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Four letter word - diet part 2


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Well done with the alcohol this evening Jan. First time I started on the vinegar I think it took about three weeks for all aches and pains to disappear but there was a gradual improvement after only a few days. That was on 2 teaspoons of each once per day, the arthritis site states 3 times per day. Because of my size ( I'm only 5 foot) I find I only have to have half measures, so perhaps others might need more. Once didn't wake up from an anaesthetic for 2 days.[blink]

Welcome Bugbear, really hope it works for you. Like you said if we all post on results we can find correct dosage etc.

The Other Jan

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I also read on the internet that it is good for the gallbladder and gall stones.  Not that I have them, but maybe a way of keeping them at bay.  I'll see how I get on with it and if I find it is helping I'll have to try and persuade OH to give it a go.  He is always complaining of aching this and aching that, so might do him good too.

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Sorry, slightly off topic but just wanted to let you know that Ben came home last evening and is well - all things considered!  Looking a little sorry for himself but otherwise the patient had a restful night.  Jezzie, our border collie, and Holly, our cat, have both been fussing around him like little nurses [:)]

I too am going to start the ACV regime - I actually quite like the taste of vinegar so am doing without the honey.  Not sure it's going to replace my pre-supper Pineau though [:P]

Lynda x


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I'm back again! Had a 5 day trip to the uk so didn't post last week. I have put on a lb[:(]It could have been worse as I actually managed to turn down a slice of cheesecake and various cakes! It is sooooo difficult to keep to a diet when relying on other peoples cooking! So, I'm back onto the diet this week, I need to do a bit of damage control before easter. Unfortunately the kids have bought me a cadburys flake easter egg[:D] I can never decide whether its best to eat it all up quickly or to try and limit myself to a bit each day! I might go any buy myself some apple vinegar, sounds worth trying and I also like the taste of vinegar. Congratulations to everyone who is loosing weight, and keep trying those who (like me!) have still got a long way to go. I plan to keep reminding myself that summer is just around the corner and I can't hide the extra weight under a jumper! All the best, Joy

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Welcome back Joy!  Hey, one lb isn't too bad at all and, as I said a couple of weeks ago, it won't be actual fat [+o(] but just a bit of fluid retention - honest!

And here I am as living proof!  Not only have I shed that pesky 1lb but I've also lost a further 2lbs [:D][:D] - and I had a birthday at the weekend which included a couple of bottles of champers (hey, any excuse!) and a lovely meal out on Sunday lunch!  I will never tire of saying it - Cal Counting Rules - OK!!!

So m'dears, what can I say/do to get you motivated?  I once saw a film where someone said to someone who was trying to stop smoking (and not succeeding very well), "You are either a smoker or a non-smoker.  Decide what it is that you want to be - and be it!"  It's a bit different I know, in that you can become a non-smoker instantly!  Well, perhaps not so different - because YOU can become a person who IS going to be 1lb lighter next week!

I think Mr Motivator's job is safe for another week [;-)][:P]

Ah, here's another thought - though not for the faint hearted and it does come with a parental warning.  A couple of Summer's ago I used to have to smear the inside of my thighs with vaseline [:-))] as they got quite uncomfortable when I got hot and, let's face it, sweaty [+o(] and they used to chafe.  I vowed I would never have to do that again.  Just a thought .... [;-)]

Lynda x



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Hi Lynda, congratulations on the weight loss! you are a star. It is definately fat, only good news is that I'm still a couple of pounds lighter than post christmas!!!LOL!  Am drawing a line under last few weeks and seriously back on track today. (Once that pesky easter egg is gone, Oh and then it's my birthday!- oh dear.) Joy

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Well done - 1lb won't take long to shift and you are doing so well Lynda.

Same again for me this week.  Unfortunately got invited out to lunch yesterday and was promised it would be light.  However, it was chicken pie with peas and mashed potato with bacon and onion gravy.  I did only have one portion whereas OH had seconds.  That was followed by some very tasty dutch cheeses.  So I'm not really surprised that I've not lost this week.  Not gained though, so that's a bonus.  This must be the longest ever "plateau".

Easter Sunday is going to be interesting as well.  We have been invited to dinner and I know how good a cook my friend is, so if I don't weigh in next Tuesday - you'll know why [6]

I have been taking the ACV & Honey 3 times a day.  I can almost now get out of bed without saying "ouch, my knees", so it must be doing something.


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Well done Lynda, you must feel sooooo good. Keep motivating us I keep thinking how disappointed I am going to be when shorts and bikini time comes around again. It seemed ages away last week when it was freezing but much warmer today so must stay focused. No loss for me this week thought I had been quite good but probably too many carbs.

Jan & Joy you are doing well, no real weight gain and eating lovely meals. So pleased the ACV is working Jan, is it helping the personal summers, I've noticed mine have disappeared.

