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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Well I'm up 2 lbs.  Mind you, last night we went to the re-opening of our local and it was nibbles and copious quantities of Kia Royale.  We then decided to go out to dinner and ended up having a four courser with more wine but we didn't sit down to eat until about 9pm.

I don't know about others, but I just can't eat that late.  I had a dreadful nights sleep as my stomach felt so heavy, but you would have thought that with all the tossing and turning I did, I'd would at least have burnt off a few calories, but sadly no.

Got to be good for the next couple of weeks as I have a trip back to England booked and I know that will be the usual "carb-fest".


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The scales must have been playing up last week as when I got on them this morning, I had lost 3.2 kg!

I don't think so.  I didn't hear anything vital dropping off[:)]

So.  A lovely day here!  That is nearly 15 kilo so watch it, I'm catching you skinnies up[:D]

I have changed my breakfast.  I went into the supermarket to buy some Special K but ended up buying the box next to it which had chocolate in.  Super!  A serving of that plus half the recommended amount of milk is less calories than the eggs.  I was getting a bit sick of eggs!

Whilst I was looking for the calories of something the other day, I fell across a site that says how many calories you need.  The formula is 8.3 x kilos + 846 = calories required +112.  So if you weigh 100 kilos for example it is 8.3 x 100 = 830 + 846 = 1676 + 112 = 1788.

If you weigh 50 kilos, 415 + 846 = 1261 + 112 = 1373.

I can see that 1500 for the day is about right not to put weight so I shall do that when I reach my target.

Well, hope that you have all lost a bit.  I am off to the UK next weekend so I will report in Friday.

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Yes well done Alexis. I don know how you do it brilliant.

No change for me AGAIN. Even had a poorly tum this week and ate nothing Tuesday and Wednesday [8-)]

Will try and keep smiling and slimming  [:D]

The Other Jan

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I'm in love with these scales.  Today, anyway!

I'm on 1000 calories a day but I don't worry if I go over a bit.  Some days it is less.  Everything is written down in my little book.

I get weighed every morning now but 'ignore' the reading until Saturday.  One day this week I lost 800g!  Don't ask me how or where.  One day I was even lighter than this morning[:'(]

Don't worry.  I'm going to have fish and chips on my holiday.  Scraps too.  Anything Cadburys as well!

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Enjoy your holiday Alexis and eat whatever you want. I have been thinking all day about your 3.5Kg loss, AMAZING [blink]

I"m on holiday next week a beach holiday and unfortunately not bikini time [:)] Never mind perhaps next time.

Took some time out to look at your photos Suze AMAZING also. Lots of people would have said the original garden was good but you have done wonders.

 I'm sure we will all soon get some scales at the same place as Alexis, but I do admire her willpower.

The Other Jan

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Well done Alexis - you must be our star "loser".

Me - I've lost the couple of pounds I put on last week, but have had two lots of people round for dinner during the week, one couple always bring dessert and this time it was caramel chocolate cheesecake AND a bakewell tart.  Delicious but not good for the hips, etc.


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I couldn't resist puddings.  Good job I'm not tempted.

The scales might be friendly this week but who is to say that the high reading was the wrong one?

It could be the low readings!

Anyway, I told them all about you all and the scales weighed all three of you at 55 kilo each....[:D]  Or seven and a half stones - whichever is the lightest.

Clever, aren't they?

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I like your taste in friends Jan. Cheesecake and Bakewell tart are my favourite puds. [6]

Off to get some scales the same as Alexis's. Seven and a half stone, yes yes yes please [8-|]

Please keep on losing Alexis, you are giving me hope to carry on slimming and smiling. [:D]

The Other Jan

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Well, I hope that you have all lost a bit this week.

I have crashed through the 15 kilo barrier (100g!) so well chuffed.

We are off to the UK today but we have to come back earlier than planned because OH doctor's won't let him stay away for 10 days[:(]

Less damage done!  I will be back in the middle of the week - providing they aren't blocking the ports like yesterday and I can actually get away.  Goodness, I would be cross if I had to turn around and come home!

Right, can't wait to see my daughters face.....[:D]

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[quote user="Suze"]I did weigh in last week just forgot to post:  +1lb

Weighed this morning +1.5lb

I think I'm doing something wrong [:'(]


I think Suze, that your problem might be that you cook as well as you garden [:D]

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1.7 kg up.

Just not fair...[:@]

I'm only half dieting this week.  I flung all sorts of treasure in a mad shopping dash around Sainsburys in Folkestone the other day.  So, once this battenburg (family size[:$]) is finished....!

