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help - eggless cake


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Based on your other posts, I believe you read French... [:)]


2 yaourts nature ou arômatisés

2 pots de sucre

3 pots de farine

1/2 pot d'huile de tournesol

1sachet de levure chimique

1ou 2 fruits (pomme, banane, poire...) coupés en petits morceaux ou chocolat en poudre si autorisé


Mélanger tous les ingrédients dans un plat creux Verser la préparation

dans un moule beurré Mettre au four 45 min th180C Ne le démouler que

lorsque le gateau est froid.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you made the cake yet?  I have a lovely eggless chocolate cake recipe, I've made it loads of times ... let me know if you want it. 


(here it is .....



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Newbiee, that's a naughty thing to do, posting a picture like that.  Now I have to go and make a cake straightaway!  Can only do a Victoria sponge, however,

You'll now have to post the recipe on the starter/main course/dessert thread so that we can have instant reference to it whenever we want to make it.

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