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Hi 47

I am going to try your chicken/dijon/orange sauce recipe today followed by the choc chip cookie recipe to follow.

Will let you know how it went

Gaurdian i will use your artichoke starter.

Must say i've never cooked so much since coming to france, and really enjoy trying out all the different recipes.


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[quote user="Geordie girl"]

Hi 47

I am going to try your chicken/dijon/orange sauce recipe today followed by the choc chip cookie recipe to follow.

Will let you know how it went

Gaurdian i will use your artichoke starter.

Must say i've never cooked so much since coming to france, and really enjoy trying out all the different recipes.



Good news G.G.   Hope you like them!  Another STARTER, the easiest quickest ever:

Ingredients  -  1 whole cucumber, pack of smoked salmon slithers, tub of cream cheese with chives.

Method   - 1... Peel the whole cucumber, and half it down the full length, now scoop out the seeds carefully (to make a well), cut into 2inch pieces.    2...... Fill "the well" with the cream cheese and chives.    3.....Top with slithers of the smoke salmon.

Serve on a plate with a bit of nice crispy lettuce.


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Hi everyone, this is a recipe my mum used to make (as you can tell from the regulo mentioned in the method!!) for MAIN COURSE.  I have made it a few times and would suggest that you make a little bit more sauce.  This is the original recipe:


Chicken Normandy


4 Portions of chicken fillet

1 large onion

2 oz butter

6 oz mushrooms

1 chicken stock cube

6 fl oz apple juice

2 level tablespoon flour

pepper and salt to season

4 oz double cream

1 des sp. Fresh parsley





Cut chicken into serving portions, trim and wipe mushrooms and chop onions. Make stock using, 4 fl oz hot water with ½ stock cube, and 6 fl. Oz apple juice.  Melt butter in pan, when hot put in chicken coated with some flour and fry until golden brown.  Drain and put chicken in casserole.  Fry chopped onion in butter, add mushrooms and sauté these.  Add flour and cook for a minute.  Add stock mixture, mix in gradually, bring to boil pour over chicken.


Cook for 1 hour on regulo 4.  When cooked add double cream. 

To reheat cook on regulo 2 covered with tin foil.


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FRESH  FRUIT  BRULEE - Made with Crème Fraiche - Sainsburys recipe!!


8 oz punnet strawberries washed and sliced

4oz white grapes (seedless) washed and halved

1 fresh peach, washed and sliced

8 – 10 ratafia biscuits (we used ameretto biscuits)

2 x 200 ml (7 fl oz) tub  crème fraiche

4 – 6 oz light brown soft sugar

fresh mint to decorate


Chilling time 1 hour minimum


1.    Arrange the strawberries, grapes and peach in the base of an approximately 900 ml (1 ½ pint souffle dish or 4 individual ramekin dishes)

2.    Place the ratafia biscuits on top.

3.    Spoon over the crème fraiche to completely seal in the fruit and chill for at least 1 hour.

4.    Sprinkle over the sugar and smooth the top, place under a preheated hot grill for 1-2 minutes until sugar has caramelised.

5.    Decorate with fresh mint and serve.


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Been asked for another easy Starter :

Quick N Easy Brie Nut Crunch

12 slices french bread   -   9ozs sliced Brie   -   6 teaspns. cranberry sauce  -   roasted chopped hazelnuts

1. Put the chopped hazelnuts into a dry frying pan and keep tossing till you see them brown.

2. Put slices bread onto a baking tray and place under preheated grill.  Toast lightly on ONE side.

3. Put Brie on untoasted side and put under the hot grill until the Brie starts to melt.

4. Spread each toast with 1/2 teaspoon cranberry sauce and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon hazelnuts.

Serve immediately with bits of crispy lettuce.


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Very, very easy dessert:


Apple, Raisin and Nut Pudding


2lb    Diced Apples

8oz    Demerara Sugar

4oz    Plain Flour

2tsp   Vanilla Essence

4oz    Raisins

4oz    Broken Walnuts

2tbs   Melted Butter

1        Egg


Mix all together, place into a large greased flan dish.


Bake at 170 Gas Mark 3 for 50 minutes approximately. Until firm and golden brown on top.


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Yet another EASY DESSERT


1 whole Pineapple   -   2 ozs butter   -   2 ozs brown sugar   -   1 red chilli pepper (chopped very very small)

NB - This is best prepared 4 to 5 hours before you need to eat it.

1.    Peel and chop pineapple into chunk size pieces.

2.  Melt butter in a small pan and add sugar, heat until sugar is melted.

3.  Add the chopped chilli pepper to the syrup mix and stir.

4.  Now pour it all over the pineapple, give it a good stir around and leave in fridge till you want it.

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Sufficient large flat mushrooms for the amount of people you are serving (1 per person)  -   Roquefort cheese   -   Sufficient slices of Prosciutto Bacon for the amount of mushrooms.

1. Wash the mushrooms and place them cap down and fill with roquefort cheese, now criss cross a piece of prosciutto bacon across them to cover and keep the cheese in place whilst they're cooking.

2.  Put in pre-heated oven and cook for about 15 minutes.

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OK so I don't have a recipe but just wanted to point out that there is no need to put an apostrophe in between the e and the s of recipes because it is only a plural - save yourself all that effort of pressing the apostrophe key.  The lesson of the day is:

  • You need an apostrophe to show that a letter (or letters) is missing e.g. don't (= do not)
  • You need an apostrophe to show that the thing owns something like the chair's cover
  • For instance you could quite rightly say that Pixietoadstool's exceedingly pedantic or Pixietoadstool's post was particularly annoying AND THAT WOULD BE FINE
Just in case someone gets cross - I would like to explain that I'd much rather someone corrected me about something that I was doing wrong rather than have someone laughing about my mistake behind my back. AND yes I know I'm not perfect (and you shouldn't start a sentence with AND either!)

AND when I think o' some good recipes I'll post Pixietoadstool's favourites.


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[quote user="47AJM"]...   We never have turkey!   [/quote]


Quite right! Over rated.

Last year I had to cook for the entire out-laws tribe (26 on the rollcall!) The Queen Mother was adament that she will have turkey+trimmings and everyone else wanted beef roast+trimmings. I duly obliged to cook as they paid for all the food. I didn't mind the cooking it got me out of their way...

I was quite cross that as she sat for Xmas lunch that old QM declared that she hated turkey [8-)] and I really had wasted my time cooking it [:'(]... A certainly was a waste as no one ate any of it, the dog had a feast on it...

This Xmas, if I haven't managed to escape to a sunnier place where Xmas is not 'de rigueur', I am cooking a curry feast with bahjis, pakoras, samosas, spices, chillies, pilaw rice, dahl, pappadums, puris, sambals etc... etc... etc... and sod it if the QM objects [6][:D]

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Here's a french recipe for a simple starter : Salade Composee , enough for 4

1 head of curly chicory

100g of mild blue cheese eg fourme de Montbrisson, de-rinded and cubed

2 thick slices of  bread, toasted and cubed

12 walnuts, shelled and chopped

for the dressing: 3 soupspoons of lemon juice,4 ss of olive oil, 1ss of walnut oil, salt, pepper

Wash and dry the chicory leaves and arrange in a bowl with the bread cubes and nuts. Pour over the dressing then scatter on the cheese and a handful of chopped parsley. You can add thinly sliced magret or smoked ham.


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Good on you Missy!    Pixie is'nt life a tad too short to be worrying about an apostrophe?  Its a sad sad person who laughs about that mistake behind someone's back.    I hav'nt seen "and when I think o' some good recipes" before, but life IS too short and I'm only adding it in here because I look forward to your recipe/s.
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