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Diet Club 2008


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Congratulations to everyone who has lost this week! [:D] I have lost 1/2 lb, not a lot but then I am still finishing off the christmas cake, (oh and the last box of chocolates! - sorry , I can't bear to throw them away! Will have to get the kids to eat them up! I have started to count my weight watchers points this week, and hope to get some exercise in as well. Suey, the best way to eat for a diabetic is a low GI diet. Do a search on amazon for a good recipe book (Rosemary Conley does a good diet plan). Keep up the good work everyone! Joy

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Hi all - I lost 1/2 lb this week as well.  Not much, but from small beginnings.  Having been sticking to no drinking, but last night I did finish off a glass of dry white.  The other half a litre went into a Poulet Bourgiugnon.  However, one glass of wine, one night a week is hardly going to upset the scales.


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Hi everyone.  I have lost 2lb this week and finding it easier than the first few days. My worst time of day is the afternoon at about 4pm so am eating loads of fruit and raw carrotts to carry me over to supper time. Next week will be difficult as we are going to the UK for a week to visit family but I will be taking my weight watchers points book with me so I can keep on track (hopefully) The main things I have given up are bread, cheese, potatoes and alcohol and of course chocolate. We were lucky this Christmas as my mom forgot to buy us any chocolates and as I only like Cadburys (mom worked there for many years) I have not had any since our last visit to the UK in early December !!! I hope I can resist next week but her fridge is always full of chocolate.
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Hello everyone! What happened last week? Lots of people seemed to be missing!!![:(] I have lost 2lb this week[:D] I am really pleased, still have about 10lb to go though! The thought of a weeks holiday in Spain in april is spurring me on! can't face t-shirts and shorts looking like this! hope some others of you are doing well, I am following weight watchers points, but keeping to low fat and low sugar things within that. (No wine except at weekends!) Joy X

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="Joy1"]Am I the only one left? Have you all given up, or just had a bad week!? Only another few months of hiding under jumpers before we have to get the t-shirts out!!! Come on folks! Joy

I'm still here Joy, if only in spirit not the flesh. there will be a lot more flesh when I get back from Spain though. Back home in a couple of weeks and definitely back to dieting. Keep picturing myself in 12 months time 2 stone lighter feeling fit; healthy and confident [blink]

Lets hope we are not the only two who will look good in our shorts and t-shirts this summer.

The other Jan

Still smiling and soon slimming [:D]

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Hello Jan and Jan! I am so glad that I'm not all alone![:(] I had almost given up hope!

After a good start and a 2lb loss I have now gained a pound! ( I put it down to lack of encouragement from fellow slimmers!)

I am actually off to see my doctor this week. I would like to get my thyroid checked as I have loads of symptoms! (Slow digestion (5 days[+o(]) feeling even more tired when I wake up then when I went to sleep, fluid retention, lack of weight loss etc etc.) We will see what she says! See you next week, Joy

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I'm still here, sometimes anyway! I've not had much time recently for the forum[:$] Computers been playing up! spent most of last week trying to install a new printer...........Tried another new printer same thing ..... hours spent on very expensive help lines.... ends up its the computers fault (only 6 months old by the way)  had to do a total system recovery and spent the whole weekend restoring my files, programs, passwords, favourites, email settings and Internet connections. Oh and the new printer installed like a dream! Could have kept the first Printer (much cheaper) [:-))]

Well at least it stopped me from getting hungry, its surprising how little food you need when you are stressed [:-))]

My goal was to lose about 1/2 stone, but I changed my scales and found I was heavier than I thought [:-))] now I really need to loose about 3/4 stone [:(]

Since I got the new scales ( 8 days ago) I have lost about 1lb and as someone else said 1lb in two weeks is 2 stone a year.

I'm being very good in the morning have either porridge or muesli, no bread only crackers, using a smaller plate for my main meal and no snacking but I allow myself one small treat per day eg. 1 chocolate biscuit, 2 choccies out of the box, otherwise If they were forbidden I would want them even more [Www]

I don't believe in going hungry, but you must ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you just want to eat it!

See you all next week

ps don't you just love smileys [:D]


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Scooby do hope you have had some time off work 12 lbs is a HUGE weight loss.

Hope docs visit went well Joy. Just had a thought [I] when I was on low fat diet inners were very slow.

Still in Spain so no diet, have been exercising every day and it is helping but thighs are getting bigger and it doesn't feel good. Back home next week so back on track and looking forward to looking  soooo good in the shorts and t -shirts in a couple of months.I  know I can  and will lose half a stone before end of April. I'm sure everyone else can and believe me it is a great feeling [:D] trying on clothes becomes a pleasure.

The Other Jan

Still smiling and soon slimming [:D]

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I've been very bad this week, in more ways than one!

First bad thing was I was ill with a very bad head cold, don't snigger, it was really bad, felt like I had been hit in the face with a football!!!

Second bad thing I didn't feel like cooking so we had 3 yes 3 takeaways!! : 1 Indian (chicken biriani) 1 Chinese (Special fried rice) and fish and chips with a pot of curry, stuffed myself with chocolates my daughter brought home from America, had 2 fried egg sandwiches with tomato sauce, oh the list goes on....but I was starving!

Well they say feed a cold and starve a fever and I definitely had a cold!

I'm back on the wagon now promise

Where's Joy today?

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I'm still here [:D] Just got back home and haven't plucked up the courage to get on the scales. Going to try extra hard this week lots of exercise and back on the low fat diet. Have tried to stick to low fat while away and clothes are not toooo tight. Now back on own computer will have a look at the FITDAY site.

The Other Jan

Still slimming and smiling [:D]

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Oh dear where is everyone. Are you all doing as badly as me [6] Haven't got a clue what got into me this week, well physically it was chocolate, alcohol and anything fattening. Managed to almost get control over the weekend and also started exercising again. Going to a party on Easter monday so must get into the party dress.

The other Jan

Still slimming & smiling [:D]

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Hi Jan. i am still here!!! I'm not sure if most people now weigh-in on Wednesdays? Anyway, it's good to see you back! I was in the  UK for 10 days, and actually managed  to stay the same weight! Back to the calorie counting now though. Hopefully we'll both have lost something before next week[:D] JoyX

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