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Four letter word - diet part 2


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 I have started another thread as the other seems to have gone a bit off track![:D] Ok. Have plucked up my courage and weighed myself! i need to loose about 10kg. (I have bought some new scales that only weigh in kg.) the new healthy eating programme (diet) starts today! New slim 2007 here I come ( hopefully). Anyone joining in?  Joy

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I weighed in as well today and I too need to lose about 10kg.  Count me in. 

OH weighed himself too and is joining me in a new regime.  Friends want to join us on regular walks, so exercise will be part of the regime. 

Fortunately, said friend does a lot of weight training, etc (mainly during the summer) so hopefully I'll be able to pick up a few tips from him and I'm going to try and find my yoga book (still in a box in the barn somewhere I suspect).


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I'm with you Joy!  I posted on the 'off track' thread a week or so ago and  said I would be back on the 2nd, so here I am.  (I've posted on this one just to keep you company! [:D])

I too got one the scales this morning and need to loose about the same as you Joy - though I'll be doing it in lbs!  I lost 30 lbs last year between February and May, averaging 2lb a week, but since the end of the summer I'm afraid that I have been decidedly off the wagon [:$].  This last weekend has seen me eat and drink for France - and England too probably - knowing that today was the start of the regime and it was all crowned off last evening with home made fish & chips - in beer batter!!!! [:-))]. 

I guess I'm one of life's yo-yo dieters and (usually) don't have much of a problem in loosing weight - my battle is trying to keep it off.  My key to successful weight loss is simply to count calories - it always works for me and I can pretty much eat what I want but stop when I get to around 1300 cals for the day.  I do usually eat very healthily when I'm doing this but it does mean that I can also have a glass or two of wine [:)].

Anyway, Tuesday's are my weigh-in days so will be back next week to report in.  As I said last time, it might not be very interesting for anyone else but I need the discipline of having to do it - a sort of virtual Weight Watchers meeting - without the fees [:D]

Top Tip of the Week : write down everything you eat and drink each day (it might make you think twice before you put it in your mouth! [;-)])



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I found my old slimming magazine club handbook and diet lists yesterday.  They did a diet called Back to Basics, so I think I'm going to give that ago.

I'll probably have a bowl of porridge for lunch (didn't get up in time for breakfast), and a pork chop with vegetables (no potatoes) tonight.

I think I might set myself up one of those "ticker" thingys we had last time if I can find the thread with the instructions on it. 


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Hi Jan and Lynda, it's good to have some company, I also need the discipline of a weight watchers type meeting! A virtual meeting is great! i will be following my old weight watchers books and trying to increase my levels of exercise by doing exercise dvds (once the kids are back at school next week!) Tuesdays will be my weigh in day, and I agree it's a good idea to write everything down! i am having the first two weeks alchohol free to kick start the weight loss([:(]) and will then allow myself the odd glass of wine. Good luck to everyone this week. Joy

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Forgive the naivity, but how do so many of you know how much you need to lose?  It all sounds very exact. 

I've given up beer to counteract the weather-induced effects of not being able to cycle.  I think the weight's ok, but I've recently started acquiring nostril hair, and I need to lose all of that sharpish. [+o(]

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 Have just weighed in- 1.8kg lost! Am now almost back to pre-christmas weight. However, that was the easy part, now comes the long hard slog to loose the remaining 8 kg!!Hope you all have had a good week. Keep on going!!!! Joy

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Sorry to hear that Jan, maybe it will show up as a big loss next week. I normally only loose about 1lb a week (if that) so am delighted this week but don't expect to loose anywhere near as much from now on! I have managed one week without my nightly glass of wine and have another week to go before I can have one glass a day again[:)].

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Morning Girls!  Hey, well done Joy - and she's right Jan, it'll probably show next week.

