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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Hi everyone.

I know it's a bit close to Christmas to be thinking seriously about this, but the previous thread seems to have gone awfully quiet.

Me - I'm still struggling with my weight.  I watched "You are What you Eat" featuring Michelle McManus the other night, and it has inspired me to set myself some new goals in the New Year.  One of those goals is to give up alcohol (not forever, just cutting down by only having a glass or two on a Friday night with friends and not a glass or two every night).  Another goal is to find myself a gentle exercise routine like Yoga before throwing myself into anything more strenuous.  Oh - and of course, my third goal is lose weight.

So - anyone want to join me?


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I was thinking about this the other day - I would like to lose another stone before next October (family wedding), but I am a little hampered on the exersise front at present (fractured collar bone). Never the less I am still being fairly careful what I am eating - and drinking [:(]

Start after Christmas [:^)]

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Now, I said I would join in with the last thread and didn't.

But; I am going to be 40 on New Years Day and really don't want to be 'fat and forty' - well not for very long anyway.  So, if I could get my birthday (and party) over with then I will join in this time!

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Count me in too.

I'd been watching your progress when you were all at it before, but never plucked up the courage to join you.  I've managed to lose half a stone since August (sorry, can't picture that in kilos) but would still like to lose the other half to make it a stone by the time summer arrives. It's been very, very gradual and slow, mainly I think due to not really dieting but just changing my eating and drinking habits a bit.

I absolutely refuse to buy new jeans in a bigger size when I already have plenty that oh-so-nearly fit  me, and want to be able to wear my bikini next summer without having to suck in my belly and clench my bum [:$]




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 Jan, I tripped in my kitchen, caught my foot under the oven door which opened, so ended up falling over it !!!

I had a new French mug in my hand which I held onto, I hit the tiled floor and broke my collar bone but the mug was intact !!!

BTW I was sadly stone cold sober [:(]

Apparently I should be OK by February, the dieting upside is that as I can't drive I am walking further.............

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Hi Cathy

I know what you mean about sucking in your stomach and clenching your bum - unfortunately for me through years of lack of exercise I can only hold my stomach in for at least, oh 30 seconds [:$].  Then I discovered elasticated waistbands which didn't really help.  I'm determined to do it next year and become slim and sylph like (in my dreams [:)]).  Well I'd like to lose at least a stone anyway.

Gay - you poor thing - hope you start to feel better soon.  A friend did something similar a couple of months back.  She was leaving a friends house, slipped on a wet plank leading from their doorstep, fell forward onto a concrete foundation wall and badly bruised her face.  She certainly had a cracking shiner for ages, fortunately no broken bones.  And yes, she was stone cold sober as well.

How's about we start the diet stuff in January and then start doing some gentle exercise in February?


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Hi Jan

Let's go for it!  Someone mentioned yoga as a gentle form of exercise, I don't know about all areas, by my village has a weekly yoga class at the salle des fetes.  Admittedly yoga doesn't burn many that many calories (although some of the moves really leave my heart pounding) but it is a good way of improving muscle tone and flexiblity, and quite good fun to boot. Classes run by trimestre, and so will be starting up again in January.  It's about 60 euros for the term, so not too expensive, and the feel-good factor afterwards is tremendous.

For those (like me [sn]) who can't bear the thought of a pounding at the gym (even supposing there were one locally) it does ensure a once-weekly gentle work-out.  I'll be signing up again in January, so if anyone else is thinking of yoga I'd be interested to hear what they make of it.



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Does anyone know if there are any "weight-watcher" type meetings in France.  I am in 47, I feel a little motivation would help me greatly.  Also, how do I find out about exercise classes locally, I have seen occasional flyers in the boulangerie, but is there a publication that would help?  We live way out in the country, so don't get to hear of local events.



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Yes Weight Watchers are active in France and I have been along to their meetings.   You can find your local meeting at http://www.weightwatchers.fr/WWI_Controller.aspx?Page=1000382&S=9 

There are lots of people who go, much bigger meetings than in the UK, but it's more expensive, I've paid 9€ a week whereas I only pay £4.90 in the UK.

They use this wonderful word "craquer" for when you give in to something!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas.   I cannot ever remember having eaten so much, even at a family Christmas dinner in England [+o(].

