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Making pizzas


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Ebay UK have got a shop selling them for 4.99  This is the item number 130091838150 ( if you search under item number you will get straight to it )

I am going to get one to see if I can use it to cook my own naan breads on.

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Hi All

If your dough shrinks back roll it out bigger than you need and let it shrink back, I have always rolled my dough and never had a problem (30 years) adding some semolina to your mix might help which I have always done, used to do it all by hand but now use the dough setting on the bread maker and find no difference, after making dough I put it in an oiled plastic bag in the fridge for at least 30 mins before using, dump it all out onto a floured surface and cut into sizes required, roll it out quite thin place on oiled tray cover with toppings and straight into oven (230C) until done, about 10-12 mins.

The tomato paste topping should not be too wet and do not go overboard with the toppings....less is more....

Tomato paste, gently fry onions and garlic add passata or chopped tinned tomatoes and a dollop of tomato puree, cook and reduce (whiz up with a hand blender if you have one) then add a handful of chopped basil or do not whiz if you like it lumpy.

Hope this helps, bonne chance

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[quote user="Chauffour"]

do you know what Calzone means in italian? trousers! .... maybe you should have 2 eggs in it then!!![:P]



Well that would not do for a French pizza....

Surely you know ..............

Un oeuf is enough....................

(I'll get me coat)


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  • 5 months later...

Oh no I looked (its raining and I am bored - no offence but I hate cooking so don't normally look here).

It looks gorgeous and now I am starving hungry - but since I am such a rubbish cook I know I am doomed to disappoint (by my own hand!) tonight.

If I order one, can you please send it to region 87 before 8.00 tonight ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, there's a conicidence!  I was lying in bed last night thinking I must post a question about pizza in the morning!  And here's one already.

Instead of starting a new one, I'll ask away here.

I have a bread oven, which needs a little restoration, but not too much.  I'll put a flue liner up it for safety.  What I want to know is how to use it!  Primarilly for making pizza, but maybe bread as well.  What's the best fuel to use?  How long does it need to burn before being hot enough to burn?  How do I know how hot it is?  Any advice, tips, warnings, etc, very gratefully received.


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welcome to the world of pizzamaking!

first of all, how big is your oven? mine is 1 meter diameter (inside) and it takes 2 hours to heat at the right temperature (400-450 degrees)

use dry wood only. build the fire in the middle of the oven. once hot (when you can't hold your hand in front of the oven door for more that a few seconds), move the fire on one side, clean the base with a brush and it's ready to bake... a pizza should not take more that 2 minutes.

keep adding small pieces of wood to the fire because the flame is needed to cook the toppings.

for bread it has to be a lot cooler, around 250. one secret to find the right temperature for bread is to wrap a piece of newspaper around a  stick, hold it a few centimeters over the base, the paper has to become brown in a few seconds, if it catches fire it's too hot.

i hope your oven is not as far from the kitchen as mine.. here is my marathon from the preparation area to the oven:





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