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fresh pineapple anyone?


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Did anyone else watch Trevor Mc Do last night?

It was discussing why french women are so slim and British ones are overwieght. I do not think that anyone on this forum would dissagree that this is so. They highlighted the eating habits of a french lady and an english one, both were mums although I am not sure if the english one was a "working" mum. It showed the difference in eating habbits and daily routines(ie walking to school/driving there, going to a supermarket or local shops)  The english lady loved her takeaways, the french one liked the one she sampled in england but said that a french mum would never eat one at that time of day.(evening)........chance would be a fine thing! The english one went in the car to school the french one walked , taking the dog too.

My girls were jumping up and down on the sofa shouting "thats rubbish" when it came to the "typical " french breakfast.  No croissants , cereal or toast........plain yogurt and fresh pineapple if you pleaseand for the children too.

The children have stayed over with various friends , all with lovely slim mums. When I asked what the mums ate for their breakfasts , it was the usual bol of chocolate or coffee with either pastries /bread or biscuits to dunk.

So which of your french friends has fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast daily.?



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Usual rubbish on telly then.

Our slim mums round here, with one exception all smoke, helps la ligne.

It is true though that french people will say that they couldn't possibly eat so late at night....................... never do it.


Well then you get french weddings. You get the revillons de noel and st sylvestre and they have a food orgys that last all night long, which isn't bad for a nation who doesn't eat at night.


Ain't life just full of paraxdoxes.

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Let's keep things in perspective: réveillons and weddings do not happen every week, not even every month!

It used to really surprise me, when in the UK, that anyone could be wanting to pick up a takeaway on the way back from the pub...

Whilst I do have yoghurt at breakfast, I also have fresh coffee and fruit... but I'm not slim [:D]

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Ah Clair, everyone will say that the never eat 'out of hours'. Never, means never n'est-ce pas.

And it surprises me that working families, ie in my bit of France will feed their children a full meal at 20h and send them straight to bed. and that is healthy eating.? It is the equivilant of an adult eating just before bed time isn't it. *

The cultures are different  and eating times are different. It's a constat not an argument.



* working families do this and just about all the families work and get in late and eat late, so no gentle stroll down to the school with the dog, and anyway, who walks their dog. As I said, just more rubbish on the tv.

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There are certainly a heck of a lot of women that take regular exercise in my village, cycling, jogging, walking. Particularly noticeable on Sunday morning's and at 2.30 all the world descends on the beach for their promenade. So I go at mid-day and have it all to myself.[:D]

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

* working families do this and just about all the families work and get in late and eat late, so no gentle stroll down to the school with the dog, and anyway, who walks their dog. As I said, just more rubbish on the tv.


Yes, they clearly weren't in our village, which is completely clogged up with cars at school-run time!  

And doggies?   Well, I take mine for a walk 3 times a day, and how many other dog-walkers do I meet?    Clue - the answer is tending towards zero!   

The French women who are thin (and they're not ALL thin!) stay thin because they smoke, and because they're often very stressed, and because they really don't eat a lot.   It's not a mystery, we could all do it if we were that obsessed.    But I like my food too much!  [:)]   

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