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sloe vodka


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I have a bottle of sloe vodka that I made year before last.  Apart from drinking it straight (yummy!) ... what would you mix it with?

I also made some blackberry vodka, but I can't bear the thought of mixing that with anything, except maybe a splash of soda water.

Have also got sloe gin waiting to be drunk.  I can't believe I've been able to leave it alone all this time to mature [Www]

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As with the Muscat you mentioned in a previous thread, these are very poisonous products and I urge you to dispose of them immediately.

Conveniently and by sheer coincidence, I happen to live almost next door to the only place in France where such poisons can be disposed of and I strongly advise you to send them to me ASAP for quick disposal...

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[quote user="Clair"]Choccie,

As with the Muscat you mentioned in a previous thread, these are very poisonous products and I urge you to dispose of them immediately.

Conveniently and by sheer coincidence, I happen to live almost next door to the only place in France where such poisons can be disposed of and I strongly advise you to send them to me ASAP for quick disposal...


They should NOT be disposed of in Europe, the half-life of the toxic products will pollute the area for years. The Arab World have perfected the art of disposing of toxic alcohol products as a matter of cultural priority and I have access to those facilities. I urge you Choccie, do not risk the pollution of European soil with these products.

You may, at little cost, send (by courier) the toxic material to me at an address I will supply, and I will guarantee that Europe will never have to experience them again.

Save France, dispose in the Arab World - you know it makes sense.

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in order to allay any fears you may have regarding the disposal process, It is known as 'Exp'at Ina'rabia' and is operated by a dedicated team of non-Muslim operatives who selflessly expose themselves to the toxic effects in the interests of mankind in general and the Arab World in particular.

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I obviously can't describe the process of disposal in detail, as this would be a breach of industrial security, but it would be converted to a relatively innocuous substance that is accepted by the local Municipality in the drainage system. There would be no lasting effects on the environment I can assure you. We are very strict on these disposal matters.

Save Europe, dispose in the Arab World.

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No, no, Chocccie, don't do that!  We can't possibly let you do something that smacks so much  of loneliness and a lack of friends.

Just tell us where you live and we promise to try our very best to visit you and help you with such a massive task!

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