I'm going to hide the dairy milk and the fruit and nut.

My meals are just perfect. . . it is the in between times!   ha ha ha ha!

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It has been a stuff your face week.  Pasta, risotto, bread, chocolate, cake.....and I lost 300g.

Something wrong somewhere.

I'm only half hearted as I am back in the UK next week.  I am going to be STRONG though and not buy any chocolate!  I have had my fix[:D]

I am going to start again when I get back.  So.  Off we go again on June 11th.  First goal...one stone for my birthday in September!

You've got to laugh....

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Briilliant Alexis stuff yourself and lose. Can you send some magic this way.[:'(]

Afraid I have had a stuff your face 2 weeks. Beach holiday and I was depressed about the beached whale bikini image. I put on 3 kilos but have lost 2 kilos in 4 days since returning. Just need to see what happens when I lose the other kilo and get back to the plateau [8-)]

Keep smiling and slimming everone [:D]

The Other Jan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh Dear no postings for a couple of weeks. Not sure whether everyone is on holiday or just doing as badly as me. Plateau is now one kilo higher than last time. Feel so miserable in shorts this weather. Final straw this week when shopping for trousers OH said that pair are no good they dont have an elasticated waist [:@]

Starting tomorrow no alcohol and only fruit for a few days.

Must keep smiling and slimming [:D]

The Other Jan

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Hi The Other Jan

No - I'm doing pretty badly as well.  Have been fluctuating between 11st 6 and 11st 8 for what seems like months now.  You would have thought that with the hotter weather and eating more fruit and salads, I'd have lost some, but no [8-)].

I'm also walking every day too - not far, but walking more than I used to.  It's so frustrating.  Still, I live in hope that one day, even if it's just half a stone, one day, I will get there.


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I'm back from my hols but frankly my dears, I couldn't give a damm!

The family are out next week for a while so me and my youngest are going to diet....

I just have to finish these white chocolate and raspberry biscuits from Sainsburys!  They shouldn't be allowed to make them!  Didn't bring any chocolate back though.

Which is good.  One house point.

Changed my mind.  Starting tomorrow to give me a head start - I know my powers of resistance - and I have the bull frog look[:D]

Week on Saturday...TWO KILO LOST.[:'(]

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Hello Alexis [:)] - forgive me for being a bit behind with the times, but whereabouts are you now? Scotland? Or still in lbF? Good luck with your regime. If you have any excess willpower, could you email it to me, please. [:D]
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Still here in Bretagne.  Sunny Bretagne.

I don't know if I will have any spare will power.  For some strange reason, I find it easy to diet in the winter.  Easier, I should say.

So.  I am up 3 kilos from my 'best' weight.  Which I think was a fluke weight anyway!  I want to lose a stone by my birthday in September so three months.

I can do that.  Let us say a stone and a half.[:D]  Ten kilo's.

I'm counting calories.  Aiming for 1000 a day with 1200 allowed.  I might go back onto Atkins for a change later but NO mayonnaise.

I'm off to buy a lettuce...

Come on Girls.  We will get there.

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I am definitely up for weight loss of 10 kilos by September. Dont know how but have lost a kilo this week so back to low plateau.I put about 4 kilos on by stuffing myself on holiday but have lost it in 3 weeks and back to the plateau again. I have no idea why I am sticking at this weight. Going to write down everything I eat and drink tomorrow and see how many calories.Must lose weight it is affecting everything I do. Just keep wearing the same tent day in and out to cover everything. Got to get back to being Jolly Janis again, must keep smiling and slimming. [:D]

Was going to say lettuce goes off before I get it home this weather but that is not the right attitude, will have to grow my own.

Think positive and like Jan said Live in Hope

The Other Jan

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[quote user="Alexis"]

Still here in Bretagne.  Sunny Bretagne.


Sunny Normandie too.

I only wandered into this thread because I saw you'd posted and wondered how things were going for you. Off to buy a lettuce, huh? I suspect Saligo Bay is a sylph of a thing so doesn't visit this thread but I believe I've heard elsewhere that she has lettuces to spare.[:-))]

I'm up about 3 kilos since last September. Contrary to you, I can't lose weight in winter. Though I show a clear aptitude for gaining it. I've been muttering about doing something about it for the last few weeks due to a severe drop in the quantity of summer clothes that fit me. Too mean to buy more so maybe this thread has inspired me to do something about it. Better start rowing and walking tomorrow morning, then. [:'(] Separately, though. [:P]

Good luck with your strategies too. [:D]

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