I was going to go to the shops today to buy in healthy salads, veg, low carb stuff, but my attempts are thwarted because the roads are like an ice rink today.  The rain is freezing as it hits the ground.

So only a couple more days to go until the new "regime" starts, everyone still up for it?

Gay - how's the collarbone?


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I loved that 'you are what you eat 'program, but have you seen the stuff she recommends? There is no way that I could afford to fill my trolley with those'goodies'. But I am hoping to get my hands on some Quinoa which is supposed to be a really good grain for health, especially kidneys, but I think I will have to get it via the internet. Definitely up for some serious weight loss though
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Thanks for asking Jan, I have been to the hospital today and have to see the specialist in 2 weeks to discuss whether I should have it pinned to get back full mobility, the way it has healed has shortened the muscle ! (can't get my arm up very far which makes hair washing a little difficult ) Drat!! The good news is that once pinned I could use it pretty quickly and wouldn't go back to square one.

I'm still up for the diet though - I have eaten far to many mince pies !

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Hi, I just read through all your replies about diets & would highly recommend following the "You Are What You Eat" programme.  My hubby & I bought the book & then the cookbook - & in the last year I've lost over 4 stone!! I have a very, very bad back & did absolutly no exercise at the same time.

I didn't even stick to it strickly - I still eat buns, cake & chocolate (a girl needs a little pleasure in life!) but made a lot of the (veggie) recipies. I live on her burgers & aduki bean stews instead of ready meals & never feel hungry.

Give it a go or if you want I can send you some recipies to try!  They are really good!!

Good luck & Happy New Year to you all.


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Me too, count me in. I am switching over from Atkins (which did me well for over two years) to the G.I. Diet. Just need more dried legumes and wholemeal bread from time to time.[:)]

Might I add that I am not starting until AFTER the girls are back at school next week!

WHEN I can connect to the Internet (not often) I will update you all on my own progress. What day are we using for weighing in?

May I wish all of you a very happy and healthy new year! [:D]

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I noticed that you slippery customers had given up the ghost when I wasn't here to chivvy you! 

Naughty Girls!!

I did quite well on the wine, chocolate and worry diet for a couple of weeks but soon got back into my old bad habits.

I am going to go for it too.  I am even going to buy some scales!


I am sure that tape measure was lying[:@]

I just hope for the scales sake that they budge a bit - preferably downwards - or they will be out of that bathroom window before you can say plate of chips.

First goal - 14th February?  Once I have heaved myself onto the scales, I will tell you how much I want to lose by then....

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Best reason for not being stone cold sober I have read  this decade. Fracture was the main reason I gave up rugby so you do have my sympathy and understanding.

I can only commend the 'Swimming Pool Diet' basically a "friend" with two young fit sons rings you up and asks if you would mind giving them a hand with the concrete for their new pool. You weight declines remarkably - not only are you burning 3000 calories a day wheel barrowing concrete through their garage to the site of their pool but in the evening you are so tired that after a 1664 to restore body fluids you retreat to bed at 7 pm and sleep till 8 am when the regieme restarts. 

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[quote user="Suninfrance"]

So only a couple more days to go until the new "regime" starts, everyone still up for it?


I'm still up for it.  Are we going to declare our starting weights [:$] or just our weight loss and are we going to have a weekly weigh in or otherwise?

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It depends on your courage!  I just declare my weight loss....

It used to be every Tuesday.  I wonder if we ought to change it to either Friday or Saturday?  Then we could sin on the weekend and make such an effort during the week to make up for the sinning we lose more...I expect!

I am going to buy my scales today.

Ready.  On your marks.....  GO!

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Hi all

I'm with you Alexis and wouldn't mind changing weigh in day to a Friday for the exact same reasons.

However, I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and then work out my first goal target.  If you haven't received a posting to this forum by lunchtime tomorrow, it's either because I had a good night on New Years Eve, or OH is on the computer.

Well off to the shops shortly to stock up on healthy food.

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After failing miserably during the year year, I'm back (a fair bit more of me in fact).

Starting Monday 2nd January.

My plan of attack... lower alcohol intake, daily excercise (not just typing) and the Atkins eating plan until I've lost that first stone, then I'll decide if I want to go with low fat or continue.

Will confess my start weight on Monday - with great shame.

Sorry to hear about the collarbone

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