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2007 - A New Start - A New Regime


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I'm with you all.  I have absolutely no hope of losing any weight over the next few days.

Tonight - minced pies and mulled wine at local Auberged followed by dinner out with friends.

Tomorrow, lotto at a neighbours.  Sunday, cheese and wine at friends. Xmas dinner with friends, boxing day, dinner at friends, 27th - drinks and nibbles at our house, 28th, friends over from England til the 30th, 31st a James Bond night at friends.  I'm going to be the size of a house by the time this period is over.  I shall be living off smoothies and soup for the first few weeks of the new year.

In the meantime - everyone - have a really Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.



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Ooo, can I join please?  Between February and May last year I lost 30lbs [:D], the incentive being a wedding back in the UK and a little silk frock in my wardrobe that I had never been able to wear and which was perfect for the wedding.  I watched the 'old' thread with a certain feeling of smugness - but you'll be pleased to know that it came back and truely bit me on the (no longer quite so svelte) bum!  Since the summer I'm afraid I've been very firmly OFF the wagon and rather too many lbs have crept - ok, leapt - back on [:$]!  So, come 2nd January you'll find me here with my weekly weigh-in report (you might not be interested, but it's good for me to have to tell someone!).

Have a wonderful, mouth-stuffing, boot-filling Christmas everyone - see you on the 2nd!

Lynda M x


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I can make two suggestions :

The Swimming Pool Diet - Agree to help friend's three sons mix and lay concrete for their new pool. This is particularly effective if sons are half you age and double your intelligence (not hard in my case). Has the added advantage that you decide to have your own pool professionally installed.   

La Nouvelle Cussine - Remove the reinforced concrete wine vats, regretably already empty, from the lean to, install floor, move walls and re roof.  Slight side effects - tendancy to phycosematic scabies from the glass fibre roof insulation. Regieme continues in new year with tilelaying and assembly of Ikea units.



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Well, what a day.  Christmas dinner was superb.  Home made Ice Cream Christmas Pudding for afters - scrummy.  I so need to go on "the regime".  To make me feel even dumpier, our friends daughter was over.  Last time I saw her she was in the summer and since then she has lost 4st on the cambridge diet.  She looked fantastic.  So definately need to be positive next year.


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hi Lynda,

Won't be waiting until the 2nd of January. I've been asked to play tennis on Thursday morning at 10.00 for a few hours and then again either on Saturday or Sunday.  Know that my fellow players are in the same situation so should be fun. It will be the recovery period of the aching legs for two days that will be worse than any beating on the court.

Need to get my rating improved next year with regular games throughout so that fitness and performance on court are seen.

Match reports as usual on the "Anyone for Tennis"

David J

Always on the ball!!



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This raises a question about how to grow old gracefully. In France I see lots of people, expats in particular, who are clinging to styles of the past. There are plenty of hippy types about with pot bellies and wispy grey hair.

This woman may or may not know what she looks like. What if she just decided to grow old disgracefully and "wear purple with a red hat which doesn't go" ?

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[quote user="LanguedocGal"]

My first thought (and hope) was that this has to be a doctored image, but then I remembered seeing women almost as hideous as this photo on the beaches of the Cote d'Azur in the early 80s. 

If not a hoax pix, I'm with Chris in the sick dept ...


It is completely original and untouched................well you wouldn't want to, would you.......[:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

that's it then.  count me out of the new, or any, regime.  i think i'd rather hang on to my bits of blubber. 


Sweet17, that's an easy cop out. Stick a copy of it (with author's consent, of course) on your fridge so you know when to stop your regime. [:D]

Gary, you really HAVEN'Tmade my day.  I now have to think of something with a thousand calories to eat in order to cheer myself up.[;-)]

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