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Just been given a freshly shot gigot of sanglier and a very large bag of other parts frozen, obviously clearing out his freezer!

Thing is, what do I do with them, how does one cook sanglier, is it the same as pork. Would appreciate any recipes.

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Can't help much with recipes, except to say that you're talking about an animal that is normally for stewing. Having said that I suppose that the saddle would be 'roastable'.  Also young animals (marcassins) are often spit-roasted.

Are you sure that it was "freshly shot"?  I don't think that the hunting season has started yet (not around here anyway), although it might have come from a 'sanglier farm'.

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Casserole it for about 2 weeks. Red wine or cidre. It should be edible by then. It's a bit like bulletproof porc. I'd bin the bits, unless you've got dogs.

FiL hunts, and brings them back. No one else in the missus' family will take it, including the MiL. I hate waste more than I hate sanglier, so it's kept for me.

Sorry. I busted the myth that all frenchwomen can cook. Fortunately the englishman can cook, otherwise we'd starve.

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I marinade in a white wine marinade for three days and then slow roast it as you would for any roast meat. Don't throw the marinade away. Blitz the vegetables and remove any sprigs of herbs and use it to make the gravy. Have been doing this for some years and the meat falls off the bone. if you want exact details, PM me
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