The Other Jan

Still slimming and smiling  [:D]

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Hi all! Where is everybody this morning? I have decided to not weigh myself this week![:)] I need an extra week to allow my easter egg to disappear! I have finished eating it, and now feel totally "off" chocolate[+o(] and in need of large platefulls of salad! Thank goodness the sunny weather has arrived! At last i feel the urge to cut back on the refined carbs and to much away on healthy things like veggies fruit and salad! Hopefully by next week the scales will show a loss[:D] Hope you have all had a good week. Joy

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Know what you mean Joy, I haven't been weighed either. Problem hasn't been chocolate but potatoes, don't know where that is coming from. Perhaps I've been cutting back on the carbs too much and need a fix. Warm weather is encouraging though have just had a salad with tiny bit cheese for lunch. I'm sure we will all be big losers by this time next week. [:D]

The Other Jan

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Hi Jan

Potatoes! Give me chocolate any time[:D] Can't say I get too excited about potatoes, unless it's chips!!! I am having salmon with new potatoes and salad for dinner, nice and healthy!(Oh! and of course a glass of rose wine [:)] All the best 'til next week. Joy

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Did ya miss me [:D]

Oh dear, oh dear!!!  Now come on girls - is this a thread about dieting or is this a thread to see how many excuses we can think of as to why we've not lost weight?  [:$] Sorry if that sounded a little harsh - call it hormones or whatever you want, but I just get SO frustrated for you because you clearly WANT to lose weight - (well, I'm assuming that you do or else why would you be adding to this thread every week??).  Now, what has occurred to me is that none of you have actually said HOW you're going to lose weight - other than read books about it and drink apple cider vinegar (sorry again!).

So, come on, here's your challenge.  If you REALLY REALLY mean it about wanting to lose weight, tell me - and everyone else reading this thread - what 'regime' you're going to follow to enable you to do it.  Hopefully, it will be something sensible and will include eating less calories (not necessarily less food!) but it really doesn't matter at this stage as long as it's a plan.  I was going to add at the end, "and you stick to it", but if you don't then it isn't a plan anyway.

There, I've had my rant - and I truly hope that I haven't offended any of you because that was not my aim.  I've tried being nice and polite and I've tried giving you motivational thoughts but this week's lethargy was just too much!  So shock tactics it is. I just want to help you to achieve your goal - but you have to have a goal and a plan to start with, and not just a prayer and/or keeping your fingers crossed.

I did get on the scales this week and I have stayed the same, ie I am still 22lbs lighter than when I started on the regime on the 2nd February.  I'm really not trying to be smug, but ask yourselves how much you have lost since you started posting on this thread.  Yet I too have gone to dinner parties, and restaurants, and eaten the odd bit of chocolate, and certainly had lots of wine, and am menopausal (as you can probably tell from this posting [:$]) - so stop kidding yourselves ladies.  If you want to do it then you can!

Blimey [:-))]!  I think I now need to go and lie down in a darkened room.  "Best place for you",  I can hear you say!

I guess after this the answer to my first question will be a resounding NO [:P]

So, unless I get struck off by a forum moderator for being so inflammatory, or start getting 'hate mail' for being so mean, till next week ..

Lynda x

(lighting the blue touch paper and standing well back)

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Hi Lynda! Of course I missed you! You are my motivation! I love to hear how you are doing, it really does encourage me to keep on trying. OK, I am back on track this week- honestly! No more excuses! I am now back to following the Rosemary Conley GI diet. Basically allowed up to 1400 cals per day, and yes that does allow the odd treat and a glass of wine each day. I know that i will loose weight if I stick to it, But it does come off slowly, at around 1lb per week. Slow but steady I guess.[:)] I have lost weight since i started, 4lbs, not great for 3 months! My downfall has been 2 trips back to the UK (eating what I was given) and Easter! (It was a rather large egg!) Please do keep encouraging us! You have done so well. See you soon. Joy

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Lynda I haven't got a clue what to do to lose weight now. I have been dieting for 40 years, up until about 8 years ago it was really easy to shed the pounds. Then I slowly started gaining weight, 4 years ago I started trying to do something about it but didn't lose a thing until last October when I lost 5 kilos. I was over the moon and I think I did it by eating salmon, melon and drinking only water for a couple of weeks. I haven't gain anything but have reached a plateau again [:'(] Yesterday I had salad for lunch, no dressing, and a lean pork chop with carrots for dinner.This  is a normal days eating, no biscuits, chocolates, alcohol, this seems only to be maintaining the same weight. I said I hadn't a clue but it looks like the salmon etc; again but it is so drastic [8-)]

I am really pleased that you have lost so much, it must feel SOOOOO Good [:D]

The Other Jan

Still smiling & hopefully slimming [:D]

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Hi Other Jan.  Do you mean that you're a bit of a yo-yo dieter; loosing it for a while and then putting it back on again?  I hope so becaue if you've been really dieting for 40 years then you've definitely been on the wrong diet! [:D]  The salmon thingy sounds postitively dangeous - you didn't really lose 5 kilos in two weeks, did you [:-))]

Sorry to be flippant but it really sounds like you need to get in control of you're eating - and, from what you're saying, it actually sounds like you're not eating enough and that's why you're not losing weight!!  I've mentioned it before but if you don't take in enough fuel then the 'fire' will go out and will stop burning up your excess body weight. 

