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I just cannot do it any more. I just can't.


Friends have bought bread machines and keep making brioche, they bring it along to our association meetings and we are all given huge hunks of it, DRY. I love Tropezienne, I love just about anything on it, but dry, and it is awful. It is as bad to me as piece of baguette sliced in half and a chocolate bar shoved in it that really sticks in my mouth too.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]Friends have bought bread machines and keep making brioche, they bring it along to our association meetings and we are all given huge hunks of it, DRY. [/quote]

LOL, I take butter with me in a little tupperware thing.

It gives them something to marvel at. Well, I like to think they are 'marveling' but I suspect they just think I'm mad.[;-)]

Suits me fine as we are all on an equal footing.

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I like some of the frangipan galette des rois.

I can't carry butter round with me, I don't know when these things are going to be brought.


Next week we are being treated to Hibiscus Jam, apparently it 'cleans' one's system out.....................  boy am I looking forward to that[:(]

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[quote user="Teamedup"]Next week we are being treated to Hibiscus Jam, apparently it 'cleans' one's system out.....................  boy am I looking forward to that[:(][/quote]

Well what the flipperation is the 'gastro' for then, if not for that cleaning out thing??[:D]

I give up.[:)]

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How nice to see this thread.   I thought I was the only person on the planet who didn't swoon with delight at the thought of a brioche. 

I've seen someone making it, so I know that it's not made with talcum powder and sawdust, but it sure tastes like it!


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[quote user="Mister Fluffy"]........My bugbear (sorry G) is pain d'epice. [/quote]

Oh! [:(] you don't like pain d'épice .... It's only a ginger cake. My mother used to put every day a few slices of pain d'épices dans mon cartable, to eat during the morning and afternoon school break until I got so fed up of it that I traded it for other 'delicacies' like malabar, carambar (do they still make/sell them?), chocoBN or that little tetrapack of condensed milk ! Aaaahh! Heaven that was! Enough sugar energy to power the national grid!

And la Galette des Rois! I awaited with much trepidation for my turn to have 'la fève' [:D] Queen for the day!! What fun! but when the whole class had to go through the ritual... after 30 of them ...[+o(]...

I do miss it though now that I live away from it all.... I just make do with Cadbury's Easter Eggs, Hotcross buns from Boxing Day onwards [:-))]


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[quote user="KathyC"]On its own, in butter (easy way of reheating before microwaves). As for making it palatable, surely that's what the good lord put cream and brandy butter in the world for?[/quote]

What a waste of cream and brandy butter. Brioche always reminds me of the very cheap, totally horrible, sponge cakes you used to get in, I think, Woolworths. Something to do with the general texture and the lack of flavour other than that sweetness. I have had some edible brioche, from proper bakers, but you certainly don't find a lot of it.

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[quote user="Missy"]

Oh! [:(] you don't like pain d'épice .... It's only a ginger cake. [/quote]

I don't know ginger cake.   But I do know gingerbread, and that is a universe away from pain d'épices.   Gingerbread has got super-yummy things in like treacle and syrup to make it lovely and moist mmmmmmmm, and is just deeeeeeeeeeelicious.

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Bread machine brioche is truly, deeply, horrible. I made it once and

then went back to making it by hand or buying from our village baker

who really knows what he is doing. As with so many things, if it is

made properly from the right things (fresh eggs and good butter) it is

a fine and wonderful thing, but made from cheap substitutes (palm oil,

soya protein, emulsifiers and pasturised eggs), it is vile.

As far as stale brioche is concerned, however, it can form the base for a bread & butter pudding ne plus ultra.

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[quote user="Mister Fluffy"]........My bugbear (sorry G) is pain d'epice. [/quote]

I cannot abide the thing either... Even Mr Clair , who LOOOVES all cakes, had to give his to the birds!

It's much much stronger than ginger cake, which I quite like, as someone who does not eat a lot of sweet things...

I usually make my own Galette des Rois, it's so simple and you can get the double pastry packs with the fève and the crown too!

The one I made last weekend had a filling of frangipane and crème patissière and it was delicious! I used this recipe, but I believe the frangipane alone would have been great too!

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One has to eat what is on offer AND make appreciative noises. AND I have to say that these brioche are good. Texture is good as is flavour as good ingredients have been used. But that doesn't change the fact that it is the size of a loaf and cut into two to three inch slices and is dry. If we are lucky someone will have brought a bottle too, but that is rare and a glass of water being on offer is usual.

I love ginger cake. I haven't had any pain d'epice which feels and tastes the same as ginger cake, yet.

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Reminds me of a meal that the Maire provided a while ago. Sorry to be unappreciative - it was free - but the first course, melon,ok, second spit roast lamb, still raw, and the dessert, a lump of brioche with sugar on it. I have made brioche with a special pack from Francine and it was v. good. But eaten normally sliced with butter. Pat.

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[quote user="Will "]

[quote user="KathyC"]On its own, in butter (easy way of reheating before microwaves). As for making it palatable, surely that's what the good lord put cream and brandy butter in the world for?[/quote]

What a waste of cream and brandy butter.


Misundestanding alert! Tresco and I were talking about Christmas pudding. (Well, at least I was.)

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[quote user="RumziGal"][quote user="Missy"]

Oh! [:(] you don't like pain d'épice .... It's only a ginger cake. [/quote]

I don't know ginger cake.   But I do know gingerbread, and that is a universe away from pain d'épices.   Gingerbread has got super-yummy things in like treacle and syrup to make it lovely and moist mmmmmmmm, and is just deeeeeeeeeeelicious.



I mean like the gingercake as in Tate&Lyle Jamaican ginger(bread?)cake not the flat gingerbread man biscuit thing....  [8-)]


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[quote user="Clair"]Could this have been a fouace? There are many regional variations of this sweet bread and I have tasted some pretty awful ones in village fêtes around here!


The best fouace I have ever eaten was made by one of the bakers in La Mothe Saint Héray (Deux Sèvres) and it was always made especially for the Easter week. Not before and not after.  We would rush there that week in order to buy a fair supply! It had a lovely scent of orange flower and was best eaten still warm from the oven YUMMY!!

Don't know if that baker still makes them. If any of you are living in and around La Mothe?....

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