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Diet Club 2008


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Hi everyone, happy New Year![:D] I hope that you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed yourselves! I thought I'd get the ball rolling for 2008 by starting a new thread, and get myself back on the "straight and narrow"! I have weighed myself this morning, and amazingly have only put on 1lb despite eating and drinking what ever I felt like over Christmas - I am truly amazed as I normally gain at least 5lb over Christmas, perhaps the vitamin pills are working and my metabolism has speeded up a bit, and of coursr I have continued to stay off bread. (I did eat some on New Years eve bur suffered pain and bloating all day yesterday, so never again[6]) I still have some chocolates to eat and other nibbles so don't expect much loss by next Tuesday! See you all soon, Joy X

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It's OK Joy - I put on your other 4lb[:)] - now you know where it has gone!  I have eaten everything and lots of it over Xmas and New Year.  I gave up dieting last year because I just couldn't get motivated, but I really feel like going for it this time.  So lots of exercise, a bit less food and hopefully a lot of weight loss.  I'm never going to be Twiggy and part of my problem is that I don't actually care enough to make to much effort - thin just isn't that important.  But I do need to get rid of the excess so Happy New Year and good luck.
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I weighed myself and took all my measurements this morning.  I dug out my old diary from 2006 where I'd noted my diet achievements and found than two years to the day later I am over a kilo lighter but all my measurements are bigger - the worst being my waist at over 5cm larger.  How's that then?  Same scales, same tape measure. The approach of the menopause I suspect.

Have started the new regime with a two hour dog walk this morning.  Yesterday was my birthday so we had a blow out 9 course resto lunch with champagne and wine, from today it's alcohol free...

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I'll be member 3 then[:)]

[quote user="Joy1"] and get myself back on the "straight and narrow"! 


I just want to get back into last years jeans [:-))]

As I get older its creeping up. I am 62kg this morning and  that's a rise of 2kg in 2 weeks !!

New years resolutions:

Change my user name (already in the pipeline)

Eat less

More exercise  ( muck out my horse every day!!)

Spend less time on the computer

If I achieve 3 out of 4 I will be pleased


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I'll add myself to the band of dieters.  I've had four months off work (surgery * 2 to reconstruct my knee after an accident) which has meant too much eating (boredom) and not enough exercise (knee like a melon) and I'm now showing the effects.  I still have to have regular physio for another 6 months which should help but still need to cut out the choccies, booze, biscuits, more booze etc

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Welcome to all fellow healthy eaters! Poor you dolly daydream! Definately not a diet to recommend[+o(] Here's to a good week for us all, see you all back here next Tuesday (the usual day for weighing in!) I won't be too strict with myself this week, there's still lots of Christmas left over goodies to eat! Why OH why do I always buy too much!! Joy

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Thinking of joining in as I'm creeping up a bit. I'm normally quite stable around 98 kg but after a hearty Christmas and New Year offshore not sure I even want to get on the scales when I get home.

Biggest problem for me is temptation.

Offshore being a round the clock operation if I want to I can eat a 3 course meal every 8 hours, plus cheese and biscuits of course, and if I get peckish in between I can grab a bit of cold meat or something and make myself a sandwich !

Not saying I do indulge as above of course you understand [:-))]

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Hello, where is everyone today? I have stayed the same this week, but I have had a horrible throat infection and cold[:(] so have,t really tried very hard. Still delighted to have only gained 1lb over the festive period, despite 4 meals out and lots of chocolate!

Welcome again to all new healthy eaters, and hello to the faithful from last year. Here's to a brilliant and slimmer 2008! Love, JoyX

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I'm here[:)]

Well I think I am abut the same as last week  scales don't really show such small differences.

Most of the Christmas choccies have gone now or have been put in the bin : my best friend bought me a huge Thornton's chocolate and nougat concoction made up of an outer case of chocolate nougat about 6" across  and 2" tall filled with allsorts of chocolate goodies, I did eat some of the inside pieces but eventually put it in the bin (hope he doesn't find out)

Haven't got much time now as I have to go and muck out my horse.

Try and post again later today

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Seem to be back down to my norm of 98kg without really making any deliberate effort but like you Geordie girl, I too have been a bit queer with a funny tummy over the last 3 or 4 days so not been eating or drinking so much.

I don't know where I expect to end up, I don't have a target, I'll leave those to the UK government, but every kilo will be to the good [;-)]

Both me and 'er indoors have started taking morning walks with our neighbour and her dog, can't do any harm !

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How I hate the word diet...[:'(] I've changed the title above [Www]

I have just had a bowl of the veg soup I made 30 mn ago.

Feeling rather lazy, I quickly grated a carrot, a courgette, some tomatoes and a couple of sticks of celery through the Magimix, dumped the lot in a pan, added 1 l of water and 3 tbsp of Marigold bouillon. Delicious!

... and no potatoes (I'm determined to reduce the carbs) [:)]

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Hi Nounoupie

Welcome to the forum

I'm not the OP but I'm sure you can joins us.

I did post earlier today (Tue) and said I would post again latter when I had more time, but I got sidelined with another thread and didn't have time.

I will try and post tomorrow as I have some tips I hope will be helpful.

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Hi to all new healthy eating friends! Everyone is welcome to "join"!  Thanks for changing the name Clair, I quite agree! My brain wasn't working last week(not much better this week as I still have a heavy cold!) Joy

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Hello everyone - I'm here too and hoping to lose a few kilos.  I lost half a stone before Christmas because I had really bad flu and couldn't face food.   I'm over that now, but would like to try and keep the weight off and reduce it too.

Have just come back from shopping armed with my Special K and loads of veg to make soup for this evening. 

After the last couple of years struggling to lose weight and only succeeding in putting it on, let's hope 2008 will be different and that my resolve to lose will become a reality.


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Hi everyone.  Can I join too?? I began the weight watchers point system healthy eating plan ( I also don't like the word diet) on 2nd January 2008.  I weighed myself this Tuesday and have lost 3lb. It really works for me although I know it doesn't work for everyone.  I want to lose about 12LBS in all so will keep at it for now.

My problem is excercise - can't stand it !!!

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Sorry folks but the picture was of a lady laying on her back, legs up in the air, balancing scales on her feet.  It did open when I put it on the site but doesn't appear to want to know now.

Good luck all you dieters.  May I join too, have put on about five kg since moving here in Oct 2006, my hubby who was on the obese side of chubby now been diagnosed with diabetes so is being oh so good and has lost 4 kg in three weeks - so "I must try harder" - I can remember writing that a lot at school (like 100 lines!!).

Bonne chance every one.


ps anyone got any good recipes for diabetics??


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