Jan, the fact that you've been "dieting for 40 years" suggests that you've bounced from one 'diet' after another and had periods in between of 'normal' eating and over indugence eating, i.e. the yo-yo dieting that I mentioned earlier.  So, here's a suggestion: stop dieting all together!  Instead, decide on how much fuel your body needs each day (and, trust me, it will be considerably more than probably what you think it should be, based on what you've said) and then control your eating to ensure that you take on board that amount of fuel.  Buy a calorie counting book or use an on-line facility (see the excellent website mentioned by La Vette) and weigh and measure everything you eat.  It may sound a pain to do but you very quickly get used to it and start to recognise what your portions look like.  You can eat exactly what you want to eat (salad dressing, glass of wine, etc etc) but you must make sure that you're eating up to your fuel allowance - but no more!  So, not dieting, just sensible, controlled eating.  When you've lost your excess weight then you can gradually increase your fuel consumption to a steady 'holding' rate. 

If you do this Jan I GUARANTEE that you will lose weight.  I too was a yo-yo dieter (I have photos of me from various parts of my life that would make you cringe) so please don't use the excuse that your metabolic rate is all wrong.  Once you start to eat sensibly - and the right amount - then your metabolic rate will get back on track.  The only situation where this may not occur is if you have some sort of medical issue and I'm assuming that this is not the case.

Please don't be down hearted - you really can do it if you have a plan.

And I look forward to you ditching the "hopefully" from your sign-off line! [;-)]

Lynda x


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Lynda, many thanks for taking the time to write such a helpful reply.

I haven't actually yoyo dieted, I have just calorie counted. From the age of 18 until 50 my weight hardly changed, but I know if I had eaten what I wanted I would have been enormous. It is all in the genes, a standing joke in our family is 'but I can't get the b jeans on.' [:D] My mother and grandmother were very fat and I know they did not overeat. Similarly my sister is fat, eats very sensibly and goes to the gym every day. Last October I got so fed up (ho ho) with looking frumpy that I did the dreaded salmon diet, also did a cabbage thing so I might have lost the 5 kilos over 3 not 2 weeks. I am now just about 6 kilos overweight so it would be fantastic to lose that. I don't think there is anything wrong medically but Doc isn't interested, just said 'come back when I can roll you'. Not sure what he meant by that [blink] Whatever you do don't start me on the French health service. I think forum members must be really bored by now with my posts on the health thread [:(]

Will give eating more a try this week and do some more exercise. Going on an unexpected beach holiday in May because the roof is falling in !!!. It would, sorry, it will be lovely to wear that bikini.

The Other Jan

Still Smiling and Slimming [:D]

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Lynda, many thanks for taking the time to write such a helpful reply.

I haven't actually yoyo dieted, I have just calorie counted. From the age of 18 until 50 my weight hardly changed, but I know if I had eaten what I wanted I would have been enormous. It is all in the genes, a standing joke in our family is 'but I can't get the b jeans on.' [:D] My mother and grandmother were very fat and I know they did not overeat. Similarly my sister is fat, eats very sensibly and goes to the gym every day. Last October I got so fed up (ho ho) with looking frumpy that I did the dreaded salmon diet, also did a cabbage thing so I might have lost the 5 kilos over 3 not 2 weeks. I am now just about 6 kilos overweight so it would be fantastic to lose that. I don't think there is anything wrong medically but Doc isn't interested, just said 'come back when I can roll you'. Not sure what he meant by that [blink] Whatever you do don't start me on the French health service. I think forum members must be really bored by now with my posts on the health thread [:(]

Will give eating more a try this week and do some more exercise. Going on an unexpected beach holiday in May because the roof is falling in !!!. It would, sorry, it will be lovely to wear that bikini.

The Other Jan

Still Smiling and Slimming [:D]

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Hi everyone. Hope that you've all had a good week. I am definately back on track and have lost 2lbs this week. I still have a long way to go, so just have to keep myself motivated and keep on counting calories. I have varied between 1300kcals per day up to 1600kcls on other days. (mainly 'cos the kids and husband wanted to go to mcdo's last saturday- i had a ham salad, no fries.) Thanks Lynda for the motivational talk last week, it worked! See you all next week. Joy[:)]

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