My loss for week 1 is 4lbs - hurrah [:D]!  See, doesn't it sound better when it's in lbs [;-)]

I've duly completed my spreadsheet - yes, that's what I said!  For me loosing weight has to be like a military manoeuvre - everything planned, weighed and counted.  I know this sounds a bit anorak-ish but it's what works for me - I'm just an all or nothing sort of girl.  Having said all this, just to show that I'm not completely bonkers, this is what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast:   Yoghurt & pear

Lunch         Large avacado Salad

Dinner         1 small glass Pineau, turkey & prawn fried rice (large plateful) from M&S healthy eating recipe book) and TWO glasses (150ml) red wine!

I've eaten well, never been hungry, had my five portions a day and still enjoyed a glass or two! (and never gone over 1200 cals a day)

By the way, can someone tell me how to get that ticker thing to show on this forum.  I've set one up and tried to cut & paste, even using directions from a previous thread, but all I get is the url string [:(]

Have an excellent week everyone and, as they used to say at 'Fat Club' meetings, "we hope to see less of you next week"!

Tip of the Week:  to make drinking 2 litres of water a day easier, break up your day into four, e.g. 8-11am, 11-2, 2-5, 5-8. Drink 500ml every 3 hours - easy!  (I start with a new (clean & fresh) 500ml bottle each day and fill it up for each subsequent 'slot').  It's good for your body, good for your skin, helps to stop you feeling hungry and helps to water down the alcohol [:D]



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Hi Linda - well done - keep it going.  I'm not too disappointed with mine, at least the 0 matches my shape [:D]

The ticker thingy - if I remember right it's the first lot of codes you need to copy and paste (not the html/url one).

Visitors just arrived, so have to go - be back on later.


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I changed mine to pounds.  It's the bbCode you need to copy and paste. ...... and I changed my goal and set myself a first goal and an ultimate goal.



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I think you are allowed to say that.  Just had scrambled eggs on toast for tea.  Had some friends over a few days ago and they brought me some really tasty wholegrain bread from Tesco - makes lovely toast - eggs - free range from a friend in France.  OH had chicken, broccoli and cauliflower.  I just didn't fancy a big meal as we had helped some friends get some wood in today and helped stack it and they gave us a "hearty" soup made with pasta, bacon, carrot, sausage, peas, etc for lunch with bread (although I did skip the butter).

Tomorrow (I can't eat first thing when I get up) I'll have a big bowl of porridge for lunch with a sliced banana or creme fraiche on it and probably a vegetable crumble for dinner.  Also, having gone off coffee about 16 years ago, I am now on the black decaffeinated coffee and it's not so bad, but about half an hour after drinking it, I need the loo.

Ooooooh I can feel the weight dropping off [;-)].

My ticker will change next week for something more "dynamic"


PS - where is everyone else??????


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Congratulations Lynda and Jan- brilliant news! I on the other hand have not had such a good week! We have had a couple of apparos to go to this week, not the most diet friendly of foods! Am afraid I failed to write everything down and as a result have gained 300g[:@]

Am starting afresh this week and increasing my levels of exercise! My new exercise dvd has arrived and I've just done the first workout- it's a real killer! But good fun as well! I aim to do it three times a week, so hopefully next week I'll have another loss. I'm still less than I was though so am not too unhappy! Main challenge this week is going out with group of friends to the chinese restaurant on friday! [:D] All the best Joy

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Well done Jan, we said you'd have a good one this week [:D]  Hey Joy, chin up; as you say, you're less than you were when you started and that's the main thing [:D]

We've also started to up our exercise levels this week.  In the summer last year we were doing a good hour and a half of fairly rigorous walking with our two dogs.  Unfortunately one of the dogs tore both ligaments in one of his back legs and had to have a fairly major operation.  Consequently the walking stopped (the other dog is a Border Collie and she gets all her exercise by typically being manic and rushing round the garden all day) and as a result we all put on weight - apart from the Collie!  Anyway, his leg is now considerably better and we've had him out for a couple of half hour walks.  We were at the vets this morning and he suggested a couple of half hour walks a day to build up his muscle - and reduce our waistlines (though he didn't say the last bit!).

Enjoy your meal on Friday Joy but remembe the old Chinese proverb: she who eats too many prawn crackers will have gloomy day on Tuesday [;-)]

Till next week



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