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I have just read in the Independent about this attempt by the French wine industry to redefine French wines in a way more understood outside France.

Instead of referring to the wines by geographical region as has been the traditional way, this new initiative allows the cépage (grape variety) to be shown on the label.

It also gives the green light to producers to blend varieties from different areas.

The idea is to make it easier for consumers to select a French wine based on a similarity with a wine they may have already tasted, or even, heaven forbid, with an Australian or Chilean wine!

This should also allow French wines to compete outside France.


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[quote user="Frederick"]

   The future is bright  ...the future is Chinese .... While the French argue over labels and regions  the vinyards  and  more chunks of France will be sold off .




The link may be not opening ?     This from another publication : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/wine/8392475/Chinese-buyers-snapping-up-French-vineyards.html


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[quote user="nomoss"]Maybe they'll reach the Minervois before all the vines have been dug up....[/quote].

In today's section of the  Tour de France (From Limoux to Montpellier) the large areas where the vines have been grubbed up were pitifully evident

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[quote user="nomoss"]Maybe they'll reach the Minervois before all the vines have been dug up....[/quote].

In today's section of the  Tour de France (From Limoux to Montpellier) the large areas where the vines have been grubbed up were pitifully evident

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[quote user="NormanH"][quote user="nomoss"]Maybe they'll reach the Minervois before all the vines have been dug up....[/quote].
In today's section of the  Tour de France (From Limoux to Montpellier) the large areas where the vines have been grubbed up were pitifully evident

Sad isn't it? Around here they are not planting anything much to replace the vines either. A bit of very poor barley here and there, a few olives. Mostly now large expanses of weeds. Someone has put out a handful of chickens in an exposed field nearby, but they may end up ready roasted in this weather if the predators don't get them first. Not much will grow in the soil, especially with hardly any rainfall for a large part of the year.

I remember years ago being told how the french insisted on maintaining their farming and rural industries. Now there seems to be a complete reversal of that policy.

Rural infrastructures have been badly damaged by closing hospitals, schools, post offices; local government is losing its powers and is about to be more centralised - it can't fund its responsibilities from its tax base anyway. Now a large chunk of activity is being destroyed forever.

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