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Complete France Forum

Spotted Dick

Colonel Mustard

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Well, I tried out our butcher with a request for suif, and he asked me to repeat the word.  Then he shrugged, and asked what I wanted it for.  Cue monologue about mixing it with flour and steaming it to make something a bit like mique.  He then showed me a block of lard (not UK fat for baking, but that pork thing that looks like a bite would send your arteries into convulsions).  When I explained that it was usually the fat that surrounded kidneys the penny dropped.  He didn't have any, but said that if I called in tomorrow he would find me some.

Watch this space...

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There was another french guy in the butchers this morning, hanging on the end of the counter, chatting away to the butcher.  He followed the whole conversation with a wry grin on his face, and then as soon as I was out out the door guffawed loudly. 

Perhaps they thought that the whole dumpling thing was a red herring, and that I really wanted suif for its other translation (tallow) to start my very own cottage candle-making empire [;-)]

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