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Just Katie

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What made me think the consumption of horse meat is illegal? I have seen a few horse butchers here.  Their shops are very small and quaint.  When speaking about this at work, I have been told that these butchers are in decline, and also many of my colleagues have shown their distaste to the eating of this meat.  Then I find this!

It is normal that the larger cities lead the rest of the nation in different trends.  What is happening throughout France? Is this product in decline or is the trend on the heels of Paris?

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It is common here in the rural south (Languedoc) for you see mobile horse butchers come around once a week, and there are a few shops still going. Needless to say there are always a few 'cuts' in the supermarkets.


Shop in Olonzac

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It is also available in all of our supermakets. However, outside of a few, they do tend to not offer it as often around the tourist season. I personally would never eat it regardless, but even for those that are the biggest meat eaters it is not the fact that it is horse that is being eaten it is the absolute barbarity and cruelty involved in the horse meat trade that is so disgusting. [:'(]

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I don't think I could eat it either, but I must admit, I do have a bit of a sick fascination with it and I don't know why. 

I have asked a few people at work what it tastes like and most of them don't like it.  One guy has told me that if it is not cooked properly it will give you worms.  My mum told me that was the case with all meat.[:-))] 

Another guy went Parisian on me and started blowing raspberries and ranting and raving in French [blink], I think he was telling me to eat fish but I wouldnt put my mortage on it.

I quite liked Shergar and that alone would put be off, but I can understand hard nosed carnivores eating it.  At the end of the day how would this person see a horse differently to a cow?

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On the route de Boulogne between Coquelles and Calais, there are quite a lot of horse butchers, so perhaps that is a big area for eating it.  We usually have some horse steaks when we are in France.  It doesn't really taste any different to steak.  As far as I'm concerned, meat is meat and I'm quite happy to eat horse meat - but then I eat rabbit and duck too and a lot of English people won't eat those on the basis that rabbits are regarded as pets in England and ducks are what you feed on the local pond.  I must admit though, I have never seen horse on a restaurant menu.  My understanding of the English not eating horse is that during the war they had to eat old tough horses and that put the generation who lived through the war off it.  That's what my Mum said, anyway.  I do have French friends though, who will not eat horse, but the family used to keep a pig, chickens and rabbits and would just go out and kill a few rabbits or chickents for a barbecue.  I've also seen them catch starlings and save them for a meal (which I luckily wasn't there for), but they won't eat horse!
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[quote user="WJT"]

it is not the fact that it is horse that is being eaten it is the absolute barbarity and cruelty involved in the horse meat trade that is so disgusting. [:'(]


As a non meat eater anyway (vegetarian) may I say that my reasoning is as WJT's, but for all animals.


Its not that they die (get killed) its how horrible their life often (mostly) is. The few exceptions are exactly that, lucky exceptions. I have farmers around me who really care and others who are frankly quite awful - and that is even before we get into road shipping 'live carcasses' for hours/days. By comparison the family who keep, catch and despatch their own sound admirable.


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[quote user="Jill"]I must admit though, I have never seen horse on a restaurant menu.[/quote]

The local auberge had horse steak hâchés on the menu du jour when we went there once.

Yonks ago when I was on a school trip at Fécamp we had a half a day to explore Boulogne on our own.  I was with my horse-mad friend and down a side street she saw a shop sign with a horse on it. Thinking it was a tack shop off we set to investigate - she was none too pleased when we got there!!! 

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