount of booze I got dragged down with them and haven't kicked the habit.  I  really enjoy a glass of wine but it usually turns into three and far too often. I really, really MUST  be more strict with myself, I know I can do it, I was teetotal and healthy eating during january/february and lost 9 lb.

Tonight I will NOT have a drink and I will NOT pick whilst I am cooking dinner.

There,  I hope that gives me a kick up the jacksy to get started again.

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