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Oz Clarke & James May wine program..


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Has anyone been watching this? I actually found it very interesting.. I really wish I had recorded it.. (did anyone?)

I found it accessible and good fun at the same time.. Took a lot of the mystique out and was down to earth.. I felt it really personified the whole process ..

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Beg to differ.  Staged (but they all are I suppose?) and irrelevent - i.e. anybody interested enough to watch a prog about wine, probably knows as much as they're conveying.

For me, amusing enough if you've nothing else to do at that moment in time, but instantly forgettable. 

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At the moment Oz and James are filming a new series in the wine growing area of California.

My brother visited last month the very small Champagne vineyard featured in the series, where the owner pressed the grapes in his garage and was selling the resulting excellent Grand Cru Champagne for just Euro 13 per bottle. Suffice to say, thanks to the programme demand had soared as had the price!!

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Although James May can be entertaining, and there are a few funny one-liners, it would have worked better, I think, had his part been played by someone who really did know nothing about wine. I am quite sure that Mr May has seen and tasted a lot of good wines over the years and knew a good deal more about them before this trip than he is forced to portray. The programme makers seem to want the viewer to believe he's some sort of working class slob when clearly he is nothing of the sort, causing the whole thing to misfire a bit for me.


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