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Advocaat & Dubonnet


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Can anyone tell me were I can buy Advocaat as I've done all the usual supermarkets without success and have had to ask friends to bring bottles over from the UK. Also, Dubonnet, I thought this was a french drink but I can't seem to find it in the supermarkets.

Thanks, Chris
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It does look as if Dubonnet in France exists now only in faded advertisements on the sides of buildings. Maybe the specialist wine merchants can help?

See http://fr.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090723133741AAdOoEP

Maybe Queen Elizabeth drinks it all? And the foreign Legion, for whom it was allegedly invented (as a painless way of consuming anti-malaria quinine) and who still like it. One source likens it to Buckfast wine, which is favoured by hoodie-types in parts of Scotland.

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Well thanks all for the info. I've just read all the posts and they did make me laugh. Of course it's a 70's thing who else would know about advocaat but I see I'm not alone here. I still love my snowballs and am quite partial to it neat but have to make it last. Normally I get three bottles at Christmas and make them last until the first visitors arrive but sadly this year I went through them all before the new year was out! I had a lovely time as you can imagine! hic

Thanks again Chris

ps will try the recipes
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