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Guinea fowl


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Not sure if this should be in food or wildlife!!!...

Has anyone had any on their land??

I'm thinking of getting a few but would like to know a bit more about them such as ...do they need  a coup for night, are they easier than chooks to look after, are they less friendly than chooks,what do they eat, are they noisy- basically anything you have to offer on the subject please!!!!

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Am I right in thinking that only an  Aussie would call a chicken a chook?

I have plenty of Guinea Fowl living wild around me.  They are quite beautiful.  http://gallery.mac.com/johnmartinbradley#100081&bgcolor=black&view=grid

The only time I hear from them is when Mr Leopard is trying to catch them :-0.  Not a problem you will have in France, but I suspect that Mr Fox might think you're a jolly good fellow for providing him with such nice food - unless you provide a coup for them at night.

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By guinea fowl do you mean pintarde, if you do, and you have near neighbours, please think of them, our farmer puts pintarde on his field from sept until jan, the noise is HORENDOUS, they are not like chickens, squawk for a while then stop, the noise only stops when the farmer puts them in the shed for the night, our french neighbours have just had a baby, and have said that they must speak to the farmer to see if he can move them elewhere, I think he has more chance of having tea with mother Theresa.
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Guinea fowl or gleanies (spelling?) are, as Belle says, EXTREMELY noisy !  If you aren't driven mad by the noise, your neighbours, if you have any, will be ! !  It would be worth your while finding out if anyone has them locally, and spending a bit of time 'observing' them !

Some friends of ours reared some for the pot (and, boy, were they delicious....) but vowed they wouldn't do it again because of the noise.  They just go on and on.

But if noise isn't a problem, then they are wonderful birds, nice to watch and easy to look after.  And, apart from their eggs, which are also very nice, make  a delicious meal !

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