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Beaujolais Nouveaue '06


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Hi Coco

This time of year we're the only Brits in the village, although that changes when the Fleurie campsite opens in the spring, which is actually rather nice because one of the best things about the Beaujolais I've found is that the people are really friendly compared to where we used to live nearer Lyon. I think that's because they're more used to tourists around here, and the ones who come here are not the kind that give their country a bad reputation, but rather the kind that really want to visit France, be part of France while they're here, and are respectful of the local ways. We're in Lancié, which has a great bar called the Bacchus run by a youngish former motorcycle racer who absolutely loves Britain and Ireland. I'm a kilometres or two from Moulin a Vent, so may qualify as the ones she told you about. I have been up there a couple of times and had a chat, although haven't been back since the sails blew off one night and the view from there stopped being quite so picturesque!

Weather wise it's very dry in the summer and can be dry in the winter too. Whatever happens the soil means it drains very quickly too. It can get very cold though, and it does snow, but we're only at about 250 metres so it's never that bad. In terms of property it's much cheaper once you go up around Julienas as it's about 1 hour to Lyon from there compared to about 40 minutes for me, so there are fewer commuters. The area around Azé would be even cheaper I suppose, and there are some lovely villages as you head up towards Burgundy proper. Have you thought of around the village of Chardonnay - it would make a great address! The southern Beaujolais is expensive because it's very pretty and near Lyon.

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Well for someone who lives IMHO in one of the nicest parts of France I think you're being a little too honest in proclaiming the virtues of your area.  Most people like to keep that kind of thing a well kept secret to keep the rest of us out[;-)]  But thank you for all the wonderul information. 

I know what you mean about the type of holidaymakers that either make you embarrassed to be English or those that really want to visit France.  I've been surprised how many of the former we get in our B&B, being in such a backwater I thought we'd only really get the latter.  Nevertheless, they all keep the wolf from the door. [:)]  My idea of heaven would be to live in your part of the world with perhaps one or two spare rooms that we could do a bit of B&B IF we felt like it, more for the company than anything, rather than, as at the moment, because needs must.

Good news about property prices as far as I'm concerned because I do prefer it a little further north - bit too hot for me to the southern end - but excellent news about dry winters.  I don't mind the cold but the rain does make my bones creak! [;-)]

Perhaps we'll see you there one day.

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