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The mystery of food?


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Why is it when you have hummus and pitta that if you spread it on the bread it dosnt taste as good as ripping the bread and dipping it in the pot .

Why does a brie and tomatoe baguette taste better sat out side ?

Why does a bottle of beer go down much easier witha bag of crisp ?or a bowl of olives ?

Why does every thing on my husbands plate taste better than whats on mine ? 

Why does putting a tomatoe in the fridge completely spoil the flavour ?

Food never fails to amaze me .......... long may it last .....!


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Mmmm yes it does ....... have you tried the melted bar of chocolat mixed with some peanut butter trick,? I also like it on toast with marmalade and banana 

Oh yes and Why does food taste so much better when your drunk or stoned ? [:D]

Wot are you up to tonight Your Twinkleness ?

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I've been waiting for that very comment  ever since I posted. Somehow I was expecting it from you -

If you buy it from a dodgy producer who puts illegal stuff in it and drink it neat and in vast amounts, it may do, like most alcohol.  It's actually a very refreshing drink- first produced in my part of the world, and now legal again for last 2 years. I know all the local producers and they make very good stuff. don't worry about me, honest.

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Why does a fondue taste wonderful after a day's skiing. And samphire, mushrooms, rasperries, taste like the bestest thing ever if you've found and picked it/them yourself. And why did scrumped apples nicked from our neighbour taste tons better than the ones in our orchard, when I was a child. And why does Gruyere taste better in Gruyere, or Stilton taste better in Melton. We used to bring a lot of food back and forth between my childhood home and the UK - but now we enjoy local food, locally and very rarely bring/take stuff with us.

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