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Hmmm a cheeky little Pinot Noir - NOT

Pierre ZFP

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I meant to post this yesterday but didn't get a round toit

Did you see this


It seems that a dozen scoundrals in Langedoc were passing off inferior wine as Pinot Noir to the Yanks (E and J Gallo) and it prooved to be one of their most popular brands in the states!

A couple of things strike me about this case.  Firstly, the 12 were given fines of between €1500 and €180 000 but they had alledgedly made profits of 7 million - Yeah I'd pay up a fine like that, gladly too.

Secondly, they sold more than 18 MILLION bottles - more than the whole output of the Langedoc region.

You've got to admire their cheek.


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Love it![blink]  Mark you, they were from Carcassonne - dodgy lot over there.[;-)]

Just goes to show though how dopey (some of) our colonial cousins can be sometimes.

I'll never forget being in New York in the dim & distant past - we were in a very expensive restaurant & I was given the wine list by the bloke who was paying. I couldn't help noticing that there was a bottle of premier cru claret priced at (I think) about $50. Now even then, that was a steal of a price and I asked the sommelier whether I was missing something (good Californian wines were up to double).  "No", I was told, "That's right - we just can't shift it. They just don't understand what it is."

The bloke who was paying said go for it, so we did. Just once in a lifetime![:D] 


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  • 1 year later...
Maybe you don't realize it, I know (some of) my English cousins can be a little dopey sometimes, but there are Americans on this forum too, and the use of the word Yanks is very offensive to me.

I'd appreciate it if you'd show more respect. The whole post itself was rude, the way you were making fun of Americans, but as you didn't claim all Americans were dopey, I can't really make a point of that. There are plenty of dopey English people as well.
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It was created to be offensive. It was a term used during the Revolutionary War by the British and was originally a term for a cheese made in the colonies. Now it's mostly known as cheddar cheese.

From Wikipedia:

The truncated form Yank is especially popular among Britons, and may sometimes be considered offensive or disapproving.[3]

It is condescending, and implies a superiority. Just like the whole theme of the post. It really makes me feel bad that people don't even entertain the fact that an American may be living in France and read posts like this and it will hurt their feelings. It's very narrow-minded to think that only English people post on English-speaking forums.
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A lot of songs are ironic ;)

The whole post was just mean-spirited, designed to demonstrate how "uncultured" they find Americans, and the implication that they are dopey. As a woman with a University degree who is also well-traveled and speaks 4 languages, I find it offensive to be stereotyped. Perhaps we can find more interesting things to post about, rather than making fun of people.
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Somewhere along the way acquiring all those skills, did you perhaps loose your sense of humour a little?:) 

Personally I would never use the term "Yanks" but. Like Wooly, I was not aware that it was derogatory.  Very much as in the way we use "Frogs" to describe the French, which has changed from being used derogatively to being in the nature of a term of endearment, I suspect that is also the case now with the term Yanks.

I do not find the post derogatory, just the relation of a humorous tale about getting a very good bottle of wine at a very good price.

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I'm fed up with the fact that much of the world seems to think that it's okay to make fun of us. It really gets old. I don't know if you're American or not, but if you are not, then naturally you won't be offended by the post because it doesn't attack your home country. I have shown the post to some American friends here and they all thought it was arrogant and condescendingly portrayed.

Hurting people's feeling under the cloak of "humor" is not humorous, it's something that schoolyard bullies do to make themselves feel better.

It's sad to think that this is what some English people are saying, when they think no Americans are listening. It makes me feel very bad. There's nothing I can do about it, other than to make them aware that there are more than British people on here, and perhaps some respect and kindness would not be a bad idea.

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[quote user="Siptea"] rather than making fun of people.[/quote]

I find this weird.[:$]

You trawl the forum to find a posting 15 months old to which you object. A post which was in fact made six months before you joined this forum.

Unbelievable or trolling?

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[quote user="Siptea"]A lot of songs are ironic ;) The whole post was just mean-spirited, designed to demonstrate how "uncultured" they find Americans, and the implication that they are dopey. [/quote]

Actually only enough dopey ones to buy 18 million bottles of bum wine [:)]

I worked for US companies for over 20 years, and for over 20 years listened to hysterically funny jokes about Britain, England and Limeys, made by people from all levels of education, without getting as upset as yourself, Siptea.

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So what's your point? I should feel and think like you do because "Limey" jokes don't bother you? I'm my own person and it hurt my feelings. I'd never make jokes about someone's country because I choose not to risk hurting their feelings. I'd like the same courtesy here.
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Siptea - Please note the Code of Conduct which you agreed to by posting (  http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/187/ShowForum.aspx)

 says :

Comments or questions regarding the general administration of the forum should be made by "private message" or using the "Report" link to the moderators or direct to Forum Admin. Such comments or questions should not be posted in the open forum.

If you find the language in the post about wine offensive, the thing to do is press the report button.

Please keep on topic.

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[quote user="Siptea"]I found this post by accident, I was Googling Pinot Noir[/quote]

 But posting here implies you agreed to the Code of Conduct

 FYI and quoting 'Bum Bags and Fanny Packs by Jeremy Smith :

Yank - Yankee

Yankee - originally a person born in the Union or Northern States of the Civil War. "In Europe, an American. In the Northern Statesof our Union , a New Englander. In the Southern States the word is unknown". Ambrose Bierce. The Devils Dictionary 2011

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It has nothing to do with netiquette. I was explaining to the above poster how I found this thread, which was old.

The moderator has asked that this thread be moved to a private discussion, so I don't know why people keep responding to it. It needs to be closed.
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Hmmm .......... a smidge sensitive eh?

Nevertheless, I regret any offence caused to Siptea.  It was however a true story, unembellished.

The irony that you may have missed though, is that I may well have been drinking one of those dodgy cheapo wines from the Languedoc, masquerading as a premier cru!

Enjoy the Limousin.

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