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Tough Duck


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My o/h always does the food shopping, and occasionally turns up with "bargains" from the meat counter.  This time it's cuisses de canard.  When I cook these, however I do it, they invariably turn out like boot leather!  Any ideas - maybe slow cooking, a marinade etc - for getting over this?
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Dead easy to do Coops. We just put ours in a hot electric frying pan to brown them for a few mins. Then turn it down till the liquid is just moving and then leave it to do it's thing for a couple of hours. The liquid is the fat from the legs. There will be a lot of it and it is wonderful for all sorts of other cooking, raost pots especially!!

We love it.

If you don't have an elecrtifical frying pan just do the same with a heavy based pan on the hob... It really could not be easier [:D]!

Edit   :- Blimey Twinks. I have just looked at your method there. It seems very complicated. We don't do any of that, it just comes out of the fridge and into the pan, as it were??? Nowt added and wonderful!!!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

Edit   :- Blimey Twinks. I have just looked at your method there. It seems very complicated.


Really worth the extra trouble though. We always make sure we've got plenty of duck fat from when we've had a roast so don't need to render it specially.

You can also make it even better by adding one or two extra ingredients to the marinade - a bay leaf, a quartered onion some thyme and a dash of cider vinegar - whatever suits you really. As in the recipe though it is important to get all the marinade ingredients off the duck legs before cooking.

Smashing stuff!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

We must try the complicated way, but have you tried it 'au nature' with nothing on (behave!!!). Fantastic...

Oh dear, I just know that a 'French' person is going to correct that one??[:'(]


Every Saturday night!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

Blimey Twinks. I have just looked at your method there. It seems very complicated. We don't do any of that, it just comes out of the fridge and into the pan, as it were??? Nowt added and wonderful!!!



Nice to see you again - my love to Francis.

In the words of Delboy - "Mange-tout, mange-tout"!  I've been here so long that I've forgotten how to do simple in the kitchen.  Sorry[:)]

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"Trust me, I'm a doctor". I can't for the life of me remember who said that? But Coops as long as you just get it ticking over very slowly you ville not fail!! Ve haf vays of getting eet rright [:D]. You can leave it as long as you like, but a couple of hours is usually good for us.

No mess either, not like you get with the breasts (bet that gets wiped out??).

Bon apitite (is that correct monitor??[:D]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got duck legs tonight, but I'm taking tablets for it. Sorry, got a bit carried away there. Wonderful as usual and Frances, OH, did a wonderful mix of haricot blanc, tomatoes, corgette and aile to go with it. Food for gods!

I forgot to say before, but our electrifical frying pan has been going strong since I got it as a freebe when I bought a set of 7 stainless steel Renaware sausepans in Singapore when I was there in the R.A.F. in 1968. The sausepans cost about £550 at the time, but when you only have to spend money on beer and some food too I suppose? It has been a good buy and is in use almost every day even now and will be so for many years yet...

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[quote user="cooperlola"] Any ideas - maybe slow cooking, a marinade etc - for getting over this?[/quote]

I put cuisse straight into my [electric] slow cooker and leave them for the ususal length of cooking time (4/8 hours depending on whether high or low - or some variation in between).  No browning first, no added anything - cook in own fat, bones fall out, skin peels off, and the duck meat tastes delicious.  Occasionally I put a little extra fat in if I have any left from a previous cooking, but only if cuisse are not that fatty as they sometimes aren't in UK.  Don't believe in making anything more complicated than it needs to be! 

PS my original slow cooker (still going strong - fingers crossed) dates back to mid-70s, bought smaller newer ones more recently, but not a patch on the original.  Couldn't live wihout it.

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