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Does anyone have any knowledge of the Procedure de Licitation


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I am currently involved in such a procedure in trying to get things settled with my ex partner. We have been separated for six years and are not very far forward with the separation of the house we bought together 'en division' in France. Since I moved out, the house has been damaged - by neglect and deliberately. Our case has been before the local Tribunal who allowed my ex to have a re-valuation of the property. This turned out to be higher than estimated. The choice is for her to buy my share, or to sell (there is a local person already interested). However all that is happening at the moment is stalling tactics. We do not have young children to take into consideration. My lawyer does not speak much english and I am living outside of France now, so communication has not been of the best. I believe that I can appeal for a notaire to force a sale as surely I do not have to be tied to this property for ever, do I. Does anyone out there have any advice for me?
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