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Mushroom Picking


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Hi Guys

I have decided to venture out and try my luck at mushroom picking. I live in the Portes du Soleil area and was wondering if there were any groups i could go out with . Also have been out looking for ceps, i know they grow under particular tree, can any one help with the best areas to find ceps

Kind Regards


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Use Domainial forests (sorry the spelling is probably wrong) as hunting is not allowed in them, well not round here anyway. It's normally restricted to the village forest and land. Please, don't forget to use a wicker basket with no liner so the spores that fall off the mushrooms can fall through to repopulate. This will help ensure there are more mushrooms next year for you and others to enjoy.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I use a simple technique to find the best location and (more importantly) time for finding mushrooms. Drive around the country side looking for two or three cars parked in out of the way places near woods. Check that they do not have dog trailers attached because, as has already been pointed out, it is the hunting season. Our neighbour will only go looking 10 days after a day with 5cm of rainfall. A good source of information is  http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/   Good luck

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We pick cepes from the wood. There have been none this year yet in this area. We find that most of them grow under chesnut trees.

Didn't eat these though.


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You couldn't take a picture of a cepe and post it, could you?  We think we have some in our grounds.  We have chestnut and pine and fir trees.  We had 2 huge ones a couple of weeks ago but we suspect that they have been nicked!

Now we have 3 more that we are trying to hide from prying eyes, so a picture would be helpful to enable us to know whether these are the real McCoy or not.

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Sweet17, I don't have any Cepe pictures on my photobucket album, but if you click the link to my blog below and look at some of the older posts, there are some pictures of them in the woods and in a basket. There are no pictures of me eating them though, as they go down far too fast!

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Thank you, Pads & Bob

My OH says we have at least 3 different types of mushrooms in our garden.  He thinks we have a couple of cepes but the ones I am talking about have longer, more slender stems and a more domed cap.

Great idea to look out for them in the markets.

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Just as well you didn't eat them - they look like Sropharia aeruginosa (verdigris agaric) which are poisonous.Ick! [+o(]

I'm a member of the Hutingdon Fungus group. http://www.shotbolt.com/hfg/

I never seem to find time to foray in the Mervent Vouvant forest which is near our holiday house in the S.E. Vendee. I'm planning to spend more time in France when I retire in 5 or so years time.


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Sorry but I can not open the link to your poisonous mushroom link.

For a few euros we became members of our village mushroom association who have just cancelled their talk (by our local pharmacy) and lunch, because there are no, or few,  mushrooms around at the moment.  They are great for offering support and identification, but the best sites for finding mushrooms are a closely guarded secret!..  We took the produce of our first mushroom hunt to a member of our association for clarification.  Join these groups they are a source of information and very helpful. 

I prefer the umberella mushroom, it is white and about 1 foot or more in height, and looks like an umberella hence the name, and the cap is like a flat plate, it is very nutty and not slithery when cooked.

If you are not sure what you are picking go to your pharmacy with them, often they have a picture board in the window.  Beware, there is a mushroom that looks just like a cepe but is poisonous, once it has been handled it starts to bruise and the area turns a silver blue colour.

Its great fun and something that can be enjoyed, if well supervised, by all the family.

As a Yorkshire lass I would say 'If in doubt do nowt'.

Happy mushroom hunting

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