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2007 - A New Start - A New Regime


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[quote user="Gary aka Bugbear"]



Some Good Taste then.............................................[Www]...............................[:)]


Super Gary! Now, that's a REAL beauty.... Much better than the two previous ones.

For those on a serious diet, I recommend Barbara Currie (no pun intended). Her ''7 Secrets of Yoga'', a few days a week, trims that body and keeps you fit which is even more important. It's good for beginners and I just do a few units avoiding the difficult ones. Easy to adapt to your level of fitness. It's available on Amazon.

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Out of interest, how many of us that were starting diets this time last year (the Four letter word - DIET thread) actually made it to their target weight?

And of those that did, how many clever souls stayed there, and didn't pile on the pounds again?

Common sense says that unless we stay on the diet for life, or in what some diets call maintenance, once we start eating "normally" again, the weight will come back like a thrown boomerang [:(]

We all know deep down that the only way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to eat and drink sensibly and exercise a bit more.  Giving up certain foods (like chocolate, alcohol, biscuits etc) will only work long-term if we say that we will give them up forever.

The Christmas binge-fest certainly doesn't help either.  Right, I'm off to examine my wardrobe to try and find something to wear for the new year's eve bash that is stylish, flattering and will still do up!


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Well, me for one didn't do it, but in my defense I am still suffering menopausal hormones being all over the place and various other obstacles in my way.  Standing on the scales this morning after our visitors left, has made me even more depressed about my weight, but even more  determined to give up chocolate, alcohol, biccies, cakes, etc.  Even OH has decided to join me which can only be a good thing.

Our visitors wanted to go for a walk around our area and we thought we would only be about half an hour, but the walk ended up an hour and a half and I was completely knackered afterwards.

So as from tomorrow it will be smaller portions, more veg, more fruit (I got a good book on smoothies when I was in England), more exercise, NO alcohol, lots of water and fruit juice.


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from what i have read, jan, smoothies aren't as good as just eating the fruits.  apparently this is because, to chew and digest the fruits (rather than just drink their juice), means you have to take longer to digest them and they stay in the system longer.  if you read things like the gi diet or high fibre diet or blood sugar diet, you'd see that they more or less all say that if you eat and chew fruits, they benefit you more as you don't get a "sugar hit" from having the sugars in fruit enter your system in a concentrated manner.

i don't know whether i am explaining this very well.  but, put it this way, if you need to eat say, a bananna, an apple, an orange, a few berries (whatever would have gone into your smoothies), you'd take a longer time over it and possibly not eat them all anyway

just trying to be helpful but please check out the facts for yourself.  in any event, good luck with the diet!  

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You are very probably right.  The act of actually chewing the fruit is better for you as you get more from it, but I am not a huge fan of fruit.  Apples give me indigestion, oranges - well I can't stand to be in the same room as one without sneezing, let alone peeling one.  I'm OK with bananas and some berries, but for me, mashing them all up in a smoothie is probably better for me, but not beating them to a complete pulp.


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[quote user="Suninfrance"]

You are very probably right.  The act of actually chewing the fruit is better for you as you get more from it, but I am not a huge fan of fruit.  Apples give me indigestion, oranges - well I can't stand to be in the same room as one without sneezing, let alone peeling one.  I'm OK with bananas and some berries, but for me, mashing them all up in a smoothie is probably better for me, but not beating them to a complete pulp.


[/quote]Finally, somebody else who doesn't like fruit.  And I thought I was a freak![:D]
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[quote user="Suninfrance"]You are not a freak Coop - I used to love fruit, but since getting older had developed my dad's dislike of the stuff.  Do you also find cucumber a completely pointless vegetable (or is it a fruit)?[/quote]

Cucumber slices, soaked in vinegar until brown then heaped onto two slices of buttered, whole-grain bread make the finest sandwiches known to man.

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[quote user="Suninfrance"]You are not a freak Coop - I used to love fruit, but since getting older had developed my dad's dislike of the stuff.  Do you also find cucumber a completely pointless vegetable (or is it a fruit)?[/quote]Yes, and what's more I just detest the smell which I can detect at several hundred paces!
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