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Memb, Queen of the Scones!

We'll have to have a Scones Day every year at about this time and as many people as possible from the Forum will have to make and eat them.........

Then, we can all raise our cups of tea to Memb and we can feel kinda "connected?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on, where are all the cooks out there?

For general information, I have recently made:

Patf's Lentil Bake.  Yummy yum even though I adore meat but it was a treat for OH

Sueyh's pudding with apples, walnuts, raisins.  Suitably stodgy (as all puddings should be) and as nice cold as hot.  OH loved it with custard but I prefer yoghurt as I don't really like things too sweet (despite my name).

Now, I use salmon quite a lot as it's one of the more affordable fish.  Anyone with nice salmon recipes?  I sometimes make fish cakes but more often than not just poach the fillets and make a sauce (parsely, cheese, tomato, curry, bearnaise) to go with them.

Ideas, please.  Let's get them rolling in again................

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Will never admit to being a cook but even OH who isn't keen on salmon will eat this-


700g finely sliced leeks

3 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp wholegrain musard

2 tbsp clear honey

juice half lemon

250g cherry tomatoes halved

4 x 175g skinless salmon fillets

Put leeks into microwave dish, sprinkle with 2 tbsp water. Cover dish with cling film & pierce a couple of times. Cook on high for 3 mins stand for 1 min.

Whisk olive oil, mustard, honey and lemon juice together season with s&p. Scatter tomatoes on top of leeks & spoon over half of sauce.

Lay salmon fillets on top of veg and spoon remaining sauce over them. Replace cling film and cook on high for 9 mins.

I don't usually cook in the microwave but this seems to work well. I'm sure it could be adapted for conventional cooking.

PS You might want a bit more lemon juice and less honey if you don't like sweet things.

PPS Sweets, have you come across this site www.bbcgoodfood.com You just type salmon or whatever takes your fancy into Search Good Food Recipes.

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Thank you, Poppy, for the recipe and for the link.

OH should like your salmon recipe as leeks are his national veg.  Used to make me laugh, the sight of these great big leeks pinned to people's lapel on St David's Day.  LOL!

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Thanks Sweet for reminding me that leeks are Welsh. We lived in N Wales for a few years and felt very at home, I think if we ever returned to the UK we would go back there. I guess I always associate Wales with daffodils because I am a 'geordie' girl and think of the annual leek shows in Northumberland where it was such a big event and first prize was a television or fridge. In those days such prizes were worth an awful lot. Thanks again for the memory [:D]

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  • 6 months later...

Very very yummy main course!

Steamed Salmon with ginger and spring onion

Ingredients for four

  • 4 Salmon fillets
  • 4 spring onions
  • 1 inch of root ginger
  • Soy Sauce (I use about a third of a bottle of dark soy sauce)


1. leave skin on Salmon

2. cut ginger and spring onion into juliene (ie. very very fine matchsticks using the white and green of the spring onion)

3. lay ginger and spring onion onto the salmon (flesh side up)

4. pour over soy sauce and leave to marinate in the fridge (over night is best)

5. Steam for 10 to 15 minutes depending on thickness of salmon or cook in the oven.

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Thank you, Sue, for reviving this thread.

Love the sound of your salmon recipe.  Guess the secret is the marinading overnight.  Am very tempted to rush out and buy some salmon tout de suite.

Got the fresh root ginger but, alas, no spring onions so will have to use ordinary onions.  Nevermind, will add parsely from the garden and possibly a spoonful or two of dry white wine in the marinade.

Bon appetit!

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We had salmon cooked like that at a friend's house and it really was delicious. I've always meant to try it myself.

Thanks for the recipe.

There are cheap(ish) whole salmon in the shops on promo at the moment and they freeze well.

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